


Provisioning guide » ngnpro_soap_lib.php

Tijmen de Mes, 10/11/2012 07:47 PM

class WebService_NGNPro_SipPort extends SOAP_Client
function WebService_NGNPro_SipPort($path = '')
$this->SOAP_Client($path, 0);
function &addGateway($gateway)
// gateway is a ComplexType Gateway,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$gateway = new SOAP_Value('gateway', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}Gateway', $gateway);
$result = $this->call('addGateway',
$v = array('gateway' => $gateway),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &updateGateway($gateway)
// gateway is a ComplexType Gateway,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$gateway = new SOAP_Value('gateway', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}Gateway', $gateway);
$result = $this->call('updateGateway',
$v = array('gateway' => $gateway),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &deleteGateway($id)
$result = $this->call('deleteGateway',
$v = array('id' => $id),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getGateways($query)
// query is a ComplexType GatewayQuery,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$query = new SOAP_Value('query', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}GatewayQuery', $query);
$result = $this->call('getGateways',
$v = array('query' => $query),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &addGatewayRule($rule)
// rule is a ComplexType GatewayRule,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$rule = new SOAP_Value('rule', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}GatewayRule', $rule);
$result = $this->call('addGatewayRule',
$v = array('rule' => $rule),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &updateGatewayRule($rule)
// rule is a ComplexType GatewayRule,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$rule = new SOAP_Value('rule', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}GatewayRule', $rule);
$result = $this->call('updateGatewayRule',
$v = array('rule' => $rule),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &deleteGatewayRule($id)
$result = $this->call('deleteGatewayRule',
$v = array('id' => $id),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getGatewayRules($query)
// query is a ComplexType GatewayRuleQuery,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$query = new SOAP_Value('query', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}GatewayRuleQuery', $query);
$result = $this->call('getGatewayRules',
$v = array('query' => $query),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &addCarrier($carrier)
// carrier is a ComplexType Carrier,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$carrier = new SOAP_Value('carrier', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}Carrier', $carrier);
$result = $this->call('addCarrier',
$v = array('carrier' => $carrier),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &updateCarrier($carrier)
// carrier is a ComplexType Carrier,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$carrier = new SOAP_Value('carrier', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}Carrier', $carrier);
$result = $this->call('updateCarrier',
$v = array('carrier' => $carrier),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &deleteCarrier($id)
$result = $this->call('deleteCarrier',
$v = array('id' => $id),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getCarriers($query)
// query is a ComplexType CarrierQuery,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$query = new SOAP_Value('query', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}CarrierQuery', $query);
$result = $this->call('getCarriers',
$v = array('query' => $query),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &addRoutes($routes)
// routes is a ComplexType RouteArray,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$routes = new SOAP_Value('routes', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}RouteArray', $routes);
$result = $this->call('addRoutes',
$v = array('routes' => $routes),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &updateRoutes($routes)
// routes is a ComplexType RouteArray,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$routes = new SOAP_Value('routes', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}RouteArray', $routes);
$result = $this->call('updateRoutes',
$v = array('routes' => $routes),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &deleteRoutes($routes)
// routes is a ComplexType RouteArray,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$routes = new SOAP_Value('routes', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}RouteArray', $routes);
$result = $this->call('deleteRoutes',
$v = array('routes' => $routes),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getRoutes($query)
// query is a ComplexType RouteQuery,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$query = new SOAP_Value('query', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}RouteQuery', $query);
$result = $this->call('getRoutes',
$v = array('query' => $query),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &addDomain($domain)
// domain is a ComplexType SipDomain,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$domain = new SOAP_Value('domain', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipDomain', $domain);
$result = $this->call('addDomain',
$v = array('domain' => $domain),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &updateDomain($domain)
// domain is a ComplexType SipDomain,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$domain = new SOAP_Value('domain', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipDomain', $domain);
$result = $this->call('updateDomain',
$v = array('domain' => $domain),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &deleteDomain($domain)
$result = $this->call('deleteDomain',
$v = array('domain' => $domain),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getDomains($query)
// query is a ComplexType SipDomainQuery,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$query = new SOAP_Value('query', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipDomainQuery', $query);
$result = $this->call('getDomains',
$v = array('query' => $query),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &addTrustedPeer($peer)
// peer is a ComplexType TrustedPeer,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$peer = new SOAP_Value('peer', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}TrustedPeer', $peer);
$result = $this->call('addTrustedPeer',
$v = array('peer' => $peer),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &deleteTrustedPeer($ip)
$result = $this->call('deleteTrustedPeer',
$v = array('ip' => $ip),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getTrustedPeers($query)
// query is a ComplexType TrustedPeerQuery,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$query = new SOAP_Value('query', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}TrustedPeerQuery', $query);
$result = $this->call('getTrustedPeers',
$v = array('query' => $query),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &addAccount($account)
// account is a ComplexType SipAccount,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$account = new SOAP_Value('account', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipAccount', $account);
$result = $this->call('addAccount',
$v = array('account' => $account),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &updateAccount($account)
// account is a ComplexType SipAccount,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$account = new SOAP_Value('account', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipAccount', $account);
$result = $this->call('updateAccount',
$v = array('account' => $account),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &deleteAccount($sipId)
// sipId is a ComplexType SipId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$sipId = new SOAP_Value('sipId', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipId', $sipId);
$result = $this->call('deleteAccount',
$v = array('sipId' => $sipId),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getAccount($sipId)
// sipId is a ComplexType SipId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$sipId = new SOAP_Value('sipId', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipId', $sipId);
$result = $this->call('getAccount',
$v = array('sipId' => $sipId),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getAccounts($query)
// query is a ComplexType SipQuery,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$query = new SOAP_Value('query', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipQuery', $query);
$result = $this->call('getAccounts',
$v = array('query' => $query),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &addAlias($alias)
// alias is a ComplexType SipAlias,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$alias = new SOAP_Value('alias', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipAlias', $alias);
$result = $this->call('addAlias',
$v = array('alias' => $alias),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &updateAlias($alias)
// alias is a ComplexType SipAlias,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$alias = new SOAP_Value('alias', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipAlias', $alias);
$result = $this->call('updateAlias',
$v = array('alias' => $alias),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &deleteAlias($id)
// id is a ComplexType SipId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$id = new SOAP_Value('id', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipId', $id);
$result = $this->call('deleteAlias',
$v = array('id' => $id),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getAlias($id)
// id is a ComplexType SipId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$id = new SOAP_Value('id', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipId', $id);
$result = $this->call('getAlias',
$v = array('id' => $id),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getAliases($query)
// query is a ComplexType AliasQuery,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$query = new SOAP_Value('query', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}AliasQuery', $query);
$result = $this->call('getAliases',
$v = array('query' => $query),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &addToGroup($sipId, $group)
// sipId is a ComplexType SipId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$sipId = new SOAP_Value('sipId', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipId', $sipId);
$result = $this->call('addToGroup',
$v = array('sipId' => $sipId, 'group' => $group),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &removeFromGroup($sipId, $group)
// sipId is a ComplexType SipId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$sipId = new SOAP_Value('sipId', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipId', $sipId);
$result = $this->call('removeFromGroup',
$v = array('sipId' => $sipId, 'group' => $group),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getGroups($sipId)
// sipId is a ComplexType SipId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$sipId = new SOAP_Value('sipId', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipId', $sipId);
$result = $this->call('getGroups',
$v = array('sipId' => $sipId),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &addBalance($sipId, $value, $description)
// sipId is a ComplexType SipId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$sipId = new SOAP_Value('sipId', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipId', $sipId);
$result = $this->call('addBalance',
$v = array('sipId' => $sipId, 'value' => $value, 'description' => $description),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &addBalanceFromVoucher($sipId, $card)
// sipId is a ComplexType SipId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$sipId = new SOAP_Value('sipId', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipId', $sipId);
// card is a ComplexType PrepaidCard,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$card = new SOAP_Value('card', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}PrepaidCard', $card);
$result = $this->call('addBalanceFromVoucher',
$v = array('sipId' => $sipId, 'card' => $card),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getPrepaidStatus($sipIds)
// sipIds is a ComplexType SipIdArray,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$sipIds = new SOAP_Value('sipIds', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipIdArray', $sipIds);
$result = $this->call('getPrepaidStatus',
$v = array('sipIds' => $sipIds),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getCreditHistory($sipId, $count)
// sipId is a ComplexType SipId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$sipId = new SOAP_Value('sipId', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipId', $sipId);
$result = $this->call('getCreditHistory',
$v = array('sipId' => $sipId, 'count' => $count),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &addPhonebookEntry($sipId, $entry)
// sipId is a ComplexType SipId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$sipId = new SOAP_Value('sipId', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipId', $sipId);
// entry is a ComplexType PhonebookEntry,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$entry = new SOAP_Value('entry', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}PhonebookEntry', $entry);
$result = $this->call('addPhonebookEntry',
$v = array('sipId' => $sipId, 'entry' => $entry),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &updatePhonebookEntry($sipId, $entry)
// sipId is a ComplexType SipId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$sipId = new SOAP_Value('sipId', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipId', $sipId);
// entry is a ComplexType PhonebookEntry,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$entry = new SOAP_Value('entry', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}PhonebookEntry', $entry);
$result = $this->call('updatePhonebookEntry',
$v = array('sipId' => $sipId, 'entry' => $entry),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &deletePhonebookEntry($sipId, $uri)
// sipId is a ComplexType SipId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$sipId = new SOAP_Value('sipId', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipId', $sipId);
$result = $this->call('deletePhonebookEntry',
$v = array('sipId' => $sipId, 'uri' => $uri),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getPhonebookEntries($sipId, $match, $range)
// sipId is a ComplexType SipId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$sipId = new SOAP_Value('sipId', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipId', $sipId);
// match is a ComplexType PhonebookEntry,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$match = new SOAP_Value('match', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}PhonebookEntry', $match);
// range is a ComplexType Range,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$range = new SOAP_Value('range', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}Range', $range);
$result = $this->call('getPhonebookEntries',
$v = array('sipId' => $sipId, 'match' => $match, 'range' => $range),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &setRejectMembers($sipId, $members)
// sipId is a ComplexType SipId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$sipId = new SOAP_Value('sipId', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipId', $sipId);
// members is a ComplexType StringArray,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$members = new SOAP_Value('members', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}StringArray', $members);
$result = $this->call('setRejectMembers',
$v = array('sipId' => $sipId, 'members' => $members),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getRejectMembers($sipId)
// sipId is a ComplexType SipId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$sipId = new SOAP_Value('sipId', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipId', $sipId);
$result = $this->call('getRejectMembers',
$v = array('sipId' => $sipId),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &setAcceptRules($sipId, $rules)
// sipId is a ComplexType SipId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$sipId = new SOAP_Value('sipId', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipId', $sipId);
// rules is a ComplexType AcceptRules,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$rules = new SOAP_Value('rules', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}AcceptRules', $rules);
$result = $this->call('setAcceptRules',
$v = array('sipId' => $sipId, 'rules' => $rules),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getAcceptRules($sipId)
// sipId is a ComplexType SipId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$sipId = new SOAP_Value('sipId', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipId', $sipId);
$result = $this->call('getAcceptRules',
$v = array('sipId' => $sipId),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &setBarringPrefixes($sipId, $prefixes)
// sipId is a ComplexType SipId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$sipId = new SOAP_Value('sipId', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipId', $sipId);
// prefixes is a ComplexType StringArray,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$prefixes = new SOAP_Value('prefixes', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}StringArray', $prefixes);
$result = $this->call('setBarringPrefixes',
$v = array('sipId' => $sipId, 'prefixes' => $prefixes),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getBarringPrefixes($sipId)
// sipId is a ComplexType SipId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$sipId = new SOAP_Value('sipId', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipId', $sipId);
$result = $this->call('getBarringPrefixes',
$v = array('sipId' => $sipId),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &setCallDiversions($sipId, $diversions)
// sipId is a ComplexType SipId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$sipId = new SOAP_Value('sipId', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipId', $sipId);
// diversions is a ComplexType CallDiversions,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$diversions = new SOAP_Value('diversions', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}CallDiversions', $diversions);
$result = $this->call('setCallDiversions',
$v = array('sipId' => $sipId, 'diversions' => $diversions),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getCallDiversions($sipId)
// sipId is a ComplexType SipId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$sipId = new SOAP_Value('sipId', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipId', $sipId);
$result = $this->call('getCallDiversions',
$v = array('sipId' => $sipId),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getCalls($sipId, $query)
// sipId is a ComplexType SipId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$sipId = new SOAP_Value('sipId', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipId', $sipId);
// query is a ComplexType CallsQuery,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$query = new SOAP_Value('query', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}CallsQuery', $query);
$result = $this->call('getCalls',
$v = array('sipId' => $sipId, 'query' => $query),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getCallStatistics($sipId, $query)
// sipId is a ComplexType SipId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$sipId = new SOAP_Value('sipId', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipId', $sipId);
// query is a ComplexType CallsQuery,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$query = new SOAP_Value('query', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}CallsQuery', $query);
$result = $this->call('getCallStatistics',
$v = array('sipId' => $sipId, 'query' => $query),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getSipDeviceLocations($sipIds)
// sipIds is a ComplexType SipIdArray,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$sipIds = new SOAP_Value('sipIds', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipIdArray', $sipIds);
$result = $this->call('getSipDeviceLocations',
$v = array('sipIds' => $sipIds),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getSipTrace($filter)
// filter is a ComplexType SipTraceFilter,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$filter = new SOAP_Value('filter', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipTraceFilter', $filter);
$result = $this->call('getSipTrace',
$v = array('filter' => $filter),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getMediaTrace($filter)
// filter is a ComplexType MediaTraceFilter,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$filter = new SOAP_Value('filter', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}MediaTraceFilter', $filter);
$result = $this->call('getMediaTrace',
$v = array('filter' => $filter),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getMediaSummary()
$result = $this->call('getMediaSummary',
$v = null,
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getMediaSessions()
$result = $this->call('getMediaSessions',
$v = null,
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
class WebService_NGNPro_VoicemailPort extends SOAP_Client
function WebService_NGNPro_VoicemailPort($path = '')
$this->SOAP_Client($path, 0);
function &addAccount($account)
// account is a ComplexType VoicemailAccount,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$account = new SOAP_Value('account', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}VoicemailAccount', $account);
$result = $this->call('addAccount',
$v = array('account' => $account),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Voicemail',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &updateAccount($account)
// account is a ComplexType VoicemailAccount,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$account = new SOAP_Value('account', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}VoicemailAccount', $account);
$result = $this->call('updateAccount',
$v = array('account' => $account),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Voicemail',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &deleteAccount($sipId)
// sipId is a ComplexType SipId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$sipId = new SOAP_Value('sipId', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipId', $sipId);
$result = $this->call('deleteAccount',
$v = array('sipId' => $sipId),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Voicemail',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getAccount($sipId)
// sipId is a ComplexType SipId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$sipId = new SOAP_Value('sipId', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipId', $sipId);
$result = $this->call('getAccount',
$v = array('sipId' => $sipId),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Voicemail',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &setAnnouncement($sipId, $message)
// sipId is a ComplexType SipId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$sipId = new SOAP_Value('sipId', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipId', $sipId);
$result = $this->call('setAnnouncement',
$v = array('sipId' => $sipId, 'message' => $message),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Voicemail',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
class WebService_NGNPro_EnumPort extends SOAP_Client
function WebService_NGNPro_EnumPort($path = '')
$this->SOAP_Client($path, 0);
function &addRange($range)
// range is a ComplexType EnumRange,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$range = new SOAP_Value('range', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}EnumRange', $range);
$result = $this->call('addRange',
$v = array('range' => $range),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Enum',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &updateRange($range)
// range is a ComplexType EnumRange,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$range = new SOAP_Value('range', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}EnumRange', $range);
$result = $this->call('updateRange',
$v = array('range' => $range),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Enum',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &deleteRange($range)
// range is a ComplexType EnumRangeId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$range = new SOAP_Value('range', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}EnumRangeId', $range);
$result = $this->call('deleteRange',
$v = array('range' => $range),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Enum',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getRanges($query)
// query is a ComplexType EnumRangeQuery,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$query = new SOAP_Value('query', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}EnumRangeQuery', $query);
$result = $this->call('getRanges',
$v = array('query' => $query),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Enum',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &addNumber($number)
// number is a ComplexType EnumNumber,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$number = new SOAP_Value('number', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}EnumNumber', $number);
$result = $this->call('addNumber',
$v = array('number' => $number),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Enum',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &updateNumber($number)
// number is a ComplexType EnumNumber,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$number = new SOAP_Value('number', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}EnumNumber', $number);
$result = $this->call('updateNumber',
$v = array('number' => $number),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Enum',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &deleteNumber($enumId)
// enumId is a ComplexType EnumId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$enumId = new SOAP_Value('enumId', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}EnumId', $enumId);
$result = $this->call('deleteNumber',
$v = array('enumId' => $enumId),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Enum',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getNumber($enumId)
// enumId is a ComplexType EnumId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$enumId = new SOAP_Value('enumId', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}EnumId', $enumId);
$result = $this->call('getNumber',
$v = array('enumId' => $enumId),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Enum',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getNumbers($query)
// query is a ComplexType EnumNumberQuery,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$query = new SOAP_Value('query', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}EnumNumberQuery', $query);
$result = $this->call('getNumbers',
$v = array('query' => $query),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Enum',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
class WebService_NGNPro_DnsPort extends SOAP_Client
function WebService_NGNPro_DnsPort($path = '')
$this->SOAP_Client($path, 0);
function &addZone($zone)
// zone is a ComplexType DnsZone,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$zone = new SOAP_Value('zone', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}DnsZone', $zone);
$result = $this->call('addZone',
$v = array('zone' => $zone),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Dns',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &updateZone($zone)
// zone is a ComplexType DnsZone,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$zone = new SOAP_Value('zone', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}DnsZone', $zone);
$result = $this->call('updateZone',
$v = array('zone' => $zone),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Dns',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &deleteZone($zone)
$result = $this->call('deleteZone',
$v = array('zone' => $zone),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Dns',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getZone($zone)
$result = $this->call('getZone',
$v = array('zone' => $zone),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Dns',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getZones($query)
// query is a ComplexType DnsZoneQuery,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$query = new SOAP_Value('query', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}DnsZoneQuery', $query);
$result = $this->call('getZones',
$v = array('query' => $query),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Dns',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &addRecord($record)
// record is a ComplexType DnsRecord,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$record = new SOAP_Value('record', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}DnsRecord', $record);
$result = $this->call('addRecord',
$v = array('record' => $record),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Dns',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &addFancyRecord($record)
// record is a ComplexType DnsFancyRecord,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$record = new SOAP_Value('record', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}DnsFancyRecord', $record);
$result = $this->call('addFancyRecord',
$v = array('record' => $record),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Dns',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &updateRecord($record)
// record is a ComplexType DnsRecord,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$record = new SOAP_Value('record', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}DnsRecord', $record);
$result = $this->call('updateRecord',
$v = array('record' => $record),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Dns',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &updateFancyRecord($record)
// record is a ComplexType DnsFancyRecord,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$record = new SOAP_Value('record', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}DnsFancyRecord', $record);
$result = $this->call('updateFancyRecord',
$v = array('record' => $record),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Dns',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &deleteRecord($recordId)
$result = $this->call('deleteRecord',
$v = array('recordId' => $recordId),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Dns',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &deleteFancyRecord($recordId)
$result = $this->call('deleteFancyRecord',
$v = array('recordId' => $recordId),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Dns',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getRecord($recordId)
$result = $this->call('getRecord',
$v = array('recordId' => $recordId),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Dns',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getFancyRecord($recordId)
$result = $this->call('getFancyRecord',
$v = array('recordId' => $recordId),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Dns',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getRecords($query)
// query is a ComplexType DnsRecordQuery,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$query = new SOAP_Value('query', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}DnsRecordQuery', $query);
$result = $this->call('getRecords',
$v = array('query' => $query),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Dns',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getFancyRecords($query)
// query is a ComplexType DnsFancyRecordQuery,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$query = new SOAP_Value('query', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}DnsFancyRecordQuery', $query);
$result = $this->call('getFancyRecords',
$v = array('query' => $query),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Dns',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
class WebService_NGNPro_RatingPort extends SOAP_Client
function WebService_NGNPro_RatingPort($path = '')
$this->SOAP_Client($path, 0);
function &setEntityProfiles($profiles)
// profiles is a ComplexType RatingEntityProfiles,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$profiles = new SOAP_Value('profiles', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}RatingEntityProfiles', $profiles);
$result = $this->call('setEntityProfiles',
$v = array('profiles' => $profiles),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Rating',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &deleteEntityProfiles($entity)
$result = $this->call('deleteEntityProfiles',
$v = array('entity' => $entity),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Rating',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getEntityProfiles($entity)
$result = $this->call('getEntityProfiles',
$v = array('entity' => $entity),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Rating',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
class WebService_NGNPro_CustomerPort extends SOAP_Client
function WebService_NGNPro_CustomerPort($path = '')
$this->SOAP_Client($path, 0);
function &addAccount($account)
// account is a ComplexType CustomerAccount,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$account = new SOAP_Value('account', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}CustomerAccount', $account);
$result = $this->call('addAccount',
$v = array('account' => $account),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Customer',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &updateAccount($account)
// account is a ComplexType CustomerAccount,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$account = new SOAP_Value('account', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}CustomerAccount', $account);
$result = $this->call('updateAccount',
$v = array('account' => $account),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Customer',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &deleteAccount($id)
$result = $this->call('deleteAccount',
$v = array('id' => $id),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Customer',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getAccount($id)
$result = $this->call('getAccount',
$v = array('id' => $id),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Customer',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getCustomers($query)
// query is a ComplexType CustomerQuery,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$query = new SOAP_Value('query', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}CustomerQuery', $query);
$result = $this->call('getCustomers',
$v = array('query' => $query),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Customer',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getResellers($query)
// query is a ComplexType CustomerQuery,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$query = new SOAP_Value('query', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}CustomerQuery', $query);
$result = $this->call('getResellers',
$v = array('query' => $query),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Customer',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &setProperties($customer, $properties)
// properties is a ComplexType CustomerPropertyArray,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$properties = new SOAP_Value('properties', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}CustomerPropertyArray', $properties);
$result = $this->call('setProperties',
$v = array('customer' => $customer, 'properties' => $properties),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Customer',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getProperties($customer)
$result = $this->call('getProperties',
$v = array('customer' => $customer),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Customer',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
class WebService_NGNPro_NetworkPort extends SOAP_Client
function WebService_NGNPro_NetworkPort($path = '')
$this->SOAP_Client($path, 0);
function &getStatistics()
$result = $this->call('getStatistics',
$v = null,
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Network',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getStatus()
$result = $this->call('getStatus',
$v = null,
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Network',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
class WebService_NGNPro_InternalSipPort extends SOAP_Client
function WebService_NGNPro_InternalSipPort($path = '')
$this->SOAP_Client($path, 0);
function &addGateway($gateway)
// gateway is a ComplexType Gateway,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$gateway = new SOAP_Value('gateway', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}Gateway', $gateway);
$result = $this->call('addGateway',
$v = array('gateway' => $gateway),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &updateGateway($gateway)
// gateway is a ComplexType Gateway,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$gateway = new SOAP_Value('gateway', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}Gateway', $gateway);
$result = $this->call('updateGateway',
$v = array('gateway' => $gateway),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &deleteGateway($id)
$result = $this->call('deleteGateway',
$v = array('id' => $id),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getGateways($query)
// query is a ComplexType GatewayQuery,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$query = new SOAP_Value('query', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}GatewayQuery', $query);
$result = $this->call('getGateways',
$v = array('query' => $query),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &addGatewayRule($rule)
// rule is a ComplexType GatewayRule,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$rule = new SOAP_Value('rule', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}GatewayRule', $rule);
$result = $this->call('addGatewayRule',
$v = array('rule' => $rule),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &updateGatewayRule($rule)
// rule is a ComplexType GatewayRule,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$rule = new SOAP_Value('rule', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}GatewayRule', $rule);
$result = $this->call('updateGatewayRule',
$v = array('rule' => $rule),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &deleteGatewayRule($id)
$result = $this->call('deleteGatewayRule',
$v = array('id' => $id),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getGatewayRules($query)
// query is a ComplexType GatewayRuleQuery,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$query = new SOAP_Value('query', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}GatewayRuleQuery', $query);
$result = $this->call('getGatewayRules',
$v = array('query' => $query),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &addCarrier($carrier)
// carrier is a ComplexType Carrier,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$carrier = new SOAP_Value('carrier', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}Carrier', $carrier);
$result = $this->call('addCarrier',
$v = array('carrier' => $carrier),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &updateCarrier($carrier)
// carrier is a ComplexType Carrier,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$carrier = new SOAP_Value('carrier', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}Carrier', $carrier);
$result = $this->call('updateCarrier',
$v = array('carrier' => $carrier),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &deleteCarrier($id)
$result = $this->call('deleteCarrier',
$v = array('id' => $id),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getCarriers($query)
// query is a ComplexType CarrierQuery,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$query = new SOAP_Value('query', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}CarrierQuery', $query);
$result = $this->call('getCarriers',
$v = array('query' => $query),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &addRoutes($routes)
// routes is a ComplexType RouteArray,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$routes = new SOAP_Value('routes', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}RouteArray', $routes);
$result = $this->call('addRoutes',
$v = array('routes' => $routes),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &updateRoutes($routes)
// routes is a ComplexType RouteArray,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$routes = new SOAP_Value('routes', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}RouteArray', $routes);
$result = $this->call('updateRoutes',
$v = array('routes' => $routes),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &deleteRoutes($routes)
// routes is a ComplexType RouteArray,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$routes = new SOAP_Value('routes', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}RouteArray', $routes);
$result = $this->call('deleteRoutes',
$v = array('routes' => $routes),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getRoutes($query)
// query is a ComplexType RouteQuery,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$query = new SOAP_Value('query', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}RouteQuery', $query);
$result = $this->call('getRoutes',
$v = array('query' => $query),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &addDomain($domain)
// domain is a ComplexType SipDomain,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$domain = new SOAP_Value('domain', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipDomain', $domain);
$result = $this->call('addDomain',
$v = array('domain' => $domain),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &updateDomain($domain)
// domain is a ComplexType SipDomain,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$domain = new SOAP_Value('domain', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipDomain', $domain);
$result = $this->call('updateDomain',
$v = array('domain' => $domain),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &deleteDomain($domain)
$result = $this->call('deleteDomain',
$v = array('domain' => $domain),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getDomains($query)
// query is a ComplexType SipDomainQuery,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$query = new SOAP_Value('query', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipDomainQuery', $query);
$result = $this->call('getDomains',
$v = array('query' => $query),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &addTrustedPeer($peer)
// peer is a ComplexType TrustedPeer,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$peer = new SOAP_Value('peer', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}TrustedPeer', $peer);
$result = $this->call('addTrustedPeer',
$v = array('peer' => $peer),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &deleteTrustedPeer($ip)
$result = $this->call('deleteTrustedPeer',
$v = array('ip' => $ip),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getTrustedPeers($query)
// query is a ComplexType TrustedPeerQuery,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$query = new SOAP_Value('query', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}TrustedPeerQuery', $query);
$result = $this->call('getTrustedPeers',
$v = array('query' => $query),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &addAccount($account)
// account is a ComplexType SipAccount,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$account = new SOAP_Value('account', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipAccount', $account);
$result = $this->call('addAccount',
$v = array('account' => $account),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &updateAccount($account)
// account is a ComplexType SipAccount,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$account = new SOAP_Value('account', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipAccount', $account);
$result = $this->call('updateAccount',
$v = array('account' => $account),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &deleteAccount($sipId)
// sipId is a ComplexType SipId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$sipId = new SOAP_Value('sipId', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipId', $sipId);
$result = $this->call('deleteAccount',
$v = array('sipId' => $sipId),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getAccount($sipId)
// sipId is a ComplexType SipId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$sipId = new SOAP_Value('sipId', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipId', $sipId);
$result = $this->call('getAccount',
$v = array('sipId' => $sipId),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getAccounts($query)
// query is a ComplexType SipQuery,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$query = new SOAP_Value('query', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipQuery', $query);
$result = $this->call('getAccounts',
$v = array('query' => $query),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &addAlias($alias)
// alias is a ComplexType SipAlias,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$alias = new SOAP_Value('alias', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipAlias', $alias);
$result = $this->call('addAlias',
$v = array('alias' => $alias),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &updateAlias($alias)
// alias is a ComplexType SipAlias,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$alias = new SOAP_Value('alias', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipAlias', $alias);
$result = $this->call('updateAlias',
$v = array('alias' => $alias),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &deleteAlias($id)
// id is a ComplexType SipId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$id = new SOAP_Value('id', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipId', $id);
$result = $this->call('deleteAlias',
$v = array('id' => $id),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getAlias($id)
// id is a ComplexType SipId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$id = new SOAP_Value('id', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipId', $id);
$result = $this->call('getAlias',
$v = array('id' => $id),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getAliases($query)
// query is a ComplexType AliasQuery,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$query = new SOAP_Value('query', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}AliasQuery', $query);
$result = $this->call('getAliases',
$v = array('query' => $query),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &addToGroup($sipId, $group)
// sipId is a ComplexType SipId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$sipId = new SOAP_Value('sipId', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipId', $sipId);
$result = $this->call('addToGroup',
$v = array('sipId' => $sipId, 'group' => $group),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &removeFromGroup($sipId, $group)
// sipId is a ComplexType SipId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$sipId = new SOAP_Value('sipId', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipId', $sipId);
$result = $this->call('removeFromGroup',
$v = array('sipId' => $sipId, 'group' => $group),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getGroups($sipId)
// sipId is a ComplexType SipId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$sipId = new SOAP_Value('sipId', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipId', $sipId);
$result = $this->call('getGroups',
$v = array('sipId' => $sipId),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &addBalance($sipId, $value, $description)
// sipId is a ComplexType SipId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$sipId = new SOAP_Value('sipId', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipId', $sipId);
$result = $this->call('addBalance',
$v = array('sipId' => $sipId, 'value' => $value, 'description' => $description),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &addBalanceFromVoucher($sipId, $card)
// sipId is a ComplexType SipId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$sipId = new SOAP_Value('sipId', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipId', $sipId);
// card is a ComplexType PrepaidCard,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$card = new SOAP_Value('card', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}PrepaidCard', $card);
$result = $this->call('addBalanceFromVoucher',
$v = array('sipId' => $sipId, 'card' => $card),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getPrepaidStatus($sipIds)
// sipIds is a ComplexType SipIdArray,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$sipIds = new SOAP_Value('sipIds', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipIdArray', $sipIds);
$result = $this->call('getPrepaidStatus',
$v = array('sipIds' => $sipIds),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getCreditHistory($sipId, $count)
// sipId is a ComplexType SipId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$sipId = new SOAP_Value('sipId', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipId', $sipId);
$result = $this->call('getCreditHistory',
$v = array('sipId' => $sipId, 'count' => $count),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &addPhonebookEntry($sipId, $entry)
// sipId is a ComplexType SipId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$sipId = new SOAP_Value('sipId', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipId', $sipId);
// entry is a ComplexType PhonebookEntry,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$entry = new SOAP_Value('entry', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}PhonebookEntry', $entry);
$result = $this->call('addPhonebookEntry',
$v = array('sipId' => $sipId, 'entry' => $entry),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &updatePhonebookEntry($sipId, $entry)
// sipId is a ComplexType SipId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$sipId = new SOAP_Value('sipId', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipId', $sipId);
// entry is a ComplexType PhonebookEntry,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$entry = new SOAP_Value('entry', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}PhonebookEntry', $entry);
$result = $this->call('updatePhonebookEntry',
$v = array('sipId' => $sipId, 'entry' => $entry),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &deletePhonebookEntry($sipId, $uri)
// sipId is a ComplexType SipId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$sipId = new SOAP_Value('sipId', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipId', $sipId);
$result = $this->call('deletePhonebookEntry',
$v = array('sipId' => $sipId, 'uri' => $uri),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getPhonebookEntries($sipId, $match, $range)
// sipId is a ComplexType SipId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$sipId = new SOAP_Value('sipId', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipId', $sipId);
// match is a ComplexType PhonebookEntry,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$match = new SOAP_Value('match', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}PhonebookEntry', $match);
// range is a ComplexType Range,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$range = new SOAP_Value('range', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}Range', $range);
$result = $this->call('getPhonebookEntries',
$v = array('sipId' => $sipId, 'match' => $match, 'range' => $range),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &setRejectMembers($sipId, $members)
// sipId is a ComplexType SipId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$sipId = new SOAP_Value('sipId', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipId', $sipId);
// members is a ComplexType StringArray,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$members = new SOAP_Value('members', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}StringArray', $members);
$result = $this->call('setRejectMembers',
$v = array('sipId' => $sipId, 'members' => $members),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getRejectMembers($sipId)
// sipId is a ComplexType SipId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$sipId = new SOAP_Value('sipId', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipId', $sipId);
$result = $this->call('getRejectMembers',
$v = array('sipId' => $sipId),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &setAcceptRules($sipId, $rules)
// sipId is a ComplexType SipId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$sipId = new SOAP_Value('sipId', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipId', $sipId);
// rules is a ComplexType AcceptRules,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$rules = new SOAP_Value('rules', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}AcceptRules', $rules);
$result = $this->call('setAcceptRules',
$v = array('sipId' => $sipId, 'rules' => $rules),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getAcceptRules($sipId)
// sipId is a ComplexType SipId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$sipId = new SOAP_Value('sipId', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipId', $sipId);
$result = $this->call('getAcceptRules',
$v = array('sipId' => $sipId),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &setBarringPrefixes($sipId, $prefixes)
// sipId is a ComplexType SipId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$sipId = new SOAP_Value('sipId', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipId', $sipId);
// prefixes is a ComplexType StringArray,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$prefixes = new SOAP_Value('prefixes', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}StringArray', $prefixes);
$result = $this->call('setBarringPrefixes',
$v = array('sipId' => $sipId, 'prefixes' => $prefixes),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getBarringPrefixes($sipId)
// sipId is a ComplexType SipId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$sipId = new SOAP_Value('sipId', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipId', $sipId);
$result = $this->call('getBarringPrefixes',
$v = array('sipId' => $sipId),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &setCallDiversions($sipId, $diversions)
// sipId is a ComplexType SipId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$sipId = new SOAP_Value('sipId', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipId', $sipId);
// diversions is a ComplexType CallDiversions,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$diversions = new SOAP_Value('diversions', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}CallDiversions', $diversions);
$result = $this->call('setCallDiversions',
$v = array('sipId' => $sipId, 'diversions' => $diversions),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getCallDiversions($sipId)
// sipId is a ComplexType SipId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$sipId = new SOAP_Value('sipId', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipId', $sipId);
$result = $this->call('getCallDiversions',
$v = array('sipId' => $sipId),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getCalls($sipId, $query)
// sipId is a ComplexType SipId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$sipId = new SOAP_Value('sipId', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipId', $sipId);
// query is a ComplexType CallsQuery,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$query = new SOAP_Value('query', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}CallsQuery', $query);
$result = $this->call('getCalls',
$v = array('sipId' => $sipId, 'query' => $query),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getCallStatistics($sipId, $query)
// sipId is a ComplexType SipId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$sipId = new SOAP_Value('sipId', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipId', $sipId);
// query is a ComplexType CallsQuery,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$query = new SOAP_Value('query', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}CallsQuery', $query);
$result = $this->call('getCallStatistics',
$v = array('sipId' => $sipId, 'query' => $query),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getSipDeviceLocations($sipIds)
// sipIds is a ComplexType SipIdArray,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$sipIds = new SOAP_Value('sipIds', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipIdArray', $sipIds);
$result = $this->call('getSipDeviceLocations',
$v = array('sipIds' => $sipIds),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getSipTrace($filter)
// filter is a ComplexType SipTraceFilter,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$filter = new SOAP_Value('filter', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipTraceFilter', $filter);
$result = $this->call('getSipTrace',
$v = array('filter' => $filter),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getMediaTrace($filter)
// filter is a ComplexType MediaTraceFilter,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$filter = new SOAP_Value('filter', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}MediaTraceFilter', $filter);
$result = $this->call('getMediaTrace',
$v = array('filter' => $filter),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getMediaSummary()
$result = $this->call('getMediaSummary',
$v = null,
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getMediaSessions()
$result = $this->call('getMediaSessions',
$v = null,
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Sip',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
class WebService_NGNPro_InternalVoicemailPort extends SOAP_Client
function WebService_NGNPro_InternalVoicemailPort($path = '')
$this->SOAP_Client($path, 0);
function &addAccount($account)
// account is a ComplexType VoicemailAccount,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$account = new SOAP_Value('account', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}VoicemailAccount', $account);
$result = $this->call('addAccount',
$v = array('account' => $account),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Voicemail',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &updateAccount($account)
// account is a ComplexType VoicemailAccount,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$account = new SOAP_Value('account', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}VoicemailAccount', $account);
$result = $this->call('updateAccount',
$v = array('account' => $account),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Voicemail',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &deleteAccount($sipId)
// sipId is a ComplexType SipId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$sipId = new SOAP_Value('sipId', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipId', $sipId);
$result = $this->call('deleteAccount',
$v = array('sipId' => $sipId),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Voicemail',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getAccount($sipId)
// sipId is a ComplexType SipId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$sipId = new SOAP_Value('sipId', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipId', $sipId);
$result = $this->call('getAccount',
$v = array('sipId' => $sipId),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Voicemail',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &setAnnouncement($sipId, $message)
// sipId is a ComplexType SipId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$sipId = new SOAP_Value('sipId', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}SipId', $sipId);
$result = $this->call('setAnnouncement',
$v = array('sipId' => $sipId, 'message' => $message),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Voicemail',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
class WebService_NGNPro_InternalEnumPort extends SOAP_Client
function WebService_NGNPro_InternalEnumPort($path = '')
$this->SOAP_Client($path, 0);
function &addRange($range)
// range is a ComplexType EnumRange,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$range = new SOAP_Value('range', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}EnumRange', $range);
$result = $this->call('addRange',
$v = array('range' => $range),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Enum',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &updateRange($range)
// range is a ComplexType EnumRange,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$range = new SOAP_Value('range', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}EnumRange', $range);
$result = $this->call('updateRange',
$v = array('range' => $range),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Enum',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &deleteRange($range)
// range is a ComplexType EnumRangeId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$range = new SOAP_Value('range', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}EnumRangeId', $range);
$result = $this->call('deleteRange',
$v = array('range' => $range),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Enum',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getRanges($query)
// query is a ComplexType EnumRangeQuery,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$query = new SOAP_Value('query', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}EnumRangeQuery', $query);
$result = $this->call('getRanges',
$v = array('query' => $query),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Enum',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &addNumber($number)
// number is a ComplexType EnumNumber,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$number = new SOAP_Value('number', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}EnumNumber', $number);
$result = $this->call('addNumber',
$v = array('number' => $number),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Enum',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &updateNumber($number)
// number is a ComplexType EnumNumber,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$number = new SOAP_Value('number', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}EnumNumber', $number);
$result = $this->call('updateNumber',
$v = array('number' => $number),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Enum',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &deleteNumber($enumId)
// enumId is a ComplexType EnumId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$enumId = new SOAP_Value('enumId', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}EnumId', $enumId);
$result = $this->call('deleteNumber',
$v = array('enumId' => $enumId),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Enum',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getNumber($enumId)
// enumId is a ComplexType EnumId,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$enumId = new SOAP_Value('enumId', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}EnumId', $enumId);
$result = $this->call('getNumber',
$v = array('enumId' => $enumId),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Enum',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getNumbers($query)
// query is a ComplexType EnumNumberQuery,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$query = new SOAP_Value('query', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}EnumNumberQuery', $query);
$result = $this->call('getNumbers',
$v = array('query' => $query),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Enum',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
class WebService_NGNPro_InternalDnsPort extends SOAP_Client
function WebService_NGNPro_InternalDnsPort($path = '')
$this->SOAP_Client($path, 0);
function &addZone($zone)
// zone is a ComplexType DnsZone,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$zone = new SOAP_Value('zone', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}DnsZone', $zone);
$result = $this->call('addZone',
$v = array('zone' => $zone),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Dns',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &updateZone($zone)
// zone is a ComplexType DnsZone,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$zone = new SOAP_Value('zone', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}DnsZone', $zone);
$result = $this->call('updateZone',
$v = array('zone' => $zone),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Dns',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &deleteZone($zone)
$result = $this->call('deleteZone',
$v = array('zone' => $zone),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Dns',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getZone($zone)
$result = $this->call('getZone',
$v = array('zone' => $zone),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Dns',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getZones($query)
// query is a ComplexType DnsZoneQuery,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$query = new SOAP_Value('query', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}DnsZoneQuery', $query);
$result = $this->call('getZones',
$v = array('query' => $query),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Dns',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &addRecord($record)
// record is a ComplexType DnsRecord,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$record = new SOAP_Value('record', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}DnsRecord', $record);
$result = $this->call('addRecord',
$v = array('record' => $record),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Dns',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &addFancyRecord($record)
// record is a ComplexType DnsFancyRecord,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$record = new SOAP_Value('record', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}DnsFancyRecord', $record);
$result = $this->call('addFancyRecord',
$v = array('record' => $record),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Dns',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &updateRecord($record)
// record is a ComplexType DnsRecord,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$record = new SOAP_Value('record', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}DnsRecord', $record);
$result = $this->call('updateRecord',
$v = array('record' => $record),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Dns',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &updateFancyRecord($record)
// record is a ComplexType DnsFancyRecord,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$record = new SOAP_Value('record', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}DnsFancyRecord', $record);
$result = $this->call('updateFancyRecord',
$v = array('record' => $record),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Dns',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &deleteRecord($recordId)
$result = $this->call('deleteRecord',
$v = array('recordId' => $recordId),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Dns',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &deleteFancyRecord($recordId)
$result = $this->call('deleteFancyRecord',
$v = array('recordId' => $recordId),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Dns',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getRecord($recordId)
$result = $this->call('getRecord',
$v = array('recordId' => $recordId),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Dns',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getFancyRecord($recordId)
$result = $this->call('getFancyRecord',
$v = array('recordId' => $recordId),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Dns',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getRecords($query)
// query is a ComplexType DnsRecordQuery,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$query = new SOAP_Value('query', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}DnsRecordQuery', $query);
$result = $this->call('getRecords',
$v = array('query' => $query),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Dns',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getFancyRecords($query)
// query is a ComplexType DnsFancyRecordQuery,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$query = new SOAP_Value('query', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}DnsFancyRecordQuery', $query);
$result = $this->call('getFancyRecords',
$v = array('query' => $query),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Dns',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
class WebService_NGNPro_InternalRatingPort extends SOAP_Client
function WebService_NGNPro_InternalRatingPort($path = '')
$this->SOAP_Client($path, 0);
function &setEntityProfiles($profiles)
// profiles is a ComplexType RatingEntityProfiles,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$profiles = new SOAP_Value('profiles', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}RatingEntityProfiles', $profiles);
$result = $this->call('setEntityProfiles',
$v = array('profiles' => $profiles),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Rating',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &deleteEntityProfiles($entity)
$result = $this->call('deleteEntityProfiles',
$v = array('entity' => $entity),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Rating',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getEntityProfiles($entity)
$result = $this->call('getEntityProfiles',
$v = array('entity' => $entity),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Rating',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
class WebService_NGNPro_InternalCustomerPort extends SOAP_Client
function WebService_NGNPro_InternalCustomerPort($path = '')
$this->SOAP_Client($path, 0);
function &addAccount($account)
// account is a ComplexType CustomerAccount,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$account = new SOAP_Value('account', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}CustomerAccount', $account);
$result = $this->call('addAccount',
$v = array('account' => $account),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Customer',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &updateAccount($account)
// account is a ComplexType CustomerAccount,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$account = new SOAP_Value('account', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}CustomerAccount', $account);
$result = $this->call('updateAccount',
$v = array('account' => $account),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Customer',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &deleteAccount($id)
$result = $this->call('deleteAccount',
$v = array('id' => $id),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Customer',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getAccount($id)
$result = $this->call('getAccount',
$v = array('id' => $id),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Customer',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getCustomers($query)
// query is a ComplexType CustomerQuery,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$query = new SOAP_Value('query', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}CustomerQuery', $query);
$result = $this->call('getCustomers',
$v = array('query' => $query),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Customer',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getResellers($query)
// query is a ComplexType CustomerQuery,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$query = new SOAP_Value('query', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}CustomerQuery', $query);
$result = $this->call('getResellers',
$v = array('query' => $query),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Customer',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &setProperties($customer, $properties)
// properties is a ComplexType CustomerPropertyArray,
// refer to wsdl for more info
$properties = new SOAP_Value('properties', '{urn:AGProjects:NGNPro}CustomerPropertyArray', $properties);
$result = $this->call('setProperties',
$v = array('customer' => $customer, 'properties' => $properties),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Customer',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getProperties($customer)
$result = $this->call('getProperties',
$v = array('customer' => $customer),
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Customer',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
class WebService_NGNPro_InternalNetworkPort extends SOAP_Client
function WebService_NGNPro_InternalNetworkPort($path = '')
$this->SOAP_Client($path, 0);
function &getStatistics()
$result = $this->call('getStatistics',
$v = null,
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Network',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;
function &getStatus()
$result = $this->call('getStatus',
$v = null,
array('namespace' => 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro:Network',
'soapaction' => '',
'style' => 'rpc',
'use' => 'encoded'));
return $result;