



Defect #1699


voicemail via email not working anymore

Added by Andre Robatino over 12 years ago. Updated over 11 years ago.

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Until a few months ago, I was able to get sip2sip voicemail via email. It's not working anymore (and no configuration changes were made prior to this). I tried it with 2 different emails and neither works, so am pretty sure the problem is with sip2sip. Test calls do appear under the History tab, and there is a prompt to leave a message, so everything works as before except that email is not sent.

Actions #1

Updated by Tijmen de Mes over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In progress
  • Assignee set to Tijmen de Mes

I see no problems. The mail server is working like it should.

Can you try again to leave a voicemail?

I assume you are using the account 2233493235@..

Actions #2

Updated by Andre Robatino over 12 years ago

Tijmen de Mes wrote:

I see no problems. The mail server is working like it should.

Can you try again to leave a voicemail?

I assume you are using the account 2233493235@..

Correct. I just left another voicemail, and as before, no email arrives. If you want, I could temporarily change my email to one you control so you can verify that email is not sent.

Actions #3

Updated by Andre Robatino almost 12 years ago

Should note that the voicemail message says "The person at <blank> is unavailable" where there presumably should be a number in place of <blank> (and I think there used to be), but there isn't anymore. Now it just says "The person at is unavailable."

Actions #4

Updated by henok feker almost 12 years ago

i have see the same problem but now fixed. you should make try again and find in spam mail.
Andre Robatino wrote:

Should note that the voicemail message says "The person at <blank> is unavailable" where there presumably should be a number in place of <blank> (and I think there used to be), but there isn't anymore. Now it just says "The person at is unavailable."

Actions #5

Updated by Andre Robatino almost 12 years ago

henok feker wrote:

i have see the same problem but now fixed. you should make try again and find in spam mail.
Andre Robatino wrote:

Should note that the voicemail message says "The person at <blank> is unavailable" where there presumably should be a number in place of <blank> (and I think there used to be), but there isn't anymore. Now it just says "The person at is unavailable."

Just did a test call and the problem still exists - the voicemail message is the same, and the email never arrives - including in my spam filter. There used to be an additional problem where when I made the first call, it wouldn't answer, but if I hung up and immediately called again, it answered. That problem appears fixed for several months now, though since I don't receive the email, it's not much help.

Actions #6

Updated by Adrian Georgescu over 11 years ago

  • Status changed from In progress to Closed
Actions #7

Updated by Andre Robatino over 11 years ago

Why is this closed? The problem still exists (I just tested to verify). In addition, the separate problem I referred to in comment #5 is back.


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