



Defect #1865


the voice mail not store

Added by henok feker almost 12 years ago. Updated over 11 years ago.

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unable to listen the voice mail stored in server. before it is nice worked well but before 4-5 month stop working.
the aliance point infront prifix 00 or 0 or + not work forthat make the aliance accept any name and number like this 0012062036434, 02062036434 or +2562045634 etc

Actions #1

Updated by Tijmen de Mes almost 12 years ago

It is not clear what is not working in this ticket. Who/what is the aliance point?

Also please mention your SIP account/ a CALL-id if you have a problem and describe what is not working for you.

Actions #2

Updated by henok feker almost 12 years ago

my user name if some one call me put on voice mail then i will try to lisen calling to 1233 theoperator said you have one message to lisen press 1 . if i press 1 the phone hang up.
about aliance i have 3 aliance 00251933884848, 0933884848, +251933884848 this aliance not worked b/c the prifix 0 and + not work

Tijmen de Mes wrote:

It is not clear what is not working in this ticket. Who/what is the aliance point?

Also please mention your SIP account/ a CALL-id if you have a problem and describe what is not working for you.

Actions #3

Updated by Tijmen de Mes almost 12 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In progress
  • Assignee set to Tijmen de Mes
  • Priority changed from High to Normal

Opening 3 times the same ticket is not helping to resolve this issue.

After some thought I came to the conclusion that you meant aliasses on your sip account. Aliasses do not work when they are numeric and start with a zero. Destinations that start with a zero are reserved and used internally in the platform for routing calls to PSTN destinations.

As for the hanging up. I traced your last call to 1233 and you client sends the hangup after 11s. Perhaps you can try a different sip client to see if that changes anything.

Actions #4

Updated by henok feker almost 12 years ago

i try 1233 voicemail the following applications. join sip client, zoipper, sipsession, nimbuzz, sip dialer andriod, and more the same problem. "you have 1 messages" i pressed 1 "firest message recived at" hang up...

Tijmen de Mes wrote:

Opening 3 times the same ticket is not helping to resolve this issue.

After some thought I came to the conclusion that you meant aliasses on your sip account. Aliasses do not work when they are numeric and start with a zero. Destinations that start with a zero are reserved and used internally in the platform for routing calls to PSTN destinations.

As for the hanging up. I traced your last call to 1233 and you client sends the hangup after 11s. Perhaps you can try a different sip client to see if that changes anything.

Actions #5

Updated by Tijmen de Mes almost 12 years ago

There was a server configuration error. It should be fixed now.

Please try and let me know.

Actions #6

Updated by henok feker almost 12 years ago

Tijmen de Mes wrote:

There was a server configuration error. It should be fixed now.

Please try and let me know.

Thank you it wirked well close now the issue

Actions #7

Updated by Adrian Georgescu over 11 years ago

  • Status changed from In progress to Closed

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