



Defect #2213


PSTN Caller ID not working

Added by Peter Bašista over 11 years ago. Updated over 11 years ago.

PSTN connectivity
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PSTN caller-id



at first, let me mention that I would really welcome the possibility to set my PSTN Caller ID on my own, without raising a ticket every time. Anyway...

My current problem is that despite the fact that I have my caller ID set (at least it shows up in the Identity tab on my sip2sip account), the people I call do not see it. I do not know why is that, but it has worked well previously. Maybe it has something to do with your new PSTN provider... or maybe it is just another misconfiguration.

This way or another, I would like to ask you to fix that. My sip2sip address is: and my caller ID is listed in the "Identity" tab under PSTN group.

Thank you very much.

Peter Basista

Actions #1

Updated by Adrian Georgescu over 11 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In progress

PSTN caller ID presentation is subject to downstream gateways. We cannot promise or guarantee in any way anything beyond the fact that we do provide the appropriate signalling information to the next hop. What happens after the next hop is mystery meat.

Actions #2

Updated by Peter Bašista over 11 years ago

Okay, if everything is working on your side, then I have nothing to ask from you. But please make sure that the my caller ID is indeed delivered to the "next hop". Is there a way to check it from the server logs?

Actions #3

Updated by Adrian Georgescu over 11 years ago

You can see your caller id in the sip trace for your call.

Actions #4

Updated by Peter Bašista over 11 years ago

Ok, just to be clear, I have checked the SIP trace and the only thing there which is related to my caller ID is this:
P-Asserted-Identity: <sip:>
Remote-Party-ID: <sip:>;party=calling;id-type=subscriber;privacy=off;screen=yes

I do not know whether this is correct or sufficient according to the SIP protocol or not, but I vaguely recall that when you were using your old PSTN provider, I could clearly see something like "Caller ID:" field in the SIP trace. Now I do not see it which might be the case why it is not reported to the downstream PSTN. However, I might be recalling it wrong.

Anyway, please just check and confirm that all that is necessary to do from your side is to populate the above two fields. If the protocol standard says so, then I am happy because the problem is not on your side and I can not put any blame on you.


Actions #5

Updated by Adrian Georgescu over 11 years ago

  • Status changed from In progress to Closed

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