Feature #3041
closedsip2sip.info SIP Server IP address
recently i notice i am not able to make/receive voip call via PIA vpn. I spoke with PIA they require me to provide sip2sip.info SIP server ip address and whitelist the IP address in order to permit voip call via PIA vpn
Updated by Tijmen de Mes over 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to In progress
Currently there are three SIP proxies:
tijmen@node10:~$ host proxy.sipthor.net
proxy.sipthor.net has address
proxy.sipthor.net has address
proxy.sipthor.net has address
So the list to allow is:, and
Updated by Tijmen de Mes over 9 years ago
First, please use the issue tracker to reply instead of replying directly, that way we keep all things in one place.
After they permit these IP in firewall will I be able to make|receive VoIP call.
Yes, these are the three IPs your client will be connecting to.
Recently the VPN provider have permit this IP is it sufficent or I have to provide the IP you provide in order to make and receive VoIP call.
This IP is not involved in making VoIP calls. It is an address of a web server on which sip2sip.info website is located. So they should also allow the three IPs I mentioned to make it work.
Updated by Wilson Yau over 9 years ago
i use linphone for my voip call. on the app setting, it ask for stun server and sharing server. does sip2sip has those info so i can configure my voip client
Updated by Tijmen de Mes about 9 years ago
- Status changed from In progress to Closed