SIP2SIP Presence functionality launched
SIP2SIP has been updated to provide Presence functionality based on SIMPLE Working Group standards (namely RLS and XCAP) and interoperability with XMPP domains.
The functionality is delivered by a Presence Agent collocated with the SIP Proxy/Registrar that handles RLS subscriptions and XCAP server for document storage of contacts and presence rules.
Implemented standards¶
- SIP Specific Event Notification (SUBSCRIBE and NOTIFY methods) RFC3265
- SIP Extension for Event State Publication (PUBLISH method) RFC3903
- SIP Event Notification Extension for Resource Lists Contact Information Extension to PIDF RFC4482
- Presence Data Model (PIDF) RFC3863, RFC3379, RFC4479
- Watcher-info Event Package RFC3857, RFC3858
- Common Policy RFC4745 and Presence Rules RFC5025 (with support for external references specified by OMA org.openmobilealliance.pres-rules)
- Resource Lists RFC4826 (with support for external references specified by OMA)
- RLS Services RFC4826 and RLMI document handling RFC4662
- PIDF manipulation RFC4827
- XCAP Protocol RFC4825
- XCAP Diff RFC5874
- Any SIP client that implements SIMPLE standards and org.openmobilealliance.pres-rules XCAP auid should work with SIP2SIP accounts
- Any remote SIP entity, whether client or server from a remote domain that implements SIMPLE standards should interoperate with SIP2SIP service
Note. Mixing different SIP SIMPLE clients under the same account is not desirable due to the XML content that is stored differently by different clients
SIP2SIP provides for SIP addresses under domain transparent interoperability for IM (using SIP MESSAGE method), Chat sessions (using MSRP sessions), Presence and Multiparty conferencing (MUC) with XMPP clients from external domains.
XMMP domains list is currently statically configured and will be extended to any remote domain that is configured for handling XMPP in the DNS.
The XMPP gateway is described in detail here:
Sample XCAP documents¶
Available software¶
Presence clients¶
Blink client has been designed to interoperate with SIP2SIP service. The mechanics of interacting with SIP2SIP is described at:
The versions compatible with SIP2SIP are 2.0.2 (Cocoa version) and 0.3.0 (Qt version).
Presence servers¶
The functionality currently implemented by SIP2SIP is available in the current pushed to the development trunk of OpenSIPS and OpenXCAP
XMPP interoperability is provided by SylkServer
Being an ordinary Blink Pro user, how do I use the presence functionality? Please consider me a novice. Thanks.
Presence works automatically. Just add Contacts with addresses from or or any other SIP domain that supports presence.