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Adrian Georgescu, 04/09/2013 03:43 PM

1 2 Adrian Georgescu
h1. Blink SIP client
3 17 Adrian Georgescu
Since 2010, Blink is the best real-time communications open-source client using SIP protocol. The software is cross platform available for Linux, Windows and Mac users. The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is an IETF-defined signaling protocol widely used for controlling communication sessions such as voice and video calls over Internet Protocol (IP)
4 2 Adrian Georgescu
5 14 Adrian Georgescu
Blink is available for download at
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h1. Google fork of webkit called Blink
8 1 Adrian Georgescu
9 6 Adrian Georgescu
h2. Press release
13 8 Adrian Georgescu
h2. Project home page
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h2. Unfair competition 
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19 17 Adrian Georgescu
With the launch of Google Blink web engine on April 3rd, 2013, both projects Google Blink and AG Projects Blink from overlap massively in scope, nature and purpose. While the webkit fork can be used for more purposes than Blink SIP client, the explicit adoption of RTCWEB standards into blink fork of webkit, Google library competes direct with the purpose and addresses the same market of Blink SIP client using the same name.
Quote from
*The goal of the RTCWEB protocol specification is to specify a set of protocols that, if all are implemented, will allow an implementation to communicate with another implementation using audio, video and data sent along the most direct possible path between the participants*
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Since the launch of Google fork search results about Blink SIP client have been flushed away, only google relevant results appear.
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h3. Similarities
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 * Both projects have the same name
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 * Both projects implement real time communications features (text chat, audio and video sessions)
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 * Both projects are in the open source domain
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h2. Blink community feedback
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36 14 Adrian Georgescu
Blink users community is providing relevant feedback about this overlap here:
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