Presence » History » Version 5
Adrian Georgescu, 09/18/2012 02:57 PM
1 | 1 | Adrian Georgescu | h1. Presence |
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3 | h2. Subscriptions |
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5 | Contacts have two properties that can changed in Edit Contact Panel Subscriptions section: |
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7 | 1. Subscribe to Contact's Presence Information |
8 | 1. Allow Contact to see my Presence Information |
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10 | 4 | Adrian Georgescu | h2. Watcher Information |
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12 | * Contacts that have subscribed to our presence are rendered in the 'New Contact Requests' group that is rendered on top of the contacts list. Right click or dragging the contact can be used to allow or deny the request. Blocked contacts are displayed in the Blocked group. |
13 | * Active watchers are shown in Status -> People Watching My Presence Activity menu |
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16 | 1 | Adrian Georgescu | h2. Published Information |
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18 | The following information is published by Blink: |
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20 | <pre> |
21 | Internet address: |
22 | Service: SID-040aafba-3bb5-4209-b6ad-27f513726e8a |
23 | Timestamp: 2012-09-18T14:47:53.535157+02:00 |
24 | Note: I am happy |
25 | Basic status: Open |
26 | Extended status: Available |
27 | Location: Netherlands/Meppel |
28 | Contact: |
29 | Icon: |
30 | Media capabilities: Audio, Chat, File Transfer, Screen Sharing |
31 | Device: 040aafba-3bb5-4209-b6ad-27f513726e8a (Majoor) |
32 | Hostname: Majoor |
33 | User Agent: Blink Pro 2.0.0 (MacOSX) |
34 | Current time: 14:48 (UTC+2) |
35 | Device is active |
36 | Idle threshold: 600 seconds |
37 | </pre> |
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39 | Location can be disabled per account in Presence section of account preferences. |
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41 | 5 | Adrian Georgescu | h3. Note |
42 | 3 | Adrian Georgescu | |
43 | 5 | Adrian Georgescu | Presence note can be typed in the text area right to own icon |
44 | 1 | Adrian Georgescu | |
45 | 5 | Adrian Georgescu | h3. Status |
46 | 1 | Adrian Georgescu | |
47 | 5 | Adrian Georgescu | Presence status can be changed from the main GUI and Status menu. Last combination of Presence state and note are saved in the history build at the end of the menu. |
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49 | h3. Icon |
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51 | User icon is uploaded to XCAP server using OMA pres-content application, replicated among multiple Blink instances and location of icons storage URL on XCAP server is published in PIDF. |
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53 | h3. Offline Presence |
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55 | 1 | Adrian Georgescu | In status menu, one can change its presence state and also an offline state when Blink is offline. This is done using pidf-manipulation XCAP application. |
56 | 3 | Adrian Georgescu | |
57 | 1 | Adrian Georgescu | h2. Subscribed Presence Information |
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59 | 5 | Adrian Georgescu | Presence information received from the SIP URIs of contacts present in the contacts list is used to update each contact tile with: |
60 | 1 | Adrian Georgescu | |
61 | * Status icon overlaid on botton right of user icon, indicating away, busy, extended-away or available |
62 | * Rectangular presence indicator on right side of the tile to provide a quick overview about availability |
63 | * Presence note is rendered on second line, multiple notes and pending authorizations are rotated every 10 seconds |
64 | * User icon is retrieved and updated when necessary from URL advertised by user |
65 | 2 | Adrian Georgescu | |
66 | Selecting Show Presence Information menu item from contextual contact menu show a panel with detailed information, not all information may have been rendered in the GUI. |
67 | 1 | Adrian Georgescu | |
68 | h2. Sessions |
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70 | * When subscribed to Presence, if information is received, the contextual menu of each contact is updated with the possibility of starting a session to a specific device. This requires the remote device to use GRUU. |