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Tijmen de Mes, 10/11/2012 11:56 AM
Routing guide¶
The platform is based on a SIP Proxy/Registrar design, it maintains both transaction and dialog state for each SIP session and is able to terminate each of them based on various criteria. The platform handles and controls the RTP and MSRP media planes and is able to take decisions related to accounting, NAT traversal and session termination based on the media flow.
The platform has telephony functions equivalent with traditional Class 4 switches (routing inter-carrier calls) and Class 5 switches (routing last-mile calls to end-users).
The platform can perform SIP services that include but are not limited to Residential VoIP, Prepaid Cards, Video Calling, Presence and IM, Trunking, Least Cost Routing and ENUM Peering.
Updated by Tijmen de Mes over 12 years ago · 1 revisions