



Configuration » History » Revision 6

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Adrian Georgescu, 07/12/2012 04:47 PM


General settings

To change the default settings copy config.ini.sample to /etc/sylkserver/config.ini

; SylkServer configuration file

; The following settings are the default used by the software, uncomment
; them only if you want to make changes

; default_application = conference

; Map user part of the Request URI to a specific application
; application_map = 123:conference,test:irc-conference

; trace_dir = /var/log/sylkserver
; trace_core = False
; trace_sip = False
; trace_msrp = False
; trace_notifications = False

; TLS can be used for encryption of SIP signaling and MSRP media. TLS is
; disabled by default.  To enable TLS, you must have a valid X.509
; certificate and configure it below, then set the local_tls_port in the SIP
; section and use_tls in MSRP section

; The X.509 Certificate Authorities file
; ca_file = /etc/sylkserver/tls/ca.crt

; The file containing X.509 certificate and private key in unencrypted format
; certificate = /etc/sylkserver/tls/default.crt

; verify_server = False


; SIP transport settings
; IP address used for SIP signaling; empty string or any means listen on interface used
; by the default route
; local_ip =

; Ports used for SIP transports, if not set to any value the transport will be disabled
; local_udp_port = 5060
; local_tcp_port = 5060
; local_tls_port = 5061

; If set all outbound SIP requests will be sent through this SIP proxy
; outbound_proxy =

; A comma-separated list of hosts or networks to trust.
; The elements can be an IP address in CIDR format, a
; hostname or an IP address (in the latter 2 a mask of 32
; is assumed), or the special keywords 'any' and 'none'
; (being equivalent to and
; respectively). It defaults to 'any'.
; trusted_peers =


; MSRP transport settings

; A valid X.509 certificate is required for MSRP to work over TLS.
; TLS is enabled by default, a default TLS certificate is provided with SylkServer.
; use_tls = True


; RTP transport settings

; Allowed codec list, valid values: G722, speex, PCMU, PCMA, iLBC, GSM
; audio_codecs = G722,speex,PCMU,PCMA

; Port range used for RTP
; port_range = 50000:50500

; SRTP valid values: disabled, mandatory, optional
; srtp_encryption = optional

; RTP stream timeout, session will be disconnected after this value
; timeout = 30

Applications settings


To change the default settings copy conference.ini.sample to /etc/sylkserver/conference.ini

; SylkServer Conference application configuration file


; The following settings are the default used by the software, uncomment them
; only if you want to make changes

; db_uri = sqlite:///var/lib/sylkserver/conference.sqlite

; Database table name for storing messages history
; history_table = message_history

; Replay last chat messages after joining a room
; replay_history = 20

; Directory for storing files transferred to rooms (a subdirectory for each room will be created)
; file_transfer_dir = /var/spool/sylkserver

; File transfer push support. If enabled files will be pushed to all active
; participants after receiving the file
; push_file_transfer = False

; Directory where images use by the Screen Sharing functionality will be stored
; screen_sharing_dir = /var/spool/sylkserver/screensharing

; IP address used for serving Screen Sharing HTTP requests, empty string means listen on interface used
; by the default route
; screen_sharing_ip =

; Port where Screen Sharing HTTP server will listen on, set to 0 for random
; screen_sharing_port = 0

; Use HTTPS instead of HTTP
; screen_sharing_use_https = True

; Server certificate for HTTPS connections
; screen_sharing_certificate = /etc/sylkserver/tls/default.crt

; Advertise the conference server and each room in Bonjour
; use_bonjour = False

; Access Lists Default Policy
; Apache-style access lists for the caller using SIP domains or SIP URIs
; access_policy = allow, deny
; allow = all
; deny = none

; Access Lists can be applied per room overriding the Default Policy
; []
; access_policy = allow, deny
; allow =,
; deny = all

XMPP gateway

To change the default settings copy xmppgateway.ini.sample to /etc/sylkserver/xmppgateway.ini

; SylkServer XMPP gateway application configuration file


; Comma-separated list of domains for which this server is responsible
; Add the xmmp-server records into the DNS server responsable for these domains
; At least one domain is required!
; domains =

; The following settings are the default used by the software, uncomment
; them only if you want to make changes

; Prefix that will be appended to all domains in the above setting, which will
; be used as a Multi User Chat (MUC) component
; muc_prefix = conference

; IP address used for listening to XMPP connections; empty string or any means listen on interface used
; by the default route
; local_ip =

; local_port = 5269

; If set to True (default) MSRP will be used to translate XMPP Instant Messaging, else SIP MESSAGE will be used
; Note: XMPP 'normal' messages (not chat messages) are always translated to SIP MESSAGE requests
; use_msrp_for_chat = True

; Timeout to terminate a SIP session if no chat traffic was received
; sip_session_timeout = 600

; Enable verbose logging of XMPP stantzas
; trace_xmpp = False


To change the default settings copy ircconference.ini.sample to /etc/sylkserver/ircconference.ini

channel = test
server =

Updated by Adrian Georgescu over 12 years ago · 6 revisions