Usage guides » History » Version 36
Adrian Georgescu, 02/04/2015 04:11 PM
1 | 26 | Adrian Georgescu | h1. SIP Platform Documentation |
2 | 1 | Tijmen de Mes | |
3 | 27 | Adrian Georgescu | These guides are available to customers who purchased and installed AG Projects SIP platforms at their location as well as users of SIP2SIP platform operated by AG Projects. |
4 | 2 | Tijmen de Mes | |
5 | 23 | Tijmen de Mes | | *Guide* | *Description* | |
6 | 22 | Tijmen de Mes | | [[Routing guide]] | Call flows | |
7 | | [[Provisioning guide]] | How to provision data | |
8 | | [[Accounting guide]] | How to extract usage information | |
9 | | [[Obtaining support]] | How to troubleshoot and request support | |
10 | | {{wiki(pguides,ConfigurationGuide,Configuration guide)}} | How to configure features | |
11 | | {{wiki(pguides, OperationsGuide,Operations Guide)}} | How to do day-to-day operations | |
12 | 36 | Adrian Georgescu | | [[Blink-MSP-Integration| Blink Integration]] |How to integrate Blink SIP client| |
13 | 7 | Tijmen de Mes | |
14 | h2. Hardware Requirements |
15 | |||
16 | |||
17 | 32 | Adrian Georgescu | || *MSP* | *SIP Thor* | |
18 | | Production platform | 6 - 12 servers | 10 servers per data center| |
19 | 28 | Adrian Georgescu | | Test platform | 3 servers | 4 servers | |
20 | |||
21 | Test platforms are available only for customers that have purchased a production platform. |
22 | 7 | Tijmen de Mes | |
23 | 31 | Adrian Georgescu | h3. Virtual machines are not supported |
24 | |||
25 | 30 | Adrian Georgescu | Virtual machines are NOT supported due to the real-time nature of the SIP and RTP protocols. They both require real-clock that behaves deterministically under load. Virtual machine also have built-in firewalls, network filtering and other invisible sub-systems that obfuscate the cause of many problems. Do not use virtual machines. Again, do not use virtual machines no matter who advised you that is safe to do it, it is not. Read again. Do not use virtual machines. If you still do not get it, please stop asking if you can use virtual machines or not, the answer is NO. |
26 | 7 | Tijmen de Mes | |
27 | 12 | Tijmen de Mes | h2. Installation Guides |
28 | |||
29 | |||
30 | These guides are available only to customers who purchased and installed the platform at their location. |
31 | |||
32 | | *Multimedia Service Platform* | *SIP Thor* | |
33 | | Suitable for maximum 30K accounts| Suitable for above 30K accounts| |
34 | | All servers in one location| Servers distributed in multiple locations| |
35 | |[[MSPDescription|Description]]| [[SipThorDescription|Description]] | |
36 | 18 | Tijmen de Mes | |{{wiki(pguides,MSPPreparations,Preparations)}}| {{wiki(pguides, SipThorPreparations,Preparations)}} | |
37 | 17 | Tijmen de Mes | |{{wiki(pguides,MSPInstallation,Installation)}} | {{wiki(pguides, SipThorInstallation,Installation)}} | |
38 | 18 | Tijmen de Mes | |{{wiki(pguides,MSPUpgrade,Upgrade)}}|{{wiki(pguides,MSPUpgrade,Upgrade)}} | |
39 | 12 | Tijmen de Mes | |
40 | 15 | Tijmen de Mes | |
41 | 20 | Tijmen de Mes | |
42 | 7 | Tijmen de Mes | h2. Components |
43 | |||
44 | |||
45 | |OpenSIPS|| |
46 | 11 | Adrian Georgescu | |MediaProxy|| |
47 | 7 | Tijmen de Mes | |CDRTool|| |
48 | |Call Control|| |
49 | |OpenXCAP|| |
50 | |MSRPRelay|| |
51 | |PowerDNS|| |
52 | |SylkServer|| |
53 | |FreeRadius|| |
54 | |MySQL|| |