


Wiki » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (Tijmen de Mes, 06/05/2012 10:21 AM) → Revision 2/7 (Tijmen de Mes, 06/05/2012 10:22 AM)

h1. SIP Clients 

 To test SIP SIMPLE client SDK (, a set of command 
 line tools are provided by this package for setting up Audio, Instant 
 Messaging (IM) and File Transfer sessions, Publish and Subscribe for 
 presence or other events. 

 The SIP clients can be used in a terminal window on Linux and MacOSX 
 operating systems. 

 You need a SIP account from a service provider or to setup your own SIP 
 infrastructure using the following elements: 

  * OpenSIPS    from 
  * OpenXCAP    from 
  * MSRPRelay from 

 A SIP account with all SIP SIMPLE client SDK features can be obtained for 
 free from 

 The following SIP clients are available: 

  * sip-settings - Manage the settings used by all clients 
  * sip-register - REGISTER a SIP end-point with a SIP Registrar 
  * sip-session - Supports multiple Audio, IM and File Transfers sessions 
  * sip-audio-session - Setup an Audio session 
  * sip-message - Exchange text in page mode using SIP MESSAGE method 
  * sip-publish-presence - Publish presence event to a SIP Presence Agent 
  * sip-subscribe-winfo - SUBSCRIBE to watcher list on a SIP Presence Agent 
  * sip-subscribe-presence - SUBSCRIBE to presence event 
  * sip-auto-publish-presence - Publish randomly generated presence event 
  * sip-subscribe-rls - SUBSCRIBE to lists managed by a SIP Resource List Server 
  * sip-subscribe-xcap-diff - SUBSCRIBE to XCAP resources changes 
  * sip-subscribe-mwi - SUBSCRIBE to Message Waiting Indication on a Voicemail server 
  * xcap-directory - List documents stored on a XCAP server for a given user 
  * xcap-pres-rules - Manage the content of a pres-rules XCAP document 
  * xcap-dialog-rules - Manage the content of a dialog-rules XCAP document 
  * xcap-icon - Manage an icon document stored on the XCAP server 
  * xcap-rls-services - Manage the content of a rls-services XCAP document 

 For detailed information about how to setup and use the command line tools 
 go to