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Adrian Georgescu, 08/03/2009 07:40 AM
<abbr title="gui_progress, depth=3">TOC</abbr>
= Audio =
1. Always play the '''disconnect tone''' when a session ends (e.g. failure, cancel)
1. New incoming sessions, '''alert window shrinks''' in size after a few remote cancels (still not solved)
1. '''Mute''' microphone when pressing the mute button
1. Add '''Audio menu''' with device selection and mute
1. Do not open automatically the '''drawer when main interface is collapsed'''
1. View '''show drawer must expand''' also the main interface if collapsed
1. Display '''Ringing...''' in audio session status when getting ring indication from the remote party
1. Calls that '''do not resolve in DNS''' remain in the drawer, use bonjour and dial xyz to reproduce
1. Closing many active sessions cause many tones to be played back, '''throttle tones''' playback
1. Make the '''alert panel''' grey/white
1. Rename menu item Session with '''Sessions'''
1. Add Menu item Sessions-> '''Start audio session''' and pop up window to enter an address
1. Add functionality to display the '''previous sessions''' in the session drawer, most recent on top
1. Rename menu item View -> Sessions drawer with View -> '''Audio Sessions drawer'''
1. Add menu View -> '''Audio Sessions History drawer'''
1. When dial a second call while in another call, if the user '''clicks on the previous call''' before the new session is established the session info is broken
1. Add a '''record button''' left to Hold button. When pressed toggle recording the audio session using the '''''' folder
1. [wiki:DesignConference Conference audio sessions]
1. Add a '''triangle button''' to expand vertically the audio session frame with extra room for audio session information
= Chat =
1. Not all printed timestamp are using the '''local timezone'''
1. Print '''each message into''' its own time-stamped frame, do not append message to previous frames
1. When connected print system message: '''MSRP chat session established''' (without username@domain)
1. When disconnected by remote user print system message: '''MSRP chat session terminated by remote party'''
1. When cancelling an outgoing session print system message: '''MSRP chat session cancelled'''
1. When disconnected by local user print system message: '''MSRP chat session terminated'''
1. When MSRP stream fails print system message: '''MSRP chat session failed: reason'''
1. '''Auto-accept''' chat only sessions when the From header of the INVITE is in the contacts list
1. Display the number of '''un-read messages''' in non-active tabs within a red circle over the tab name
1. To close a chat tab add a '''x button''' to it
1. Replace Connect/Close buttons with a '''single button''' that accurately displays the connection status
1. Mark '''undelivered messages''' with a different background color
1. Message '''message could not be delivered is repeated many times over'''
1. When dragging a recipient tab on the contact list bring up the '''Add contact dialog'''
1. Remove '''Add contact button'''
1. '''Sent/received alert''' sounds are now played with a bit of delay
1. When click on the Audio button, use '''add_stream''' to append an audio stream to existing chat session
1. If an audio stream exists part of the session, add the audio control buttons '''Record|Hold|Terminate'''
1. Display '''is-composing''' payload (not yet available in middleware)
1. When dragging a recipient tab outside '''spawn a new chat window''' and move the session into it
1. Add functionality to '''search history'''
1. Add Menu item Sessions-> '''Start chat session''' and pop up window to enter an address. The chat session dialog is different than the audio dialog, extra options will be added a latee time
1. Add file transfer function, pop up a '''file selection dialog''' and establish a separate SIP session per file. On incoming be prepared to receive offer with multiple files per SIP session.
1. Display the '''file transfer session outcome''' in the chat window like other system messages
1. Display '''file transfer progress''' in a separate window (all file transfers in the same window)
1. When '''drag a file''' onto the Chat window or the Contact in main interface start a file transfer session
= Main =
1. The pressed icon of the mute microfone is '''too red''', the microphone is not visible anymore
1. Add '''right click actions''' to the dock icon to start audio and chat sessions
1. If '''dragging window size when collapsed''', it does not fall back into place correctly
1. Show '''only error messages''' in the log drawer with a reddish font
1. '''Auto withdraw''' the log drawer after 5 seconds
1. Link the Menu item Help->'''Blick help''' to
1. Replace the C from the audio button with a '''phone handset''' (iChat style)
= Presence =
1. Show '''Display name''' next to the photo on top row. When edit the name save account.display_name setting
1. Put '''own photo''' in a white rounded frame like Adium
1. Show '''Presence activity''' next to name on top row. Activities:
1. Available
1. Away (automatically set it if keyboard/mouse idle)
1. Appointment (automatically set it if keyboard/mouse is idle and the system calendar has an entry)
1. On the phone (automatically set it when an audio session exists)
1. Working
1. Busy
1. Meeting
1. Presentation
1. Breakfast
1. Lunch
1. Dinner
1. Travel
1. Steering
1. Watch TV
1. Vacation
1. Holiday
1. Show '''Presence activity note''' on the second row, editable text with white background and a blueish text color
1. '''Acquire photo''' from webcam and save it
= Contacts =
1. Rename menu item Contact with '''Contacts'''
1. Add '''Edit Contact''' in the Contacts menu
1. Add '''Edit Group''' in the Contacts menu
1. Add '''Delete Group''' in the Contacts menu
1. Add '''right click menu''' to contacts:
1. Start Audio session
1. Start Chat session
1. Edit contact
1. Add the following '''per contact settings''' in the '''Add/edit contact window''':
* Double click starts: Radio buttons: Audio session, Chat session
* Subscribe to Presence (boolean, default true)
1. '''Delete the Contact''' when pressing delete
1. When pressing delete on a Group, prompt the user to either delete all associated contacts or move them to '''another group'''
1. When '''double click''' on a contact use the action saved with the contact (e.g. chat session instead of audio session)
1. Append '''domain part if missing'''. E.g. when adding abcd@chatserver we must still append the domain name after chatserver
1. Allow '''drag of Contacts''' between Groups
1. If search when GUI is collapsed and then expand then the Add contact button '''overlaps with other text'''
= Preferences =
1. Call '''set_audio_devices()''' when changing the audio device or tail_length in global Preferences
1. '''Bonjour account''' does not show/hide when activate/deactivate in preferences
1. Properly '''align''' horizontally the Advanced settings
1. Audio device must also list 'Default system input ' and 'Default system output' (or is it a middleware setting?)
1. '''bonjour account''' must have only Display name as main property
1. No control available to set the '''volume level of the wav files'''
1. Hide the '''minus button for Bonjour''', it cannot be deleted
1. When the '''password is changed''', re-Register the account
1. When '''Register''' flag is toggled for account, (de)Register the account accordingly
1. '''Codec lists''' must be an ordered list with at least one active codec
1. '''Stun server''' addresses cannot be set, they seem to inherit the results found in DNS
1. '''general.rtp.local_ip''': Can't set option local_ip illegal local IP address value: auto
1. '''general.rtp.port_range''': (AttributeError: 'PortRangeOption' object has no attribute 'save')
1. '''general.sip.transports''' cannot be saved
1. '''''' cannot be saved and displays duplicate codecs
1. '''''' cannot be saved and displays duplicate codecs
1. '''account.msrp.relay''' cannot be set: global name 'MSRPRelayAddres' is not defined
1. For '''account.ringtone''' advanced setting, the default setting must be inherited from '''general.ringtone.inbound'''
= Debug =
1. Delete the '''PJSIP and Notifications tabs'''
1. '''Add colors''' to the SIP trace content
1. Print '''DNS lookups and results''' in the SIP trace window formated like in sip_audio_session script
1. '''Filter SIP trace''' by first line (add a checkbox called SIP Methods and Answers only)
1. Rename Enable MSRP Trace (Header Only) to '''MSRP headers'''
1. Rename Enable MSRP Trace Body to '''MSRP content'''
1. Rename Enable XCAP Trace (Header Only) to '''XCAP headers'''
1. Rename Enable XCAP Trace (Body) to '''XCAP content'''
= Other =
1. When started '''CPU usage''' is 0.2%, after an audio call the CPU stays > 10%
1. Show in General debug window '''other registered contacts''' from the response for Register
1. Save position of '''contact groups''' - colapsed/expanded and their order
1. Save position of '''Debug window''' and its checkbos settings
1. Set SIP User Agent name to '''blink-<version>'''
1. Check if the '''selected wav file''' is in the right format supported by PJSIP before saving the settings related to ringtones
1. After keeping windows open for awhile the messages arrive '''very late''' on the other side
1. Make a queue with maximum '''32 tones''' to prevent PJSIP from crashing (or better increase PJSIP itself to a more decent value?)
Updated by Adrian Georgescu over 15 years ago · 351 revisions