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Adrian Georgescu, 03/22/2009 11:22 am

= Installation procedure on FreeBSD =

The installation procedure includes 5 steps described below:

  • Step 1. Prerequisites
  • Step 2. Install dependencies
  • Step 3. Install SIP SIMPLE client
Step 1. Prerequisites

You must install the C compiling environment, python 2.5 and the following

gnutls >=2.4.1, libxml2 >=2.6.32, libxslt >=1.1.24, python-setuptools =>0.6c9

Install subversion and darcs version control tools. Darcs is
available a port or directly from http://darcs.net.

portinstall devel/darcs devel/subversion lang/ghc \
security/gnutls textproc/libxml2 textproc/libxslt devel/py-setuptools \
devel/gmake security/py-gnutls

Step 2. Install dependencies

You can use the easy_install script provided by the python-setuptools
package to install and/or update the dependencies:

easy_install -U lxml cython python-application dnspython twisted py zope.interface

Or you can install the following packages from source, notice the minimum
version numbers:

Download and install dependencies available in AG Projects repositories:

  1. eventlet for twisted
    wget http://download.ag-projects.com/EventletTwisted/eventlet-0.9pre.tar.gz
    tar -xf eventlet-0.9pre.tar.gz
    cd eventlet-0.9pre
    sudo python setup.py install
    cd ..
  1. python-xcaplib
    if [ -d python-xcaplib ]; then
    cd python-xcaplib
    darcs pull -a
    sudo python setup.py install
    darcs get http://devel.ag-projects.com/repositories/python-xcaplib
    cd python-xcaplib
    sudo python setup.py install
    cd ..
  1. python-msrplib
    if [ -d python-msrplib ]; then
    cd python-msrplib
    darcs pull -a
    sudo python setup.py install
    darcs get http://devel.ag-projects.com/repositories/python-msrplib
    cd python-msrplib
    sudo python setup.py install
    cd ..
Step 3. Install SIP SIMPLE client

Download SIP SIMPLE client sources. Run the next step once:

darcs get http://devel.ag-projects.com/repositories/python-sipsimple

The software is downloaded under python-sipsimple directory. To update it at
a later time:

cd python-sipsimple
darcs pull -a

Build and install the software library:

cd python-sipsimple
sudo python setup.py install