Packaging Eventlet version 0810

Version 1 (Anonymous, 04/19/2012 03:30 pm) → Version 2/3 (Anonymous, 04/19/2012 03:30 pm)

python-eventlet (0.8.10) unstable; urgency=low


based on changeset 628

reimplemented coros.BoundedSemaphore using two Semaphores;
queue(0) should work well as a channel replacement now

added 'balance' property to coros.BoundedSemaphore, similar to that of channel's

added connDone parameter to twistedutil.protocol.GreenTransportBase.loseConnection()

renamed 'sync' argument to 'wait' in write() and loseConnection() methods
of twistedutil.protocol.GreenTransportBase

fixed proc.+all+ proc.__all__ to include Source class

proc: changed the way links to functions are fired: now Source/Proc instance
passes itself as a parameter both for "value" and "exception" links.

added 'value' property to Source and exc_info() method to access the result and the exception

added has_value() and has_exception() to Source

added docstring for proc.wrap_errors helper

added proc.RunningProcSet class