Packaging msrplib version 0100

Version 1 (Anonymous, 04/19/2012 03:30 pm)

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python-msrplib (0.10.0) unstable; urgency=low
2 1
3 1
  * made all the library classes new-style (derive from object)
4 1
  * replaced TrafficLogger and StateLogger with a single Logger class
5 1
  * fixed typo in AcceptorDirect.getHost()
6 1
  * made MSRPData.status property return StatusHeader instance, not a tuple
7 1
  * fixed MSRPTransport.make_chunk() to support REPORT requests
8 1
  * made ByteRangeHeader.decoded return a tuple instead of a list
9 1
  * made MSRPSession fire a success report if needed
10 1
  * test system: a few minor improvements
11 1
  * added unit test for success reports
12 1
  * fixed typo in MSRPTransport that made incoming chunks larger than 16K fail with ChunkParseError
13 1
  * fixed AttributeError in cleanup() methods
14 1
  * added __repr__ to connectors
15 1
  * limit debug log messages' length
16 1
  * set the timeout to 30 seconds
17 1
  * fixed ConnectorDirect.prepare() to update zero port in local_uri with 2855
18 1
  * added a few docstrings
19 1
  * renamed 'sync' argument into 'wait' in all methods where it's used
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  * added copy() method to protocol.MSRPData
21 1
  * fixed bug in MSRPTransport.read_chunk's incoming chunk splitting functionality:
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    virtual chunks had incorrect Byte-Range header
23 1
  * made session actually pass INCOMING_CHUNK_SIZE to transport's read_chunk and thus split the incoming chunks
24 1
  * added support for sending files with MSRPSession: session.OutgoingFile class and MSRPSession.send_file() method
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  * added examples for sending and receiving a message
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  * added example for file transfer
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  * updated eventlet dependency to 0.8.10