Eventlet/greenlet is used for turning non-blocking operations in blocking operations and vice-versa using twisted. Currently it does not compile on ARM processors. Patches have been submitted to to py project where the c-extension of the greenlet is maintained.
The patch must be applied to greenlet repository located at
Denis asked the developer to integrate the patch but got no response.
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Denis Bilenko <> Date: Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 2:09 PM Subject: patch for greenlet to work on ARM / Nokia N810 tablet To: Hi Bob, I have a patch for greenlet, could you please apply it? Your email is the only one that is mentioned on and the py library does not include py.magic.greenlet since 1.0.0, which is why I have not sent the patch to their mailing list. The patch makes greenlet compilable on Nokia N810 internet tablet and probably other ARM devices. We were able to run eventlet here and SIP/MSRP IM client ( which uses it. I basically just copied switch_arm32_gcc.h from stackless and made it used if +arm+ is defined (although not +arm32+ like stackless does, that one is not defined for that architecture). Thanks, Denis.
Updated by almost 13 years ago ยท 3 revisions