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Adrian Georgescu, 02/22/2009 08:33 PM
= Features =
<abbr title="WikiStart, Sip*, depth=2">TOC</abbr>
Additional to a selected lists of SIP features implemented by the underlying PJSIP library and exposes through a Python API, this project implements session based instant messaging (IM), file transfer and multi-party chat sessions using MSRP protocol and its relay extension, publication and subscription for rich presence information such as availability, moods, activities and geo-location, management for presence rules, resource lists, RLS services documents using XCAP protocol.
SIP * REGISTER (client side) * RFC 3263 DNS lookups * INVITE including re-INVITE * PRACK * BYE * CANCEL * PUBLISH (client side) * SUBSCRIBE (client side) * NOTIFY (client side) * OPTIONS (client side) * UDP/TCP/TLSSee for more details about each feature.
Audio * Disable audio * Echo cancelation control * Hold/On-hold * DTMF * ICE/STUN * Codecs: speex (wideband), g711, ilbc, gsm, g722 * sRTP Presence * Rich presence data model [ RFC3856], [ RFC3863 ], [ RFC4479], [ RFC4481], [ RFC4482], [ RFC5196] * Presence watcher-info event package [ RFC3857], [ RFC3858] * RLS services [ RFC4826] XCAP * XCAP protocol [ RFC4825] * XCAP presence rules [ RFC5025] * XCAP resource-lists and RLS-services [ RFC4826] * XCAP PIDF manipulation [ RFC4827] * XCAP-diff event package [ draft-ietf-simple-xcap-diff-09] * TCP and TLS transports MSRP * MSRP protocol [ RFC4975] * MSRP protocol relay extension [ RFC4976] * MSRP file transfer [ draft-ietf-mmusic-file-transfer-mech-11] * Message summary event package [ RFC3842] * TCP and TLS transports Conferencing * Conference event package [ RFC4575] * MSRP ad-hoc multi-party chat sessions [ draft-ietf-simple-chat-03] Others * Desktop sharing, variation of [ draft-garcia-mmusic-sdp-collaboration-00] * Bonjour multicast DNS [ draft-lee-sip-dns-sd-uri-03]Updated by Adrian Georgescu about 16 years ago · 14 revisions