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Adrian Georgescu, 10/09/2010 02:59 PM

= Features =

''SIP SIMPLE client SDK'' is a Software Development Kit for development of Real Time Applications based on SIP and related protocols for Audio, Instant Messaging, File Transfers, Desktop Sharing and Presence. Other media types can be easily added by using an extensible high-level API.

The library has cross platform capabilities on Linux OS, Mac OSX and Microsoft Windows. The library should work with minimal changes on any platform that supports C and Python development environments. The SIP and media stacks are based on pjsip 1.0 version with relevant patches from later versions applied.

To see ''SIP SIMPLE client SDK'' features in action you can try [ Blink].

General Features * Written in Python Programming Language * Non-blocking Asynchronous Engine * High Level Middleware * Configuration Framework * TLS Security for signaling (SIP) and media (MSRP, XCAP) * Multiple SIP Accounts support * Multiple Media Types per Session (e.g. Audio + IM) * Trace capability for all underlying protocols * Failover for DNS lookups, SIP and MSRP routing * Supports re-INVITE for adding and removing media * Automatically handling if IP Address changes * Audio Conference Bridge * Wav Player and Recorder * Acoustic Echo Cancelation (based on Speex MDF algorithm) * Answering Machine * Wide-band Internet codecs: Speex and G722 * PSTN compatible codecs: G711, iLBC, GSM

Supported media types:

  • Audio (RTP/sRTP)
  • Instant Messaging (MSRP)
  • File Transfer (MSRP)
  • Desktop Sharing (VNC over MSRP)

All media types can be combined together in the same SIP session.

The library uses a separated from the core lookup mechanism for the next hop routing. This important feature allows the library to be used for building SIP clients that operate in combination with any SIP provider (by employing RFC 3263 DNS lookups), in a server-less LAN operation (using Bonjour protocol) or integrated into a network overlay developed by a third party (e.g. P2PSIP overlay).

Implemented Standards

=== SIP Signaling ===

=== Address Resolution ===

=== NAT Traversal ===

=== Voice over IP ===

=== Instant Messaging ===

=== Desktop Sharing ===

=== Conferencing ===

=== Presence ===

All features have been tested against with [ OpenSIPS] Presence Agent and [ OpenXCAP] server.

Updated by Adrian Georgescu over 14 years ago · 145 revisions