
Version 115 (Luci Stanescu, 06/24/2010 01:12 pm)

1 1 Adrian Georgescu
= Middleware API =
2 1 Adrian Georgescu
3 113 Adrian Georgescu
[[TOC(SipMiddlewareApi, SipConfigurationAPI, SipCoreApiDocumentation, SipMSRPApi, depth=3)]]
4 104 Adrian Georgescu
5 102 Adrian Georgescu
This chapter describes the ''Middleware API'' for SIP SIMPLE client SDK that can be used for developing a user interface (e.g. Graphical User Interface). The Middleware provides a ''non-blocking'' API  that communicates with the user interface asynchronously by using ''Notifications''. For its configuration, the Middleware uses the [wiki:SipConfigurationAPI Configuration API].
6 1 Adrian Georgescu
7 101 Adrian Georgescu
[[Image(sipsimple-middleware.png, align=center, width=700)]]
8 1 Adrian Georgescu
9 1 Adrian Georgescu
== SIPApplication ==
10 1 Adrian Georgescu
11 62 Luci Stanescu
Implemented in [browser:sipsimple/]
12 1 Adrian Georgescu
13 62 Luci Stanescu
Implements a high-level application responsable for starting and stopping various sub-systems required to implement a fully featured SIP User Agent application. The SIPApplication class is a Singleton and can be instantiated from any part of the code, obtaining a reference to the same object. The SIPApplication takes care of initializing the following components:
14 62 Luci Stanescu
 * the twisted thread
15 93 Adrian Georgescu
 * the configuration system, via the [wiki:SipConfigurationAPI#ConfigurationManager ConfigurationManager]
16 62 Luci Stanescu
 * the core [wiki:SipCoreApiDocumentation#Engine Engine] using the settings in the configuration
17 62 Luci Stanescu
 * the [wiki:SipMiddlewareApi#AccountManager AccountManager], using the accounts in the configuration
18 63 Luci Stanescu
 * the [wiki:SipMiddlewareApi#SessionManager SessionManager], in order to handle incoming sessions
19 62 Luci Stanescu
 * two [wiki:SipMiddlewareApi#AudioBridge AudioBridges], using the settings in the configuration
20 1 Adrian Georgescu
21 62 Luci Stanescu
The attributes in this class can be set and accessed on both this class and its subclasses, as they are implemented using descriptors which keep single value for each attribute, irrespective of the class from which that attribute is set/accessed. Usually, all attributes should be considered read-only.
22 1 Adrian Georgescu
23 95 Adrian Georgescu
==== methods  ====
24 62 Luci Stanescu
25 94 Adrian Georgescu
26 62 Luci Stanescu
27 62 Luci Stanescu
  Instantiates a new SIPApplication.
28 94 Adrian Georgescu
29 62 Luci Stanescu
 '''start'''(''self'', '''config_backend''')::
30 62 Luci Stanescu
  Starts the {{{SIPApplication}}} which initializes all the components in the correct order. The {{{config_backend}}} is used to start the {{{ConfigurationManager}}}. If any error occurs with loading the configuration, the exception raised by the {{{ConfigurationManager}}} is propagated by this method and {{{SIPApplication}}} can be started again. After this, any fatal errors will result in the SIPApplication being stopped and unusable, which means the whole application will need to stop. This method returns as soon as the twisted thread has been started, which means the application must wait for the {{{SIPApplicationDidStart}}} notification in order to know that the application started.
31 94 Adrian Georgescu
32 62 Luci Stanescu
33 62 Luci Stanescu
  Stop all the components started by the SIPApplication. This method returns immediately, but a {{{SIPApplicationDidEnd}}} notification is sent when all the components have been stopped.
34 62 Luci Stanescu
35 95 Adrian Georgescu
==== attributes ====
36 1 Adrian Georgescu
37 94 Adrian Georgescu
38 62 Luci Stanescu
39 62 Luci Stanescu
  {{{True}}} if the SIPApplication is running (it has been started and it has not been told to stop), {{{False}}} otherwise.
40 94 Adrian Georgescu
41 94 Adrian Georgescu
42 62 Luci Stanescu
43 62 Luci Stanescu
  The {{{AudioMixer}}} object created on the alert audio device as defined by the configuration (by
44 94 Adrian Georgescu
45 62 Luci Stanescu
46 62 Luci Stanescu
  An {{{AudioBridge}}} where {{{IAudioPort}}} objects can be added to playback sound to the alert device.
47 94 Adrian Georgescu
48 62 Luci Stanescu
49 62 Luci Stanescu
  An {{{AudioDevice}}} which corresponds to the alert device as defined by the configuration. This will always be part of the alert_audio_bridge.
50 94 Adrian Georgescu
51 62 Luci Stanescu
52 62 Luci Stanescu
  The {{{AudioMixer}}} object created on the voice audio device as defined by the configuration (by and
53 94 Adrian Georgescu
54 62 Luci Stanescu
55 62 Luci Stanescu
  An {{{AudioBridge}}} where {{{IAudioPort}}} objects can be added to playback sound to the output device or record sound from the input device.
56 94 Adrian Georgescu
57 62 Luci Stanescu
58 62 Luci Stanescu
  An {{{AudioDevice}}} which corresponds to the voice device as defined by the configuration. This will always be part of the voice_audio_bridge.
59 1 Adrian Georgescu
60 95 Adrian Georgescu
==== notifications  ====
61 62 Luci Stanescu
62 94 Adrian Georgescu
63 62 Luci Stanescu
64 62 Luci Stanescu
  This notification is sent just after the configuration has been loaded and the twisted thread started, but before any other components have been initialized.
65 62 Luci Stanescu
66 62 Luci Stanescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
67 94 Adrian Georgescu
68 62 Luci Stanescu
69 62 Luci Stanescu
  This notification is sent when all the components have been initialized. Note: it doesn't mean that all components have succeeded, for example, the account might not have registered by this time, but the registration process will have started.
70 62 Luci Stanescu
71 62 Luci Stanescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
72 94 Adrian Georgescu
73 62 Luci Stanescu
74 62 Luci Stanescu
  This notification is sent as soon as the {{{stop()}}} method has been called.
75 62 Luci Stanescu
76 62 Luci Stanescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
77 94 Adrian Georgescu
78 62 Luci Stanescu
79 62 Luci Stanescu
  This notification is sent when all the components have been stopped. All components have been given reasonable time to shutdown gracefully, such as the account unregistering. However, because of factors outside the control of the middleware, such as network problems, some components might not have actually shutdown gracefully; this is needed because otherwise the SIPApplication could hang indefinitely (for example because the system is no longer connected to a network and it cannot be determined when it will be again).
80 62 Luci Stanescu
81 62 Luci Stanescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
82 94 Adrian Georgescu
83 62 Luci Stanescu
84 62 Luci Stanescu
  This notification is sent when a problem arises with initializing the TLS transport. In this case, the Engine will be started without TLS support and this notification contains the error which identifies the cause for not being able to start the TLS transport.
85 62 Luci Stanescu
86 62 Luci Stanescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
87 62 Luci Stanescu
88 62 Luci Stanescu
  The exception raised by the Engine which identifies the cause for not being able to start the TLS transport.
89 50 Adrian Georgescu
90 1 Adrian Georgescu
91 63 Luci Stanescu
== SIP Sessions ==
92 1 Adrian Georgescu
93 63 Luci Stanescu
SIP sessions are supported by the {{{sipsimple.session.Session}}} class and independent stream classes, which need to implement the {{{sipsimple.streams.IMediaStream}}} interface. The {{{Session}}} class takes care of the signalling, while the streams offer the actual media support which is negotiated by the {{{Session}}}. The streams which are implemented in the SIP SIMPLE middleware are provided in modules within the {{{sipsimple.streams}}} package, but they are accessible for import directly from {{{sipsimple.streams}}}. Currently, the middleware implements two types of streams, one for RTP data, with a concrete implementation in the {{{AudioStream}}} class, and one for MSRP sessions, with concrete implementations in the {{{ChatStream}}}, {{{FileTransferStream}}} and {{{DesktopSharingStream}}} classes. However, the application can provide its own stream implementation, provided they respect the {{{IMediaStream}}} interface.
94 63 Luci Stanescu
95 74 Luci Stanescu
The {{{sipsimple.streams}}} module also provides a mechanism for automatically registering media streams in order for them to be used for incoming sessions. This is explained in more detail in [wiki:SipMiddlewareApi#MediaStreamRegistry MediaStreamRegistry].
96 65 Luci Stanescu
97 91 Adrian Georgescu
98 91 Adrian Georgescu
=== SessionManager ===
99 91 Adrian Georgescu
100 91 Adrian Georgescu
Implemented in [browser:sipsimple/]
101 91 Adrian Georgescu
102 91 Adrian Georgescu
The {{{sipsimple.session.SessionManager}}} class is a singleton, which acts as the central aggregation point for sessions within the middleware.
103 91 Adrian Georgescu
Although it is mainly used internally, the application can use it to query information about all active sessions.
104 115 Luci Stanescu
The SessionManager is implemented as a singleton, meaning that only one instance of this class exists within the middleware. The SessionManager is started by the SIPApplication and takes care of handling incoming sessions and closing all sessions when SIPApplication is stopped.
105 91 Adrian Georgescu
106 91 Adrian Georgescu
==== attributes ====
107 91 Adrian Georgescu
108 94 Adrian Georgescu
109 91 Adrian Georgescu
110 91 Adrian Georgescu
  A property providing a copy of the list of all active {{{Sesssion}}} objects within the application, meaning any {{{Session}}} object that exists globally within the application and is not in the {{{NULL}}} or {{{TERMINATED}}} state.
111 91 Adrian Georgescu
112 91 Adrian Georgescu
==== methods ====
113 91 Adrian Georgescu
114 94 Adrian Georgescu
115 91 Adrian Georgescu
116 91 Adrian Georgescu
  Instantiate a new {{{SessionManager}}} object.
117 91 Adrian Georgescu
118 94 Adrian Georgescu
119 1 Adrian Georgescu
120 115 Luci Stanescu
  Start the {{{SessionManager}}} in order to be able to handle incoming sessions. This method is called automatically when SIPApplication is started. The application should not call this method directly.
121 115 Luci Stanescu
122 115 Luci Stanescu
123 115 Luci Stanescu
  End all connected sessions. This method is called automatically when SIPApplication is stopped. The application should not call this method directly.
124 91 Adrian Georgescu
125 44 Adrian Georgescu
=== Session ===
126 1 Adrian Georgescu
127 1 Adrian Georgescu
Implemented in [browser:sipsimple/]
128 26 Luci Stanescu
129 1 Adrian Georgescu
A {{{sipsimple.session.Session}}} object represents a complete SIP session between the local and a remote endpoints. Both incoming and outgoing sessions are represented by this class.
130 1 Adrian Georgescu
131 1 Adrian Georgescu
A {{{Session}}} instance is a stateful object, meaning that it has a {{{state}}} attribute and that the lifetime of the session traverses different states, from session creation to termination.
132 2 Adrian Georgescu
State changes are triggered by methods called on the object by the application or by received network events.
133 1 Adrian Georgescu
These states and their transitions are represented in the following diagram:
134 63 Luci Stanescu
135 105 Adrian Georgescu
136 105 Adrian Georgescu
137 1 Adrian Georgescu
Although these states are crucial to the correct operation of the {{{Session}}} object, an application using this object does not need to keep track of these states, as a set of notifications is also emitted, which provide all the necessary information to the application.
138 63 Luci Stanescu
139 63 Luci Stanescu
The {{{Session}}} is completely independent of the streams it contains, which need to be implementations of the {{{sipsimple.streams.IMediaStream}}} interface. This interface provides the API by which the {{{Session}}} communicates with the streams. This API should not be used by the application, unless it also provides stream implementations or a SIP INVITE session implementation.
140 63 Luci Stanescu
141 63 Luci Stanescu
==== methods ====
142 63 Luci Stanescu
143 94 Adrian Georgescu
144 63 Luci Stanescu
 '''!__init!__'''(''self'', '''account''')::
145 63 Luci Stanescu
  Creates a new {{{Session}}} object in the {{{None}}} state.
146 63 Luci Stanescu
147 63 Luci Stanescu
  The local account to be associated with this {{{Session}}}.
148 94 Adrian Georgescu
149 63 Luci Stanescu
 '''connect'''(''self'', '''to_header''', '''routes''', '''streams''')::
150 63 Luci Stanescu
  Will set up the {{{Session}}} as outbound and propose the new session to the specified remote party and move the state machine to the {{{outgoing}}} state.
151 63 Luci Stanescu
  Before contacting the remote party, a {{{SIPSessionNewOutgoing}}} notification will be emitted.
152 63 Luci Stanescu
  If there is a failure or the remote party rejected the offer, a {{{SIPSessionDidFail}}} notification will be sent.
153 63 Luci Stanescu
  Any time a ringing indication is received from the remote party, a {{{SIPSessionGotRingIndication}}} notification is sent.
154 63 Luci Stanescu
  If the remote party accepted the session, a {{{SIPSessionWillStart}}} notification will be sent, followed by a {{{SIPSessionDidStart}}} notification when the session is actually established.
155 63 Luci Stanescu
  This method may only be called while in the {{{None}}} state.
156 63 Luci Stanescu
157 63 Luci Stanescu
  A {{{sipsimple.core.ToHeader}}} object representing the remote identity to initiate the session to.
158 63 Luci Stanescu
159 63 Luci Stanescu
  An iterable of {{{sipsimple.util.Route}}} objects, specifying the IP, port and transport to the outbound proxy.
160 63 Luci Stanescu
  These routes will be tried in order, until one of them succeeds.
161 63 Luci Stanescu
162 63 Luci Stanescu
  A list of stream objects which will be offered to the remote endpoint.
163 94 Adrian Georgescu
164 63 Luci Stanescu
165 63 Luci Stanescu
  Sends a 180 provisional response in the case of an incoming session.
166 94 Adrian Georgescu
167 63 Luci Stanescu
 '''accept'''(''self'', '''streams''')::
168 63 Luci Stanescu
  Calling this methods will accept an incoming session and move the state machine to the {{{accepting}}} state.
169 63 Luci Stanescu
  When there is a new incoming session, a {{{SIPSessionNewIncoming}}} notification is sent, after which the application can call this method on the sender of the notification.
170 63 Luci Stanescu
  After this method is called, {{{SIPSessionWillStart}}} followed by {{{SIPSessionDidStart}}} will be emitted, or {{{SIPSessionDidFail}}} on an error.
171 63 Luci Stanescu
  This method may only be called while in the {{{incoming}}} state.
172 63 Luci Stanescu
173 63 Luci Stanescu
  A list of streams which needs to be a subset of the proposed streams which indicates which streams are to be accepted. All the other proposed streams will be rejected.
174 94 Adrian Georgescu
175 63 Luci Stanescu
 '''reject'''(''self'', '''code'''={{{603}}}, '''reason'''={{{None}}})::
176 114 Adrian Georgescu
  Reject an incoming session and move it to the {{{terminating}}} state, which eventually leads to the {{{terminated}}} state.
177 63 Luci Stanescu
  Calling this method will cause the {{{Session}}} object to emit a {{{SIPSessionDidFail}}} notification once the session has been rejected.
178 63 Luci Stanescu
  This method may only be called while in the {{{incoming}}} state.
179 63 Luci Stanescu
180 63 Luci Stanescu
  An integer which represents the SIP status code in the response which is to be sent. Usually, this is either 486 (Busy) or 603 (Decline/Busy Everywhere).
181 63 Luci Stanescu
182 63 Luci Stanescu
  The string which is to be sent as the SIP status reason in the response, or None if PJSIP's default reason for the specified code is to be sent.
183 94 Adrian Georgescu
184 63 Luci Stanescu
 '''accept_proposal'''(''self'', '''streams''')::
185 63 Luci Stanescu
  When the remote party proposes to add some new streams, signaled by the {{{SIPSessionGotProposal}}} notification, the application can use this method to accept the stream(s) being proposed.
186 63 Luci Stanescu
  After calling this method a {{{SIPSessionGotAcceptProposal}}} notification is sent, unless an error occurs while setting up the new stream, in which case a {{{SIPSessionHadProposalFailure}}} notification is sent and a rejection is sent to the remote party. As with any action which causes the streams in the session to change, a {{{SIPSessionDidRenegotiateStreams}}} notification is also sent.
187 63 Luci Stanescu
  This method may only be called while in the {{{received_proposal}}} state.
188 63 Luci Stanescu
189 63 Luci Stanescu
  A list of streams which needs to be a subset of the proposed streams which indicates which streams are to be accepted. All the other proposed streams will be rejected.
190 94 Adrian Georgescu
191 63 Luci Stanescu
 '''reject_proposal'''(''self'', '''code'''={{{488}}}, '''reason'''={{{None}}})::
192 63 Luci Stanescu
  When the remote party proposes new streams that the application does not want to accept, this method can be used to reject the proposal, after which a {{{SIPSessionGotRejectProposal}}} or {{{SIPSessionHadProposalFailure}}} notification is sent.
193 63 Luci Stanescu
  This method may only be called while in the {{{received_proposal}}} state.
194 63 Luci Stanescu
195 63 Luci Stanescu
  An integer which represents the SIP status code in the response which is to be sent. Usually, this is 488 (Not Acceptable Here).
196 63 Luci Stanescu
197 63 Luci Stanescu
  The string which is to be sent as the SIP status reason in the response, or None if PJSIP's default reason for the specified code is to be sent.
198 94 Adrian Georgescu
199 63 Luci Stanescu
 '''add_stream'''(''self'', '''stream''')::
200 63 Luci Stanescu
  Proposes a new stream to the remote party.
201 63 Luci Stanescu
  Calling this method will cause a {{{SIPSessionGotProposal}}} notification to be emitted.
202 63 Luci Stanescu
  After this, the state machine will move into the {{{sending_proposal}}} state until either a {{{SIPSessionGotAcceptProposal}}}, {{{SIPSessionGotRejectProposal}}} or {{{SIPSessionHadProposalFailure}}} notification is sent, informing the application if the remote party accepted the proposal. As with any action which causes the streams in the session to change, a {{{SIPSessionDidRenegotiateStreams}}} notification is also sent.
203 63 Luci Stanescu
  This method may only be called while in the {{{connected}}} state.
204 94 Adrian Georgescu
205 63 Luci Stanescu
 '''remove_stream'''(''self'', '''stream''')::
206 63 Luci Stanescu
  Stop the stream and remove it from the session, informing the remote party of this. Although technically this is also done via an SDP negotiation which may fail, the stream will always get remove (if the remote party refuses the re-INVITE, the result will be that the remote party will have a different view of the active streams than the local party).
207 63 Luci Stanescu
  This method may only be called while in the {{{connected}}} state.
208 94 Adrian Georgescu
209 63 Luci Stanescu
210 63 Luci Stanescu
  This method cancels a proposal of adding a stream to the session by sending a CANCEL request. A {{{SIPSessionGotRejectProposal}}} notification will be sent with code 487.
211 94 Adrian Georgescu
212 63 Luci Stanescu
213 63 Luci Stanescu
  Put the streams of the session which support the notion of hold on hold.
214 63 Luci Stanescu
  This will cause a {{{SIPSessionDidChangeHoldState}}} notification to be sent.
215 63 Luci Stanescu
  This method may be called in any state and will send the re-INVITE as soon as it is possible.
216 94 Adrian Georgescu
217 63 Luci Stanescu
218 63 Luci Stanescu
  Take the streams of the session which support the notion of hold out of hold.
219 63 Luci Stanescu
  This will cause a {{{SIPSessionDidChangeHoldState}}} notification to be sent.
220 63 Luci Stanescu
  This method may be called in any state and will send teh re-INVITE as soon as it is possible.
221 94 Adrian Georgescu
222 63 Luci Stanescu
223 63 Luci Stanescu
  This method may be called any time after the {{{Session}}} has started in order to terminate the session by sending a BYE request.
224 1 Adrian Georgescu
  Right before termination a {{{SIPSessionWillEnd}}} notification is sent, after termination {{{SIPSessionDidEnd}}} is sent.
225 1 Adrian Georgescu
226 64 Luci Stanescu
==== attributes ====
227 1 Adrian Georgescu
228 94 Adrian Georgescu
229 1 Adrian Georgescu
230 1 Adrian Georgescu
  The state the object is currently in, being one of the states from the diagram above.
231 94 Adrian Georgescu
232 1 Adrian Georgescu
233 19 Ruud Klaver
  The {{{sipsimple.account.Account}}} or {{{sipsimple.account.BonjourAccount}}} object that the {{{Session}}} is associated with.
234 1 Adrian Georgescu
  On an outbound session, this is the account the application specified on object instantiation.
235 94 Adrian Georgescu
236 1 Adrian Georgescu
237 32 Adrian Georgescu
  A string indicating the direction of the initial negotiation of the session.
238 63 Luci Stanescu
  This can be either {{{None}}}, "incoming" or "outgoing".
239 94 Adrian Georgescu
240 63 Luci Stanescu
241 1 Adrian Georgescu
  A string representing the transport this {{{Session}}} is using: {{{"udp"}}}, {{{"tcp"}}} or {{{"tls"}}}.
242 94 Adrian Georgescu
243 1 Adrian Georgescu
244 1 Adrian Georgescu
  The time the session started as a {{{datetime.datetime}}} object, or {{{None}}} if the session was not yet started.
245 94 Adrian Georgescu
246 1 Adrian Georgescu
247 1 Adrian Georgescu
  The time the session stopped as a {{{datetime.datetime}}} object, or {{{None}}} if the session has not yet terminated.
248 94 Adrian Georgescu
249 1 Adrian Georgescu
250 1 Adrian Georgescu
  Boolean indicating whether the session was put on hold, either by the local or the remote party.
251 94 Adrian Georgescu
252 1 Adrian Georgescu
253 1 Adrian Georgescu
  A string indicating the remote user agent, if it provided one.
254 63 Luci Stanescu
  Initially this will be {{{None}}}, it will be set as soon as this information is received from the remote party (which may be never).
255 94 Adrian Georgescu
256 63 Luci Stanescu
257 63 Luci Stanescu
  The {{{sipsimple.core.FrozenFromHeader}}} or {{{sipsimple.core.FrozenToHeader}}} identifying the local party, if the session is active, {{{None}}} otherwise.
258 94 Adrian Georgescu
259 63 Luci Stanescu
260 63 Luci Stanescu
  The {{{sipsimple.core.FrozenFromHeader}}} or {{{sipsimple.core.FrozenToHeader}}} identifying the remote party, if the session is active, {{{None}}} otherwise.
261 94 Adrian Georgescu
262 63 Luci Stanescu
263 63 Luci Stanescu
  A list of the currently active streams in the {{{Session}}}.
264 94 Adrian Georgescu
265 63 Luci Stanescu
266 1 Adrian Georgescu
  A list of the currently proposed streams in the {{{Session}}}, or {{{None}}} if there is no proposal in progress.
267 1 Adrian Georgescu
268 64 Luci Stanescu
==== notifications ====
269 1 Adrian Georgescu
270 94 Adrian Georgescu
271 1 Adrian Georgescu
272 26 Luci Stanescu
  Will be sent when a new incoming {{{Session}}} is received.
273 63 Luci Stanescu
  The application should listen for this notification to get informed of incoming sessions.
274 1 Adrian Georgescu
275 1 Adrian Georgescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
276 1 Adrian Georgescu
277 63 Luci Stanescu
  A list of streams that were proposed by the remote party.
278 94 Adrian Georgescu
279 1 Adrian Georgescu
280 1 Adrian Georgescu
  Will be sent when the applcation requests a new outgoing {{{Session}}}.
281 1 Adrian Georgescu
282 1 Adrian Georgescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
283 1 Adrian Georgescu
284 63 Luci Stanescu
  A list of streams that were proposed to the remote party.
285 94 Adrian Georgescu
286 1 Adrian Georgescu
287 1 Adrian Georgescu
  Will be sent when an outgoing {{{Session}}} receives an indication that a remote device is ringing.
288 1 Adrian Georgescu
289 26 Luci Stanescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
290 94 Adrian Georgescu
291 63 Luci Stanescu
292 63 Luci Stanescu
  Will be sent whenever the {{{Session}}} receives a provisional response as a result of sending a (re-)INVITE.
293 63 Luci Stanescu
294 63 Luci Stanescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
295 63 Luci Stanescu
296 63 Luci Stanescu
  The SIP status code received.
297 63 Luci Stanescu
298 63 Luci Stanescu
  The SIP status reason received.
299 94 Adrian Georgescu
300 1 Adrian Georgescu
301 1 Adrian Georgescu
  Will be sent just before a {{{Session}}} completes negotiation.
302 1 Adrian Georgescu
  In terms of SIP, this is sent after the final response to the {{{INVITE}}}, but before the {{{ACK}}}.
303 1 Adrian Georgescu
304 1 Adrian Georgescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
305 94 Adrian Georgescu
306 1 Adrian Georgescu
307 63 Luci Stanescu
  Will be sent when a {{{Session}}} completes negotiation and all the streams have started.
308 26 Luci Stanescu
  In terms of SIP this is sent after the {{{ACK}}} was sent or received.
309 1 Adrian Georgescu
310 1 Adrian Georgescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
311 63 Luci Stanescu
312 63 Luci Stanescu
  The list of streams which now form the active streams of the {{{Session}}}.
313 94 Adrian Georgescu
314 1 Adrian Georgescu
315 63 Luci Stanescu
  This notification is sent whenever the session fails before it starts.
316 5 Redmine Admin
  The failure reason is included in the data attributes.
317 63 Luci Stanescu
  This notification is never followed by {{{SIPSessionDidEnd}}}.
318 1 Adrian Georgescu
319 26 Luci Stanescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
320 1 Adrian Georgescu
321 63 Luci Stanescu
  A string indicating the originator of the {{{Session}}}. This will either be "local" or "remote".
322 1 Adrian Georgescu
323 1 Adrian Georgescu
  The SIP error code of the failure.
324 1 Adrian Georgescu
325 63 Luci Stanescu
  A SIP status reason.
326 63 Luci Stanescu
327 63 Luci Stanescu
  A string which represents the reason for the failure, such as {{{"user_request"}}}, {{{"missing ACK"}}}, {{{"SIP core error..."}}}.
328 94 Adrian Georgescu
329 1 Adrian Georgescu
330 63 Luci Stanescu
  Will be sent just before terminating a {{{Session}}}.
331 1 Adrian Georgescu
332 1 Adrian Georgescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
333 94 Adrian Georgescu
334 1 Adrian Georgescu
335 63 Luci Stanescu
  Will be sent always when a {{{Session}}} ends as a result of remote or local session termination.
336 1 Adrian Georgescu
337 19 Ruud Klaver
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
338 19 Ruud Klaver
339 63 Luci Stanescu
  A string indicating who originated the termination. This will either be "local" or "remote".
340 63 Luci Stanescu
341 63 Luci Stanescu
  A string representing the termination reason, such as {{{"user_request"}}}, {{{"SIP core error..."}}}.
342 94 Adrian Georgescu
343 63 Luci Stanescu
344 63 Luci Stanescu
  Will be sent when the session got put on hold or removed from hold, either by the local or the remote party.
345 1 Adrian Georgescu
346 1 Adrian Georgescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
347 1 Adrian Georgescu
348 1 Adrian Georgescu
  A string indicating who originated the hold request, and consequently in which direction the session got put on hold.
349 63 Luci Stanescu
350 63 Luci Stanescu
  {{{True}}} if there is at least one stream which is on hold and {{{False}}} otherwise.
351 63 Luci Stanescu
352 63 Luci Stanescu
  {{{True}}} if there is at least one stream which is on hold and one stream which supports hold but is not on hold and {{{False}}} otherwise.
353 94 Adrian Georgescu
354 63 Luci Stanescu
355 63 Luci Stanescu
  Will be sent when either the local or the remote party proposes to add streams to the session.
356 26 Luci Stanescu
357 23 Ruud Klaver
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
358 23 Ruud Klaver
359 63 Luci Stanescu
  The party that initiated the stream proposal, can be either "local" or "remote".
360 63 Luci Stanescu
361 63 Luci Stanescu
  A list of streams that were proposed.
362 94 Adrian Georgescu
363 63 Luci Stanescu
364 63 Luci Stanescu
  Will be sent when either the local or the remote party rejects a proposal to have streams added to the session.
365 6 Ruud Klaver
366 6 Ruud Klaver
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
367 63 Luci Stanescu
368 63 Luci Stanescu
  The party that initiated the stream proposal, can be either "local" or "remote".
369 6 Ruud Klaver
370 63 Luci Stanescu
  The code with which the proposal was rejected.
371 1 Adrian Georgescu
372 63 Luci Stanescu
  The reason for rejecting the stream proposal.
373 63 Luci Stanescu
374 63 Luci Stanescu
  The list of streams which were rejected.
375 94 Adrian Georgescu
376 63 Luci Stanescu
377 63 Luci Stanescu
  Will be sent when either the local or the remote party accepts a proposal to have stream( added to the session.
378 24 Ruud Klaver
379 1 Adrian Georgescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
380 63 Luci Stanescu
381 63 Luci Stanescu
  The party that initiated the stream proposal, can be either "local" or "remote".
382 1 Adrian Georgescu
383 63 Luci Stanescu
  The list of streams which were accepted.
384 94 Adrian Georgescu
385 63 Luci Stanescu
386 24 Ruud Klaver
  Will be sent when a re-INVITE fails because of an internal reason (such as a stream not being able to start).
387 24 Ruud Klaver
388 63 Luci Stanescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
389 63 Luci Stanescu
390 63 Luci Stanescu
  The error which caused the proposal to fail.
391 63 Luci Stanescu
392 108 Adrian Georgescu
  The streams which were part of this proposal.
393 94 Adrian Georgescu
394 24 Ruud Klaver
395 6 Ruud Klaver
  Will be sent when a media stream is either activated or deactivated.
396 26 Luci Stanescu
  An application should listen to this notification in order to know when a media stream can be used.
397 63 Luci Stanescu
398 39 Luci Stanescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
399 39 Luci Stanescu
400 39 Luci Stanescu
  A string which is either {{{"add"}}} or {{{"remove"}}} which specifies what happened to the streams the notificaton referes to
401 1 Adrian Georgescu
402 50 Adrian Georgescu
  A list with the streams which were added or removed.
403 94 Adrian Georgescu
404 39 Luci Stanescu
405 39 Luci Stanescu
  Will be sent whenever a SIP transaction is complete in order to provide low-level details of the progress of the INVITE dialog.
406 64 Luci Stanescu
407 39 Luci Stanescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
408 39 Luci Stanescu
409 39 Luci Stanescu
  The initiator of the transaction, {{{"local"}}} or {{{"remote"}}}.
410 39 Luci Stanescu
411 64 Luci Stanescu
  The method of the request.
412 39 Luci Stanescu
413 39 Luci Stanescu
  The SIP status code of the response.
414 39 Luci Stanescu
415 39 Luci Stanescu
  The SIP status reason of the response.
416 39 Luci Stanescu
417 39 Luci Stanescu
  This attribute is only present for INVITE transactions and has one of the values {{{True}}}, {{{False}}} or {{{"unknown"}}}. The last value may occur then PJSIP does not let us know whether the ACK was received or not.
418 1 Adrian Georgescu
419 65 Luci Stanescu
As an example for how to use the {{{Session}}} object, the following provides a basic Python program that initiates an outgoing SIP session request see [wiki:SipSessionExample Minimalist Session Example code].
420 39 Luci Stanescu
421 39 Luci Stanescu
=== IMediaStream ===
422 1 Adrian Georgescu
423 65 Luci Stanescu
Implemented in [browser:sipsimple/streams/]
424 1 Adrian Georgescu
425 66 Luci Stanescu
This interface describes the API which the {{{Session}}} uses to communicate with the streams. All streams used by the {{{Session}}} __must__ respect this interface.
426 1 Adrian Georgescu
427 1 Adrian Georgescu
==== methods ====
428 65 Luci Stanescu
429 94 Adrian Georgescu
430 1 Adrian Georgescu
 '''!__init!__'''(''self'', ''account'')::
431 65 Luci Stanescu
  Initializes the generic stream instance.
432 94 Adrian Georgescu
433 65 Luci Stanescu
 '''new_from_sdp'''(''cls'', ''account'', ''remote_sdp'', ''stream_index'')::
434 65 Luci Stanescu
  A classmethod which returns an instance of this stream implementation if the sdp is accepted by the stream or None otherwise.
435 65 Luci Stanescu
436 65 Luci Stanescu
  The {{{sipsimple.account.Account}}} or {{{sipsimple.account.BonjourAccount}}} object the session which this stream would be part of is associated with.
437 65 Luci Stanescu
438 65 Luci Stanescu
  The {{{FrozenSDPSession}}} which was received by the remote offer.
439 1 Adrian Georgescu
440 65 Luci Stanescu
  An integer representing the index within the list of media streams within the whole SDP which this stream would be instantiated for. 
441 94 Adrian Georgescu
442 65 Luci Stanescu
 '''get_local_media'''(''self'', ''for_offer'')::
443 65 Luci Stanescu
  Return an {{{SDPMediaStream}}} which represents an offer for using this stream if {{{for_offer}}} is {{{True}}} and a response to an SDP proposal otherwise.
444 1 Adrian Georgescu
445 65 Luci Stanescu
  {{{True}}} if the {{{SDPMediaStream}}} will be used for an SDP proposal and {{{False}}} if for a response.
446 94 Adrian Georgescu
447 65 Luci Stanescu
 '''initialize'''(''self'', ''session'', ''direction'')::
448 65 Luci Stanescu
  Initializes the stream. This method will get called as soon as the stream is known to be at least offered as part of the {{{Session}}}. If initialization goes fine, the stream must send a {{{MediaStreamDidInitialize}}} notification or a {{{MediaStreamDidFail}}} notification otherwise.
449 65 Luci Stanescu
450 65 Luci Stanescu
  The {{{Session}}} object this stream will be part of.
451 1 Adrian Georgescu
452 65 Luci Stanescu
  {{{"incoming"}}} if the stream was created because of a received proposal and {{{"outgoing"}}} if a proposal was sent. Note that this need not be the same as the initial direction of the {{{Session}}} since streams can be proposed in either way using re-INVITEs.
453 94 Adrian Georgescu
454 65 Luci Stanescu
 '''start'''(''self'', ''local_sdp'', ''remote_sdp'', ''stream_index'')::
455 65 Luci Stanescu
  Starts the stream. This method will be called as soon is known to be used in the {{{Session}}} (eg. only called for an incoming proposal if the local party accepts the proposed stream). If starting succeeds, the stream must send a {{{MediaStreamDidStart}}} notification or a {{{MediaStreamDidFail}}} notification otherwise.
456 65 Luci Stanescu
457 65 Luci Stanescu
  The {{{FrozenSDPSession}}} which is used by the local endpoint.
458 65 Luci Stanescu
459 65 Luci Stanescu
  The {{{FrozenSDPSession}}} which is used by the remote endpoint.
460 1 Adrian Georgescu
461 65 Luci Stanescu
  An integer representing the index within the list of media streams within the whole SDP which this stream is represented by. 
462 94 Adrian Georgescu
463 65 Luci Stanescu
 '''validate_update'''(''self'', ''remote_sdp'', ''stream_index'')::
464 65 Luci Stanescu
  This method will be called when a re-INVITE is received which changes the parameters of the stream within the SDP. The stream must return {{{True}}} if the changes are acceptable or {{{False}}} otherwise. If any changed streams return {{{False}}} for a re-INVITE, the re-INVITE will be refused with a negative response. This means that streams must not changed any internal data when this method is called as the update is not guaranteed to be applied even if the stream returns {{{True}}}. 
465 65 Luci Stanescu
466 65 Luci Stanescu
  The {{{FrozenSDPSession}}} which is used by the remote endpoint.
467 1 Adrian Georgescu
468 65 Luci Stanescu
  An integer representing the index within the list of media streams within the whole SDP which this stream is represented by. 
469 94 Adrian Georgescu
470 65 Luci Stanescu
 '''update'''(''self'', ''local_sdp'', ''remote_sdp'', ''stream_index'')::
471 65 Luci Stanescu
  This method is called when the an SDP negotiation initiated by either the local party or the remote party succeeds. The stream must update its internal state according to the new SDP in use.
472 65 Luci Stanescu
473 65 Luci Stanescu
  The {{{FrozenSDPSession}}} which is used by the local endpoint.
474 65 Luci Stanescu
475 65 Luci Stanescu
  The {{{FrozenSDPSession}}} which is used by the remote endpoint.
476 55 Adrian Georgescu
477 65 Luci Stanescu
  An integer representing the index within the list of media streams within the whole SDP which this stream is represented by. 
478 94 Adrian Georgescu
479 55 Adrian Georgescu
480 65 Luci Stanescu
  Puts the stream on hold if supported by the stream. Typically used by audio and video streams. The stream must immediately stop sending/receiving data and calls to {{{get_local_media()}}} following calls to this method must return an SDP which reflects the new hold state.
481 94 Adrian Georgescu
482 65 Luci Stanescu
483 65 Luci Stanescu
  Takes the stream off hold. Typically used by audio and video streams. Calls to {{{get_local_media()}}} following calls to this method must return an SDP which reflects the new hold state.
484 94 Adrian Georgescu
485 65 Luci Stanescu
486 65 Luci Stanescu
  This method is called on a stream just before the stream will be removed from the {{{Session}}} (either as a result of a re-INVITE or a BYE). This method is needed because it avoids a race condition with streams using stateful protocols such as TCP: the stream connection might be terminated before the SIP signalling announces this due to network routing inconsistencies and the other endpoint would not be able to distinguish between this case and an error which caused the stream transport to fail. The stream must not take any action, but must consider that the transport being closed by the other endpoint after this method was called as a normal situation rather than an error condition.
487 94 Adrian Georgescu
488 55 Adrian Georgescu
489 65 Luci Stanescu
  Ends the stream. This must close the underlying transport connection. The stream must send a {{{MediaStreamWillEnd}}} just after this method is called and a {{{MediaStreamDidEnd}}} as soon as the operation is complete. This method is always be called by the {{{Session}}} on the stream if at least the {{{initialize()}}} method has been called. This means that once a stream sends the {{{MediaStreamDidFail}}} notification, the {{{Session}}} will still call this method.
490 55 Adrian Georgescu
491 96 Adrian Georgescu
==== attributes ====
492 65 Luci Stanescu
493 94 Adrian Georgescu
494 65 Luci Stanescu
 '''type''' (class attribute)::
495 65 Luci Stanescu
  A string identifying the stream type (eg: {{{"audio"}}}, {{{"video"}}}).
496 94 Adrian Georgescu
497 65 Luci Stanescu
 '''priority''' (class attribute)::
498 65 Luci Stanescu
  An integer value indicating the stream priority relative to the other streams types (higher numbers have higher priority).
499 94 Adrian Georgescu
500 65 Luci Stanescu
501 65 Luci Stanescu
  True if the stream supports hold
502 94 Adrian Georgescu
503 65 Luci Stanescu
504 65 Luci Stanescu
  True if the stream is on hold by the local party
505 94 Adrian Georgescu
506 65 Luci Stanescu
507 65 Luci Stanescu
  True if the stream is on hold by the remote
508 94 Adrian Georgescu
509 55 Adrian Georgescu
510 65 Luci Stanescu
  True if either on_hold_by_local or on_hold_by_remote is true
511 65 Luci Stanescu
512 65 Luci Stanescu
==== notifications ====
513 65 Luci Stanescu
514 55 Adrian Georgescu
These notifications must be generated by all streams in order for the {{{Session}}} to know the state of the stream.
515 65 Luci Stanescu
516 94 Adrian Georgescu
517 55 Adrian Georgescu
518 65 Luci Stanescu
  Sent when the stream has been successfully initialized.
519 94 Adrian Georgescu
520 55 Adrian Georgescu
521 65 Luci Stanescu
  Sent when the stream has been successfully started.
522 94 Adrian Georgescu
523 55 Adrian Georgescu
524 65 Luci Stanescu
  Sent when the stream has failed either as a result of calling one of its methods, or during the normal operation of the stream (such as the transport connection being closed).
525 94 Adrian Georgescu
526 55 Adrian Georgescu
527 65 Luci Stanescu
  Sent immediately after the {{{end()}}} method is called.
528 94 Adrian Georgescu
529 55 Adrian Georgescu
530 66 Luci Stanescu
  Sent when the {{{end()}}} method finished closing the stream.
531 55 Adrian Georgescu
532 66 Luci Stanescu
=== MediaStreamRegistry ===
533 1 Adrian Georgescu
534 66 Luci Stanescu
The MediaStream registry is a collection of classes which implement {{{IMediaStream}}}. This collection is used by the {{{Session}}} to select a stream class for instantiation in the case of an incomming session. The streams are included in the collection in the descending order of their priority. Thus, streams with a higher priority will be tried first by the {{{Session}}}. This object is a Singleton so references to the same object can be obtained by a simple instantiation.
535 66 Luci Stanescu
536 1 Adrian Georgescu
There are several pre-built streams based on the {{{IMediaStream}}} API:
537 1 Adrian Georgescu
 * {{{sipsimple.streams.rtp.AudioStream}}} - Audio stream based on RTP
538 66 Luci Stanescu
 * {{{sipsimple.streams.msrp.ChatStream}}} - Chat stream based on MSRP 
539 1 Adrian Georgescu
 * {{{sipsimple.streams.msrp.FileTransferStream}}} - File Transfer stream based on MSRP 
540 66 Luci Stanescu
 * {{{sipsimple.streams.msrp.DesktopSharingStream}}} -  Desktop Sharing stream based on VNC over MSRP
541 66 Luci Stanescu
542 66 Luci Stanescu
Other streams which are created by the application must be registered in this registry. For a simple way of doing this, see [wiki:SipMiddlewareApi#MediaStreamRegistrar MediaStreamRegistrar].
543 66 Luci Stanescu
544 66 Luci Stanescu
==== methods ====
545 66 Luci Stanescu
546 94 Adrian Georgescu
547 66 Luci Stanescu
548 66 Luci Stanescu
  Instantiate the MediaStreamRegistry. This will be called just once when first (and only) instance is created.
549 94 Adrian Georgescu
550 66 Luci Stanescu
551 66 Luci Stanescu
  This method allows the registry to be iterated through and will return classes which were registered to it.
552 94 Adrian Georgescu
553 66 Luci Stanescu
 '''add'''(''self'', '''cls''')::
554 66 Luci Stanescu
  Add {{{cls}}} to the registry of streams. The class must implement the {{{IMediaStream}}} interface.
555 66 Luci Stanescu
556 66 Luci Stanescu
=== MediaStreamRegistrar ===
557 66 Luci Stanescu
558 66 Luci Stanescu
This is a convenience metaclass which automatically registers a defined class with the {{{MediaStreamRegistry}}}. In order to use this class, one simply needs to use it as the metaclass of the new stream.
559 66 Luci Stanescu
560 66 Luci Stanescu
561 66 Luci Stanescu
from zope.interface import implements
562 66 Luci Stanescu
563 66 Luci Stanescu
from sipsimple.streams import IMediaStream, MediaStreamRegistrar
564 66 Luci Stanescu
565 66 Luci Stanescu
566 66 Luci Stanescu
class MyStream(object):
567 66 Luci Stanescu
  __metaclass__ = MediaStreamRegistrar
568 66 Luci Stanescu
569 66 Luci Stanescu
570 66 Luci Stanescu
571 55 Adrian Georgescu
572 67 Luci Stanescu
573 55 Adrian Georgescu
574 55 Adrian Georgescu
=== AudioStream ===
575 55 Adrian Georgescu
576 67 Luci Stanescu
Implemented in [browser:sipsimple/streams/]
577 55 Adrian Georgescu
578 55 Adrian Georgescu
The {{{AudioStream}}} is an implementation of {{{IMediaStream}}} which supports audio data using the {{{AudioTransport}}} and {{{RTPTransport}}} of the SIP core. As such, it provides all features of these objects, including ICE negotiation. An example SDP created using the {{{AudioStream}}} is provided below:
579 55 Adrian Georgescu
580 55 Adrian Georgescu
581 55 Adrian Georgescu
Content-Type: application/sdp
582 55 Adrian Georgescu
Content-Length:  1093
583 55 Adrian Georgescu
584 55 Adrian Georgescu
585 55 Adrian Georgescu
o=- 3467525278 3467525278 IN IP4
586 55 Adrian Georgescu
587 57 Adrian Georgescu
c=IN IP4
588 57 Adrian Georgescu
t=0 0
589 57 Adrian Georgescu
m=audio 55328 RTP/AVP 104 103 102 3 9 0 8 101
590 57 Adrian Georgescu
a=rtcp:55329 IN IP4
591 57 Adrian Georgescu
a=rtpmap:104 speex/32000
592 57 Adrian Georgescu
a=rtpmap:103 speex/16000
593 57 Adrian Georgescu
a=rtpmap:102 speex/8000
594 57 Adrian Georgescu
a=rtpmap:3 GSM/8000
595 57 Adrian Georgescu
a=rtpmap:9 G722/8000
596 57 Adrian Georgescu
a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
597 57 Adrian Georgescu
a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
598 57 Adrian Georgescu
a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000
599 57 Adrian Georgescu
a=fmtp:101 0-15
600 57 Adrian Georgescu
a=crypto:1 AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80 inline:esI6DbLY1+Aceu0JNswN9Z10DcFx5cZwqJcu91jb
601 57 Adrian Georgescu
a=crypto:2 AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_32 inline:SHuEMm1BYJqOF4udKl73EaCwnsI57pO86bYKsg70
602 57 Adrian Georgescu
603 57 Adrian Georgescu
604 57 Adrian Georgescu
a=candidate:S 1 UDP 31 55328 typ srflx raddr rport 55328
605 57 Adrian Georgescu
a=candidate:H 1 UDP 23 55328 typ host
606 57 Adrian Georgescu
a=candidate:H 1 UDP 23 55328 typ host
607 57 Adrian Georgescu
a=candidate:H 1 UDP 23 55328 typ host
608 57 Adrian Georgescu
a=candidate:S 2 UDP 30 55329 typ srflx raddr rport 55329
609 57 Adrian Georgescu
a=candidate:H 2 UDP 22 55329 typ host
610 57 Adrian Georgescu
a=candidate:H 2 UDP 22 55329 typ host
611 57 Adrian Georgescu
a=candidate:H 2 UDP 22 55329 typ host
612 1 Adrian Georgescu
613 67 Luci Stanescu
614 1 Adrian Georgescu
615 67 Luci Stanescu
As an implementation of {{{IAudioPort}}}, an {{{AudioStream}}} can be added to an {{{AudioBridge}}} to send or to read audio data to/from other audio objects. It is connected to the voice {{{AudioMixer}}} ({{{SIPApplication.voice_audio_mixer}}}) so it can only be added to bridges using the same {{{AudioMixer}}}. It also contains an {{{AudioBridge}}} on the {{{bridge}}} attribute which always contains an {{{AudioDevice}}} corresponding to the input and output devices; when the stream is active (started and not on hold), the bridge also contains the stream itself and when recording is active, the stream contains a {{{WaveRecorder}}} which records audio data.
616 67 Luci Stanescu
617 67 Luci Stanescu
==== methods ====
618 67 Luci Stanescu
619 94 Adrian Georgescu
620 67 Luci Stanescu
 '''start_recording'''(''self'', '''filename'''={{{None}}})::
621 67 Luci Stanescu
  If an audio stream is present within this session, calling this method will record the audio to a {{{.wav}}} file.
622 67 Luci Stanescu
  Note that when the session is on hold, nothing will be recorded to the file.
623 67 Luci Stanescu
  Right before starting the recording a {{{SIPSessionWillStartRecordingAudio}}} notification will be emitted, followed by a {{{SIPSessionDidStartRecordingAudio}}}.
624 67 Luci Stanescu
  This method may only be called while the stream is started.
625 67 Luci Stanescu
626 67 Luci Stanescu
  The name of the {{{.wav}}} file to record to.
627 67 Luci Stanescu
  If this is set to {{{None}}}, a default file name including the session participants and the timestamp will be generated using the directory defined in the configuration.
628 94 Adrian Georgescu
629 67 Luci Stanescu
630 67 Luci Stanescu
  This will stop a previously started recording.
631 67 Luci Stanescu
  Before stopping, a {{{SIPSessionWillStopRecordingAudio}}} notification will be sent, followed by a {{{SIPSessionDidStopRecordingAudio}}}.
632 94 Adrian Georgescu
633 67 Luci Stanescu
 '''send_dtmf'''(''self'', '''digit''')::
634 67 Luci Stanescu
  If the audio stream is started, sends a DTMF digit to the remote party.
635 67 Luci Stanescu
636 67 Luci Stanescu
  This should a string of length 1, containing a valid DTMF digit value (0-9, A-D, * or #).
637 67 Luci Stanescu
638 63 Luci Stanescu
==== attributes ====
639 63 Luci Stanescu
640 94 Adrian Georgescu
641 63 Luci Stanescu
642 1 Adrian Georgescu
  If the audio stream was started, this attribute contains the sample rate of the audio negotiated.
643 94 Adrian Georgescu
644 1 Adrian Georgescu
645 1 Adrian Georgescu
  If the audio stream was started, this attribute contains the name of the audio codec that was negotiated.
646 94 Adrian Georgescu
647 67 Luci Stanescu
648 67 Luci Stanescu
  If the audio stream was started, this boolean attribute indicates if SRTP is currently being used on the stream.
649 94 Adrian Georgescu
650 1 Adrian Georgescu
651 1 Adrian Georgescu
  {{{True}}} if the ICE candidates negotiated are being used, {{{False}}} otherwise.
652 94 Adrian Georgescu
653 1 Adrian Georgescu
654 1 Adrian Georgescu
  If an audio stream is present within the session, this attribute contains the local IP address used for the audio stream.
655 94 Adrian Georgescu
656 1 Adrian Georgescu
657 1 Adrian Georgescu
  If an audio stream is present within the session, this attribute contains the local UDP port used for the audio stream.
658 94 Adrian Georgescu
659 1 Adrian Georgescu
660 1 Adrian Georgescu
  If the audio stream was started, this attribute contains the IP address that the remote party gave to send audio to.
661 94 Adrian Georgescu
662 1 Adrian Georgescu
663 1 Adrian Georgescu
  If the audio stream was started, this attribute contains the UDP port that the remote party gave to send audio to.
664 94 Adrian Georgescu
665 1 Adrian Georgescu
666 1 Adrian Georgescu
  If the audio stream was started, this attribute contains the remote IP address from which the audio stream is being received.
667 94 Adrian Georgescu
668 67 Luci Stanescu
669 67 Luci Stanescu
  If the audio stream was started, this attribute contains the remote UDP port from which the audio stream is being received.
670 94 Adrian Georgescu
671 67 Luci Stanescu
672 67 Luci Stanescu
  The local ICE candidate type which was selected by the ICE negotiation if it succeeded and {{{None}}} otherwise.
673 94 Adrian Georgescu
674 67 Luci Stanescu
675 63 Luci Stanescu
  The remote ICE candidate type which was selected by the ICE negotiation if it succeeded and {{{None}}} otherwise.
676 94 Adrian Georgescu
677 63 Luci Stanescu
678 67 Luci Stanescu
  If the audio stream is currently being recorded to disk, this property contains the name of the {{{.wav}}} file being recorded to.
679 55 Adrian Georgescu
680 55 Adrian Georgescu
==== notifications ====
681 67 Luci Stanescu
682 94 Adrian Georgescu
683 67 Luci Stanescu
684 67 Luci Stanescu
  Will be sent when the hold state is changed as a result of either a SIP message received on the network or the application calling the {{{hold()/unhold()}}} methods on the {{{Session}}} this stream is part of.
685 67 Luci Stanescu
686 67 Luci Stanescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
687 67 Luci Stanescu
688 67 Luci Stanescu
  A string representing the party which requested the hold change, {{{"local"}}} or {{{"remote"}}}
689 1 Adrian Georgescu
690 67 Luci Stanescu
  A boolean indicating the new hold state from the point of view of the originator.
691 94 Adrian Georgescu
692 63 Luci Stanescu
693 63 Luci Stanescu
  Will be sent when the application requested that the audio stream be recorded to a {{{.wav}}} file, just before recording starts.
694 67 Luci Stanescu
695 67 Luci Stanescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
696 55 Adrian Georgescu
697 67 Luci Stanescu
  The full path to the {{{.wav}}} file being recorded to.
698 94 Adrian Georgescu
699 63 Luci Stanescu
700 63 Luci Stanescu
  Will be sent when the application requested that the audio stream be recorded to a {{{.wav}}} file, just after recording started.
701 67 Luci Stanescu
702 67 Luci Stanescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
703 63 Luci Stanescu
704 63 Luci Stanescu
  The full path to the {{{.wav}}} file being recorded to.
705 94 Adrian Georgescu
706 63 Luci Stanescu
707 63 Luci Stanescu
  Will be sent when the application requested ending the recording to a {{{.wav}}} file, just before recording stops.
708 67 Luci Stanescu
709 67 Luci Stanescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
710 57 Adrian Georgescu
711 67 Luci Stanescu
  The full path to the {{{.wav}}} file being recorded to.
712 94 Adrian Georgescu
713 63 Luci Stanescu
714 63 Luci Stanescu
  Will be sent when the application requested ending the recording to a {{{.wav}}} file, just after recording stoped.
715 67 Luci Stanescu
716 67 Luci Stanescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
717 67 Luci Stanescu
718 67 Luci Stanescu
  The full path to the {{{.wav}}} file being recorded to.
719 94 Adrian Georgescu
720 63 Luci Stanescu
721 1 Adrian Georgescu
  This notification is sent when the RTP parameters are changed, such as codec, sample rate, RTP port etc.
722 63 Luci Stanescu
723 1 Adrian Georgescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
724 94 Adrian Georgescu
725 57 Adrian Georgescu
726 1 Adrian Georgescu
  Will be send if there is a DMTF digit received from the remote party on the audio stream. 
727 63 Luci Stanescu
728 1 Adrian Georgescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
729 67 Luci Stanescu
730 67 Luci Stanescu
  The DTMF digit that was received, in the form of a string of length 1.
731 94 Adrian Georgescu
732 67 Luci Stanescu
733 67 Luci Stanescu
  This notification is proxied from the {{{RTPTransport}}} and as such has the same data as the {{{RTPTransportICENegotiationStateDidChange}}}.
734 94 Adrian Georgescu
735 67 Luci Stanescu
736 67 Luci Stanescu
  This notification is proxied from the {{{RTPTransport}}} and as such has the same data as the {{{RTPTransportICENegotiationDidSucceed}}}.
737 94 Adrian Georgescu
738 1 Adrian Georgescu
739 69 Luci Stanescu
  This notification is proxied from the {{{RTPTransport}}} and as such has the same data as the {{{RTPTransportICENegotiationDidFail}}}.
740 1 Adrian Georgescu
741 1 Adrian Georgescu
=== MSRPStreamBase ===
742 1 Adrian Georgescu
743 68 Luci Stanescu
Implemented in [browser:sipsimple/streams/]
744 1 Adrian Georgescu
745 68 Luci Stanescu
The {{{MSRPStreamBase}}} is used as a base class for streams using the MSRP protocol. Within the SIP SIMPLE middleware, this hold for the {{{ChatStream}}}, {{{FileTransferStream}}} and {{{DesktopSharingStream}}} classes, however the application can also make use of this class to implement some other streams based on the MSRP protocol as a transport.
746 68 Luci Stanescu
747 68 Luci Stanescu
==== methods ====
748 68 Luci Stanescu
749 69 Luci Stanescu
Of the methods defined by the {{{IMediaStream}}} interface, only the {{{new_from_sdp}}} method is not implemented in this base class and needs to be provided by the subclasses. Also, the subclasses can defined methods of the form {{{_handle_XXX}}}, where XXX is a MSRP method name in order to handle incoming MSRP requests. Also, since this class registers as an observer for itself, it will receive the notifications it sends so subclasses can define methods having the signature {{{_NH_<notification name>(self, notification)}}} as used throughout the middleware in order to do various things at the different points within the life-cycle of the stream.
750 68 Luci Stanescu
751 96 Adrian Georgescu
==== attributes ====
752 68 Luci Stanescu
753 68 Luci Stanescu
The attributes defined in the {{{IMediaStream}}} interface which are not provided by this class are:
754 68 Luci Stanescu
 * type
755 68 Luci Stanescu
 * priority
756 1 Adrian Georgescu
757 68 Luci Stanescu
In addition, the following attributes need to be defined in the subclass in order for the {{{MSRPStreamBase}}} class to take the correct decisions
758 94 Adrian Georgescu
759 1 Adrian Georgescu
760 68 Luci Stanescu
  The media type as included in the SDP (eg. {{{"message"}}}, {{{"application"}}}).
761 94 Adrian Georgescu
762 1 Adrian Georgescu
763 68 Luci Stanescu
  A list of the MIME types which should be accepted by the stream (this is also sent within the SDP).
764 94 Adrian Georgescu
765 1 Adrian Georgescu
766 68 Luci Stanescu
  A list of the MIME types which should be accepted by the stream while wrapped in a {{{message/cpim}}} envelope.
767 94 Adrian Georgescu
768 1 Adrian Georgescu
769 69 Luci Stanescu
  A boolean indicating whether or not an {{{MSRPSession}}} should be used.
770 1 Adrian Georgescu
771 68 Luci Stanescu
==== notifications ====
772 68 Luci Stanescu
773 1 Adrian Georgescu
While not technically notifications of {{{MSRPStreamBase}}}, these notifications are sent from the middleware on behalf of the {{{MSRPTransport}}} used by a stream in the former case, and anonymously in the latter.
774 68 Luci Stanescu
775 94 Adrian Georgescu
776 68 Luci Stanescu
777 68 Luci Stanescu
  This notification is sent when an MSRP message is received for logging purposes.
778 68 Luci Stanescu
779 68 Luci Stanescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
780 68 Luci Stanescu
781 68 Luci Stanescu
  The direction of the message, {{{"incoming"}}} or {{{"outgoing"}}}.
782 68 Luci Stanescu
783 68 Luci Stanescu
  The MSRP message as a string.
784 94 Adrian Georgescu
785 68 Luci Stanescu
786 68 Luci Stanescu
  This notification is sent anonymously whenever the MSRP library needs to log any information.
787 68 Luci Stanescu
788 68 Luci Stanescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
789 68 Luci Stanescu
790 68 Luci Stanescu
  The log message as a string.
791 1 Adrian Georgescu
792 68 Luci Stanescu
  The log level at which the message was written. One of the levels {{{DEBUG}}}, {{{INFO}}}, {{{WARNING}}}, {{{ERROR}}}, {{{CRITICAL}}} from the {{{application.log.level}}} object which is part of the {{{python-application}}} library.
793 1 Adrian Georgescu
794 1 Adrian Georgescu
=== ChatStream ===
795 1 Adrian Georgescu
796 68 Luci Stanescu
Implemented in [browser:sipsimple/streams/]
797 1 Adrian Georgescu
798 1 Adrian Georgescu
{{{sipsimple.streams.msrp.ChatStream}}} implements session-based Instant Messaging (IM) over MSRP. This class performs the following functions:
799 68 Luci Stanescu
800 68 Luci Stanescu
 * automatically wraps outgoing messages with Message/CPIM if that's necessary according to accept-types
801 1 Adrian Georgescu
 * unwraps incoming Message/CPIM messages; for each incoming message, the {{{ChatStreamGotMessage}}} notification is posted
802 68 Luci Stanescu
 * composes iscomposing payloads and reacts to those received by sending the {{{ChatStreamGotComposingIndication}}} notification
803 1 Adrian Georgescu
804 1 Adrian Georgescu
An example of an SDP created using this class follows:
805 1 Adrian Georgescu
806 1 Adrian Georgescu
807 1 Adrian Georgescu
Content-Type: application/sdp
808 1 Adrian Georgescu
Content-Length:   283
809 1 Adrian Georgescu
810 1 Adrian Georgescu
811 1 Adrian Georgescu
o=- 3467525214 3467525214 IN IP4
812 1 Adrian Georgescu
813 1 Adrian Georgescu
c=IN IP4
814 1 Adrian Georgescu
t=0 0
815 1 Adrian Georgescu
m=message 2855 TCP/TLS/MSRP *
816 1 Adrian Georgescu
817 1 Adrian Georgescu
a=accept-types:message/cpim text/* application/im-iscomposing+xml
818 1 Adrian Georgescu
819 68 Luci Stanescu
820 1 Adrian Georgescu
821 68 Luci Stanescu
==== methods ====
822 68 Luci Stanescu
823 94 Adrian Georgescu
824 1 Adrian Georgescu
 '''!__init!__'''(''self'', '''account''', '''direction'''={{{'sendrecv'}}})::
825 68 Luci Stanescu
  Initializes the ChatStream instance.
826 68 Luci Stanescu
827 94 Adrian Georgescu
828 68 Luci Stanescu
 '''send_message'''(''self'', '''content''', '''content_type'''={{{'text/plain'}}}, '''recipients'''={{{None}}}, '''courtesy_recipients'''={{{None}}}, '''subject'''={{{None}}}, ''timestamp''={{{None}}}, '''required'''={{{None}}}, '''additional_headers'''={{{None}}})::
829 68 Luci Stanescu
  Sends an IM message. Prefer Message/CPIM wrapper if it is supported. If called before the connection was established, the messages will be
830 68 Luci Stanescu
  queued until the stream starts.
831 68 Luci Stanescu
  Returns the generated MSRP message ID.
832 68 Luci Stanescu
833 68 Luci Stanescu
  The content of the message.
834 68 Luci Stanescu
835 68 Luci Stanescu
  Content-Type of wrapped message if Message/CPIM is used (Content-Type of MSRP message is always Message/CPIM in that case);
836 68 Luci Stanescu
  otherwise, Content-Type of MSRP message.
837 68 Luci Stanescu
838 68 Luci Stanescu
  The list of {{{CPIMIdentity}}} objects which will be used for the {{{To}}} header of the CPIM wrapper. Used to override the default which depends on the remote identity.
839 68 Luci Stanescu
  May only differ from the default one if the remote party supports private messages. If it does not, a {{{ChatStreamError}}} will be raised.
840 68 Luci Stanescu
841 68 Luci Stanescu
  The list of {{{CPIMIdentity}}} objects which will be used for the {{{cc}}} header of the CPIM wrapper.
842 68 Luci Stanescu
  May only be specified if the remote party supports private messages and CPIM is supported. If it does not, a {{{ChatStreamError}}} will be raised.
843 68 Luci Stanescu
844 68 Luci Stanescu
  A string or {{{MultilingualText}}} which specifies the subject and its translations to be added to the CPIM message. If CPIM is not supported, a {{{ChatStreamError}}} will be raised.
845 68 Luci Stanescu
846 68 Luci Stanescu
  A list of strings describing the required capabilities that the other endpoint must support in order to understand this CPIM message. If CPIM is not supported, a {{{ChatStreamError}}} will be raised.
847 68 Luci Stanescu
848 1 Adrian Georgescu
  A list of MSRP header objects which will be added to this CPIM message. If CPIM is not supported, a {{{ChatStreamError}}} will be raised.
849 68 Luci Stanescu
850 1 Adrian Georgescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object representing the timestamp to put on the CPIM wrapper of the message.
851 1 Adrian Georgescu
  When set to {{{None}}}, a default one representing the current moment will be added.
852 1 Adrian Georgescu
853 1 Adrian Georgescu
 These MSRP headers are used to enable end-to-end success reports and to disable hop-to-hop successful responses:
854 1 Adrian Georgescu
855 1 Adrian Georgescu
Failure-Report: partial
856 1 Adrian Georgescu
Success-Report: yes
857 68 Luci Stanescu
858 68 Luci Stanescu
859 94 Adrian Georgescu
860 68 Luci Stanescu
 '''send_composing_indication'''(''self'', ''state'', ''refresh'', ''last_active=None'', ''recipients=None'')::
861 68 Luci Stanescu
  Sends an is-composing message to the listed recipients.
862 68 Luci Stanescu
863 68 Luci Stanescu
  The state of the endpoint, {{{"active"}}} or {{{"idle"}}}.
864 68 Luci Stanescu
865 68 Luci Stanescu
  How often the local endpoint will send is-composing indications to keep the state from being reverted to {{{"idle"}}}.
866 68 Luci Stanescu
867 68 Luci Stanescu
  A {{{datatime.datetime}}} object representing the moment when the local endpoint was last active.
868 68 Luci Stanescu
869 1 Adrian Georgescu
  The list of {{{CPIMIdentity}}} objects which will be used for the {{{To}}} header of the CPIM wrapper. Used to override the default which depends on the remote identity.
870 68 Luci Stanescu
  May only differ from the default one if the remote party supports private messages. If it does not, a {{{ChatStreamError}}} will be raised.
871 1 Adrian Georgescu
872 1 Adrian Georgescu
==== notifications ====
873 68 Luci Stanescu
874 94 Adrian Georgescu
875 68 Luci Stanescu
876 68 Luci Stanescu
  Sent whenever a new incoming message is received,
877 68 Luci Stanescu
878 68 Luci Stanescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
879 1 Adrian Georgescu
880 68 Luci Stanescu
  A {{{ChatMessage}}} or {{{CPIMMessage}}} instance, depending on whether a CPIM message was received or not.
881 94 Adrian Georgescu
882 68 Luci Stanescu
883 68 Luci Stanescu
  Sent when a successful report is received.
884 68 Luci Stanescu
885 1 Adrian Georgescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
886 68 Luci Stanescu
887 68 Luci Stanescu
  Text identifier of the message.
888 68 Luci Stanescu
889 68 Luci Stanescu
  The status code received. Will always be 200 for this notification.
890 68 Luci Stanescu
891 1 Adrian Georgescu
  The status reason received.
892 1 Adrian Georgescu
893 68 Luci Stanescu
  A {{{msrplib.protocol.MSRPData}}} instance providing all the MSRP information about the report.
894 94 Adrian Georgescu
895 68 Luci Stanescu
896 68 Luci Stanescu
  Sent when a failure report is received.
897 68 Luci Stanescu
898 1 Adrian Georgescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
899 68 Luci Stanescu
900 68 Luci Stanescu
  Text identifier of the message.
901 68 Luci Stanescu
902 68 Luci Stanescu
  The status code received.
903 68 Luci Stanescu
904 1 Adrian Georgescu
  The status reason received.
905 1 Adrian Georgescu
906 68 Luci Stanescu
  A {{{msrplib.protocol.MSRPData}}} instance providing all the MSRP information about the report.
907 94 Adrian Georgescu
908 68 Luci Stanescu
909 68 Luci Stanescu
  Sent when an outgoing message has been sent.
910 68 Luci Stanescu
911 68 Luci Stanescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
912 1 Adrian Georgescu
913 68 Luci Stanescu
  A {{{msrplib.protocol.MSRPData}}} instance providing all the MSRP information about the sent message.
914 94 Adrian Georgescu
915 68 Luci Stanescu
916 68 Luci Stanescu
  Sent when a is-composing payload is received.
917 68 Luci Stanescu
918 68 Luci Stanescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
919 68 Luci Stanescu
920 68 Luci Stanescu
  The state of the endpoint, {{{"active"}}} or {{{"idle"}}}.
921 68 Luci Stanescu
922 68 Luci Stanescu
  How often the remote endpoint will send is-composing indications to keep the state from being reverted to {{{"idle"}}}. May be {{{None}}}.
923 68 Luci Stanescu
924 68 Luci Stanescu
  A {{{datatime.datetime}}} object representing the moment when the remote endpoint was last active. May be {{{None}}}.
925 68 Luci Stanescu
926 68 Luci Stanescu
  The MIME type of message being composed. May be {{{None}}}.
927 55 Adrian Georgescu
928 70 Luci Stanescu
  The {{{ChatIdentity}}} or {{{CPIMIdentity}}} instance which identifies the sender of the is-composing indication.
929 1 Adrian Georgescu
930 70 Luci Stanescu
=== FileSelector ===
931 70 Luci Stanescu
932 70 Luci Stanescu
The {{{FileSelector}}} is used to contain information about a file tranfer using the {{{FileTransferStream}}} documented below.
933 70 Luci Stanescu
934 70 Luci Stanescu
==== methods ====
935 70 Luci Stanescu
936 94 Adrian Georgescu
937 70 Luci Stanescu
 '''!__init!__'''(''self'', '''name'''={{{None}}}, '''type'''={{{None}}}, '''size'''={{{None}}}, '''hash'''={{{None}}}, '''fd'''={{{None}}})::
938 70 Luci Stanescu
  Instantiate a new {{{FileSelector}}}. All the arguments are also available as attributes.
939 70 Luci Stanescu
940 70 Luci Stanescu
  The filename (should be just the base name).
941 1 Adrian Georgescu
942 1 Adrian Georgescu
  The type of the file.
943 1 Adrian Georgescu
944 1 Adrian Georgescu
  The size of the file in bytes.
945 1 Adrian Georgescu
946 1 Adrian Georgescu
  The hash of the file in the following format: {{{hash:sha-1:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX}}}, where {{{X}}} is a hexadecimal digit. Currently, only SHA1 hashes are supported according to the RFC.
947 1 Adrian Georgescu
948 1 Adrian Georgescu
  A file descriptor if the application has already opened the file.
949 94 Adrian Georgescu
950 1 Adrian Georgescu
 '''parse'''(''cls'', '''string''')::
951 1 Adrian Georgescu
  Parses a file selector from the SDP {{{file-selector}}} a attribute and returns a {{{FileSelector}}} instance.
952 94 Adrian Georgescu
953 1 Adrian Georgescu
 '''for_file'''(''cls'', '''path''', '''content_type''', '''compute_hash'''={{{True}}})::
954 1 Adrian Georgescu
  Returns a {{{FileSelector}}} instance for the specified file. The file identified by the path must exist. Note that if {{{compute_hash}}} is {{{True}}} this method will block while the hash is computed, a potentially long operation for large files.
955 1 Adrian Georgescu
956 1 Adrian Georgescu
  The full path to the file.
957 1 Adrian Georgescu
958 1 Adrian Georgescu
  An optional MIME type which is to be included in the file-selector.
959 1 Adrian Georgescu
960 1 Adrian Georgescu
  Whether or not this method should compute the hash of the file.
961 1 Adrian Georgescu
962 1 Adrian Georgescu
==== attributes ====
963 1 Adrian Georgescu
964 94 Adrian Georgescu
965 1 Adrian Georgescu
966 1 Adrian Georgescu
  The SDP representation of the file-selector according to the RFC. This should be the value of the {{{file-selector}}} SDP attribute.
967 1 Adrian Georgescu
968 1 Adrian Georgescu
=== FileTransferStream ===
969 1 Adrian Georgescu
970 1 Adrian Georgescu
Implemented in [browser:sipsimple/streams/]
971 1 Adrian Georgescu
972 1 Adrian Georgescu
The {{{FileTransferStream}}} supports file transfer over MSRP according to RFC5547. An example of SDP constructed using this stream follows:
973 1 Adrian Georgescu
974 1 Adrian Georgescu
975 1 Adrian Georgescu
Content-Type: application/sdp
976 1 Adrian Georgescu
Content-Length:   383
977 1 Adrian Georgescu
978 1 Adrian Georgescu
979 1 Adrian Georgescu
o=- 3467525166 3467525166 IN IP4
980 1 Adrian Georgescu
981 1 Adrian Georgescu
c=IN IP4
982 1 Adrian Georgescu
t=0 0
983 1 Adrian Georgescu
m=message 2855 TCP/TLS/MSRP *
984 1 Adrian Georgescu
985 1 Adrian Georgescu
986 1 Adrian Georgescu
987 1 Adrian Georgescu
988 1 Adrian Georgescu
a=file-selector:name:"reblink.pdf" type:com.adobe.pdf size:268759 hash:sha1:60:A1:BE:8D:71:DB:E3:8E:84:C9:2C:62:9E:F2:99:78:9D:68:79:F6
989 1 Adrian Georgescu
990 1 Adrian Georgescu
991 1 Adrian Georgescu
==== methods ====
992 1 Adrian Georgescu
993 94 Adrian Georgescu
994 1 Adrian Georgescu
 '''!__init!__'''(''self'', '''account''', '''file_selector'''={{{None}}})::
995 1 Adrian Georgescu
  Instantiate a new {{{FileTransferStream}}}. If this is constructed by the application for an outgoing file transfer, the {{{file_selector}}} argument must be present.
996 1 Adrian Georgescu
997 1 Adrian Georgescu
  The {{{sipsimple.account.Account}}} or {{{sipsimple.account.BonjourAccount}}} instance which will be associated with the stream.
998 1 Adrian Georgescu
999 1 Adrian Georgescu
  The {{{FileSelector}}} instance which represents the file which is to be transferred.
1000 1 Adrian Georgescu
1001 1 Adrian Georgescu
==== notifications ====
1002 1 Adrian Georgescu
1003 94 Adrian Georgescu
1004 1 Adrian Georgescu
1005 1 Adrian Georgescu
  This notification is sent for an outgoing file transfer when a success report is received about part of the file being transferred.
1006 1 Adrian Georgescu
1007 1 Adrian Georgescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
1008 1 Adrian Georgescu
1009 1 Adrian Georgescu
  The MSRP message ID of the file transfer session.
1010 1 Adrian Georgescu
1011 1 Adrian Georgescu
  An {{{msrplib.protocol.MSRPData}}} instance represented the received REPORT.
1012 1 Adrian Georgescu
1013 1 Adrian Georgescu
  The status code received. Will always be 200 for this notification.
1014 1 Adrian Georgescu
1015 1 Adrian Georgescu
  The status reason received.
1016 1 Adrian Georgescu
1017 1 Adrian Georgescu
  The number of bytes which have currently been successfully transferred.
1018 1 Adrian Georgescu
1019 1 Adrian Georgescu
  The size of the file being transferred.
1020 94 Adrian Georgescu
1021 1 Adrian Georgescu
1022 1 Adrian Georgescu
1023 1 Adrian Georgescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
1024 1 Adrian Georgescu
  This notification is sent for an outgoing file transfer when a failure report is received about part of the file being transferred.
1025 1 Adrian Georgescu
1026 1 Adrian Georgescu
  The MSRP message ID of the file transfer session.
1027 1 Adrian Georgescu
1028 1 Adrian Georgescu
  An {{{msrplib.protocol.MSRPData}}} instance represented the received REPORT.
1029 1 Adrian Georgescu
1030 1 Adrian Georgescu
  The status code received.
1031 1 Adrian Georgescu
1032 1 Adrian Georgescu
  The status reason received.
1033 94 Adrian Georgescu
1034 1 Adrian Georgescu
1035 1 Adrian Georgescu
  This notification is sent when the incoming or outgoing file transfer is finished.
1036 1 Adrian Georgescu
1037 1 Adrian Georgescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
1038 94 Adrian Georgescu
1039 1 Adrian Georgescu
1040 1 Adrian Georgescu
  This notificaiton is sent for an incoming file transfer when a chunk of file data is received.
1041 1 Adrian Georgescu
1042 1 Adrian Georgescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
1043 1 Adrian Georgescu
1044 1 Adrian Georgescu
  The file part which was received, as a {{{str}}}.
1045 1 Adrian Georgescu
1046 1 Adrian Georgescu
  The MIME type of the file which is being transferred.
1047 1 Adrian Georgescu
1048 1 Adrian Georgescu
  The number of bytes which have currently been successfully transferred.
1049 1 Adrian Georgescu
1050 1 Adrian Georgescu
  The size of the file being transferred.
1051 1 Adrian Georgescu
1052 1 Adrian Georgescu
1053 1 Adrian Georgescu
=== IDesktopSharingHandler ===
1054 1 Adrian Georgescu
1055 1 Adrian Georgescu
This interface is used to describe the interface between a {{{IDesktopSharingHandler}}}, which is responsible for consuming and producing RFB data, and the {{{DesktopSharingStream}}} which is responsible for transporting the RFB data over MSRP. The middleware provides four implementations of this interface:
1056 1 Adrian Georgescu
 * InternalVNCViewerHandler
1057 1 Adrian Georgescu
 * InternalVNCServerHandler
1058 1 Adrian Georgescu
 * ExternalVNCViewerHandler
1059 1 Adrian Georgescu
 * ExternalVNCServerHandler
1060 1 Adrian Georgescu
1061 1 Adrian Georgescu
==== methods ====
1062 1 Adrian Georgescu
1063 94 Adrian Georgescu
1064 1 Adrian Georgescu
 '''initialize'''(''self'', '''stream''')::
1065 1 Adrian Georgescu
  This method will be called by the {{{DesktopSharingStream}}} when the stream has been started and RFB data can be transported. The stream has two attributes which are relevant to the {{{IDesktopSharingHandler}}}: incoming_queue and outgoing_queue. These attributes are {{{eventlet.coros.queue}}} instances which are used to transport RFB data between the stream and the handler.
1066 1 Adrian Georgescu
1067 1 Adrian Georgescu
==== attributes ====
1068 1 Adrian Georgescu
1069 94 Adrian Georgescu
1070 1 Adrian Georgescu
1071 1 Adrian Georgescu
  {{{"active"}}} or {{{"passive"}}} depending on whether the handler represents a VNC viewer or server respectively.
1072 1 Adrian Georgescu
1073 1 Adrian Georgescu
==== notifications ====
1074 1 Adrian Georgescu
1075 94 Adrian Georgescu
1076 1 Adrian Georgescu
1077 1 Adrian Georgescu
  This notification must be sent by the handler when an error occurs to notify the stream that it should fail.
1078 1 Adrian Georgescu
1079 1 Adrian Georgescu
  A string describing when the handler failed, such as {{{"reading"}}}, {{{"sending"}}} or {{{"connecting"}}}.
1080 1 Adrian Georgescu
1081 1 Adrian Georgescu
  A {{{twisted.python.failure.Failure}}} instance describing the exception which led to the failure.
1082 1 Adrian Georgescu
1083 1 Adrian Georgescu
  A string describing the failure reason.
1084 1 Adrian Georgescu
1085 1 Adrian Georgescu
=== InternalVNCViewerHandler ===
1086 1 Adrian Georgescu
1087 99 Luci Stanescu
This is a concrete implementation of the {{{IDesktopSharingHandler}}} interface which can be used for a VNC viewer implemented within the application.
1088 1 Adrian Georgescu
1089 1 Adrian Georgescu
==== methods ====
1090 1 Adrian Georgescu
1091 94 Adrian Georgescu
1092 1 Adrian Georgescu
 '''send'''(''self'', '''data''')::
1093 1 Adrian Georgescu
  Sends the specified data to the stream in order for it to be transported over MSRP to the remote endpoint.
1094 1 Adrian Georgescu
1095 1 Adrian Georgescu
  The RFB data to be transported over MSRP, in the form of a {{{str}}}.
1096 1 Adrian Georgescu
1097 1 Adrian Georgescu
==== notifications ====
1098 1 Adrian Georgescu
1099 94 Adrian Georgescu
1100 1 Adrian Georgescu
1101 1 Adrian Georgescu
  This notification is sent when data is received over MSRP.
1102 1 Adrian Georgescu
1103 1 Adrian Georgescu
  The RFB data from the remote endpoint, in the form of a {{{str}}}.
1104 1 Adrian Georgescu
1105 1 Adrian Georgescu
=== InternalVNCServerHandler ===
1106 1 Adrian Georgescu
1107 99 Luci Stanescu
This is a concrete implementation of the {{{IDesktopSharingHandler}}} interface which can be used for a VNC server implemented within the application.
1108 1 Adrian Georgescu
1109 1 Adrian Georgescu
==== methods ====
1110 1 Adrian Georgescu
1111 94 Adrian Georgescu
1112 1 Adrian Georgescu
 '''send'''(''self'', '''data''')::
1113 1 Adrian Georgescu
  Sends the specified data to the stream in order for it to be transported over MSRP to the remote endpoint.
1114 1 Adrian Georgescu
1115 1 Adrian Georgescu
  The RFB data to be transported over MSRP, in the form of a {{{str}}}.
1116 1 Adrian Georgescu
1117 1 Adrian Georgescu
==== notifications ====
1118 1 Adrian Georgescu
1119 94 Adrian Georgescu
1120 1 Adrian Georgescu
1121 1 Adrian Georgescu
  This notification is sent when data is received over MSRP.
1122 1 Adrian Georgescu
1123 1 Adrian Georgescu
  The RFB data from the remote endpoint, in the form of a {{{str}}}.
1124 1 Adrian Georgescu
1125 1 Adrian Georgescu
=== ExternalVNCViewerHandler ===
1126 1 Adrian Georgescu
1127 1 Adrian Georgescu
This implementation of {{{IDesktopSharingHandler}}} can be used for an external VNC viewer which connects to a VNC server using TCP.
1128 1 Adrian Georgescu
1129 1 Adrian Georgescu
==== methods ====
1130 1 Adrian Georgescu
1131 94 Adrian Georgescu
1132 1 Adrian Georgescu
 '''!__init!__'''(''self'', '''address'''={{{("localhost", 0)}}}, '''connect_timeout'''={{{3}}})::
1133 1 Adrian Georgescu
  This instantiates a new {{{ExternalVNCViewerHandler}}} which is listening on the provided address, ready for the external VNC viewer to connect to it via TCP. After this method returns, the attribute {{{address}}} can be used to find out exactly on what address and port the handler is listening on. The handler will only accept one conenction on this address.
1134 1 Adrian Georgescu
1135 1 Adrian Georgescu
  A tuple containing an IP address/hostname and a port on which the handler should listen. Any data received on this socket will then be forwarded to the stream and any data received from the stream will be forwarded to this socket.
1136 1 Adrian Georgescu
1137 109 Adrian Georgescu
==== attributes ====
1138 1 Adrian Georgescu
1139 94 Adrian Georgescu
1140 1 Adrian Georgescu
1141 1 Adrian Georgescu
  A tuple containing an IP address and a port on which the handler is listening.
1142 1 Adrian Georgescu
1143 1 Adrian Georgescu
=== ExternalVNCServerHandler ===
1144 1 Adrian Georgescu
1145 1 Adrian Georgescu
This implementation of {{{IDesktopSharingHandler}}} can be used for an external VNC server to which handler will connect using TCP.
1146 1 Adrian Georgescu
1147 1 Adrian Georgescu
==== methods ====
1148 1 Adrian Georgescu
1149 94 Adrian Georgescu
1150 1 Adrian Georgescu
 '''!__init!__'''(''self'', '''address''', '''connect_timeout'''={{{3}}})::
1151 1 Adrian Georgescu
  This instantiates a new {{{ExternalVNCServerHandler}}} which will connect to the provided address on which a VNC server must be listening before the stream using this handler starts.
1152 1 Adrian Georgescu
1153 1 Adrian Georgescu
  A tuple containing an IP address/hostname and a port on which the VNC server will be listening. Any data received on this socket will then be forwared to the stream and any data received form the stream will be forwarded to this socket.
1154 1 Adrian Georgescu
1155 1 Adrian Georgescu
  How long to wait to connect to the VNC server before giving up.
1156 1 Adrian Georgescu
1157 1 Adrian Georgescu
1158 1 Adrian Georgescu
=== DesktopSharingStream ===
1159 1 Adrian Georgescu
1160 1 Adrian Georgescu
Implemented in [browser:sipsimple/streams/]
1161 1 Adrian Georgescu
1162 1 Adrian Georgescu
This stream implements desktop sharing using MSRP as a transport protocol for RFB data.
1163 1 Adrian Georgescu
1164 1 Adrian Georgescu
There is no standard defining this usage but is fairly easy to implement in clients that already support MSRP. To traverse a NAT-ed router, a [ MSRP relay] configured for the called party domain is needed. Below is an example of the Session Description Protocol used for establishing a Desktop sharing session:
1165 1 Adrian Georgescu
1166 1 Adrian Georgescu
1167 1 Adrian Georgescu
m=application 2855 TCP/TLS/MSRP *
1168 1 Adrian Georgescu
1169 1 Adrian Georgescu
1170 1 Adrian Georgescu
1171 1 Adrian Georgescu
1172 1 Adrian Georgescu
1173 1 Adrian Georgescu
1174 1 Adrian Georgescu
==== methods ====
1175 1 Adrian Georgescu
1176 94 Adrian Georgescu
1177 1 Adrian Georgescu
 '''!__init!__'''(''self'', '''acount''', '''handler''')::
1178 1 Adrian Georgescu
  Instantiate a new {{{DesktopSharingStream}}}.
1179 1 Adrian Georgescu
1180 1 Adrian Georgescu
  The {{{sipsimple.account.Account}}} or {{{sipsimple.account.BonjourAccount}}} instance this stream is associated with.
1181 1 Adrian Georgescu
1182 1 Adrian Georgescu
  An object implementing the {{{IDesktopSharingHandler}}} interface which will act as the handler for RFB data.
1183 1 Adrian Georgescu
1184 1 Adrian Georgescu
==== attributes ====
1185 1 Adrian Georgescu
1186 94 Adrian Georgescu
1187 1 Adrian Georgescu
1188 1 Adrian Georgescu
  This is a writable property which can be used to get or set the object implementing {{{IDesktopSharingHandler}}} which acts as the handler for RFB data. For incoming {{{DesktopSharingStreams}}}, this must be set by the application before the stream starts.
1189 94 Adrian Georgescu
1190 1 Adrian Georgescu
1191 1 Adrian Georgescu
  A {{{eventlet.coros.queue}}} instance on which incoming RFB data is written. The handler should wait for data on this queue.
1192 94 Adrian Georgescu
1193 1 Adrian Georgescu
1194 1 Adrian Georgescu
  A {{{eventlet.coros.queue}}} instance on which outgoing RFB data is written. The handler should write data on this queue.
1195 84 Adrian Georgescu
1196 85 Adrian Georgescu
== Address Resolution ==
1197 84 Adrian Georgescu
1198 84 Adrian Georgescu
The SIP SIMPLE middleware offers the {{{sipsimple.lookup}}} module which contains an implementation for doing DNS lookups for SIP proxies, MSRP relays and STUN servers. The interface offers both an asynchronous and synchronous interface. The asynchronous interface is based on notifications, while the synchronous one on green threads. In order to call the methods in a asynchronous manner, you just need to call the method and wait for the notification which is sent on behalf of the DNSLookup instance. The notifications sent by the DNSLookup object are DNSLookupDidSucceed and DNSLookupDidFail. In order to call the methods in a synchronous manner, you need to call the wait method on the object returned by the methods of DNSLookup. This wait method needs to be called from a green thread and will either return the result of the lookup or raise an exception.
1199 84 Adrian Georgescu
1200 84 Adrian Georgescu
=== DNS Lookup ===
1201 84 Adrian Georgescu
1202 84 Adrian Georgescu
This object implements DNS lookup support for SIP proxies according to RFC3263 and MSRP relay and STUN server lookup using SRV records. The object initially does NS record queries in order to determine the authoritative nameservers for the domain requested; these authoritative nameservers will then be used for NAPTR, SRV and A record queries. If this fails, the locally configured nameservers are used. The reason for doing this is that some home routers have broken NAPTR and/or SRV query support.
1203 84 Adrian Georgescu
1204 84 Adrian Georgescu
==== methods ====
1205 84 Adrian Georgescu
1206 94 Adrian Georgescu
1207 84 Adrian Georgescu
1208 84 Adrian Georgescu
  Instantiate a new DNSLookup object.
1209 94 Adrian Georgescu
1210 84 Adrian Georgescu
 '''lookup_service'''(''self'', '''uri''', '''service''', '''timeout'''={{{3.0}}}, '''lifetime'''={{{15.0}}})::
1211 84 Adrian Georgescu
  Perform an SRV lookup followed by A lookups for MSRP relays or STUN servers depending on the {{{service}}} parameter. If SRV queries on the {{{}}} domain fail, an A lookup is performed on it and the default port for the service is returned. Only the {{{}}} attribute is used. The return value is a list of (host, port) tuples.
1212 84 Adrian Georgescu
1213 84 Adrian Georgescu
  A {{{(Frozen)SIPURI}}} from which the {{{host}}} attribute is used for the query domain.
1214 84 Adrian Georgescu
1215 84 Adrian Georgescu
  The service to lookup servers for, {{{"msrprelay"}}} or {{{"stun"}}}.
1216 84 Adrian Georgescu
1217 84 Adrian Georgescu
  How many seconds to wait for a response from a nameserver.
1218 84 Adrian Georgescu
1219 84 Adrian Georgescu
  How many seconds to wait for a response from all nameservers in total.
1220 94 Adrian Georgescu
1221 84 Adrian Georgescu
 '''lookup_sip_proxy'''(''self'', '''uri''', '''supported_transports''', '''timeout'''={{{3.0}}}, '''lifetime'''={{{15.0}}})::
1222 84 Adrian Georgescu
  Perform a RFC3263 compliant DNS lookup for a SIP proxy using the URI which is considered to point to a host if either the {{{host}}} attribute is an IP address, or the {{{port}}} is present. Otherwise, it is considered a domain for which NAPTR, SRV and A lookups are performed. If NAPTR or SRV queries fail, they fallback to using SRV and A queries. If the transport parameter is present in the URI, this will be used as far as it is part of the supported transports. If the URI has a {{{sips}}} schema, then only the TLS transport will be used as far as it doesn't conflict with the supported transports or the transport parameter. The return value is a list of {{{Route}}} objects containing the IP address, port and transport to use for routing in the order of preference given by the supported_transports argument.
1223 84 Adrian Georgescu
1224 84 Adrian Georgescu
  A {{{(Frozen)SIPURI}}} from which the {{{host}}}, {{{port}}}, {{{parameters}}} and {{{secure}}} attributes are used.
1225 84 Adrian Georgescu
1226 84 Adrian Georgescu
  A sublist of {{{['udp', 'tcp', 'tls']}}} in the application's order of preference.
1227 84 Adrian Georgescu
1228 84 Adrian Georgescu
  How many seconds to wait for a response from a nameserver.
1229 84 Adrian Georgescu
1230 84 Adrian Georgescu
  How many seconds to wait for a response from all nameservers in total.
1231 84 Adrian Georgescu
1232 84 Adrian Georgescu
==== notifications ====
1233 84 Adrian Georgescu
1234 94 Adrian Georgescu
1235 84 Adrian Georgescu
1236 84 Adrian Georgescu
  This notification is sent when one of the lookup methods succeeds in finding a result.
1237 84 Adrian Georgescu
1238 84 Adrian Georgescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
1239 84 Adrian Georgescu
1240 84 Adrian Georgescu
  The result of the DNS lookup in the format described in each method.
1241 94 Adrian Georgescu
1242 84 Adrian Georgescu
1243 84 Adrian Georgescu
  This notification is sent when one of the lookup methods fails in finding a result.
1244 84 Adrian Georgescu
1245 84 Adrian Georgescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
1246 84 Adrian Georgescu
1247 84 Adrian Georgescu
  A {{{str}}} object describing the error which resulted in the DNS lookup failure.
1248 94 Adrian Georgescu
1249 84 Adrian Georgescu
1250 84 Adrian Georgescu
  This notification is sent several times during a lookup process for each individual DNS query.
1251 84 Adrian Georgescu
1252 84 Adrian Georgescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
1253 84 Adrian Georgescu
1254 84 Adrian Georgescu
  The type of the query, {{{"NAPTR"}}}, {{{"SRV"}}}, {{{"A"}}}, {{{"NS"}}} etc.
1255 84 Adrian Georgescu
1256 84 Adrian Georgescu
  The name which was queried.
1257 84 Adrian Georgescu
1258 84 Adrian Georgescu
  The answer returned by dnspython, or {{{None}}} if an error occurred.
1259 84 Adrian Georgescu
1260 84 Adrian Georgescu
  The exception which caused the query to fail, or {{{None}}} if no error occurred.
1261 84 Adrian Georgescu
1262 84 Adrian Georgescu
  The name of the method which was called on the {{{DNSLookup}}} object.
1263 84 Adrian Georgescu
1264 84 Adrian Georgescu
  The service which was queried for, only available when context is {{{"lookup_service"}}}.
1265 84 Adrian Georgescu
1266 84 Adrian Georgescu
  The uri which was queried for. 
1267 84 Adrian Georgescu
1268 84 Adrian Georgescu
=== Route ===
1269 84 Adrian Georgescu
1270 84 Adrian Georgescu
This is a convinience object which contains sufficient information to identify a route to a SIP proxy. This object is returned by {{{DNSLookup.lookup_sip_proxy}}} and can be used with the {{{Session}}} or a {{{(Frozen)RouteHeader}}} can be easily constructed from it to pass to one of the objects in the SIP core handling SIP dialogs/transactions ({{{Invitation}}}, {{{Subscription}}}, {{{Request}}}, {{{Registration}}}, {{{Message}}}, {{{Publication}}}). This object has three attributes which can be set in the constructor or after it was instantiated. They will only be documented as arguments to the constructor.
1271 84 Adrian Georgescu
1272 84 Adrian Georgescu
==== methods ====
1273 84 Adrian Georgescu
1274 94 Adrian Georgescu
1275 1 Adrian Georgescu
 '''!__init!__'''(''self'', '''address''', '''port'''=None, '''transport'''={{{'udp'}}})::
1276 1 Adrian Georgescu
  Creates the Route object with the specified parameters as attributes.
1277 1 Adrian Georgescu
  Each of these attributes can be accessed on the object once instanced.
1278 1 Adrian Georgescu
1279 1 Adrian Georgescu
  The IPv4 address that the request in question should be sent to as a string.
1280 1 Adrian Georgescu
1281 1 Adrian Georgescu
  The port to send the requests to, represented as an int, or None if the default port is to be used.
1282 1 Adrian Georgescu
1283 1 Adrian Georgescu
  The transport to use, this can be a string of either "udp", "tcp" or "tls" (case insensitive).
1284 94 Adrian Georgescu
1285 1 Adrian Georgescu
1286 1 Adrian Georgescu
  Returns a {{{SIPURI}}} object which contains the adress, port and transport as parameter. This can be used to easily construct a {{{RouteHeader}}}:
1287 1 Adrian Georgescu
1288 1 Adrian Georgescu
    route = Route("", port=1234, transport="tls")
1289 1 Adrian Georgescu
    route_header = RouteHeader(route.get_uri())
1290 1 Adrian Georgescu
1291 1 Adrian Georgescu
1292 1 Adrian Georgescu
1293 92 Adrian Georgescu
== SIP Accounts ==
1294 1 Adrian Georgescu
1295 1 Adrian Georgescu
Account Management is implemented in [browser:sipsimple/] ({{{sipsimple.account}}} module) and offers support for SIP accounts registered at SIP providers and SIP bonjour accounts which are discovered using mDNS.
1296 1 Adrian Georgescu
1297 91 Adrian Georgescu
=== AccountManager ===
1298 91 Adrian Georgescu
1299 91 Adrian Georgescu
The {{{sipsimple.account.AccountManager}}} is the entity responsible for loading and keeping track of the existing accounts. It is a singleton and can be instantiated anywhere, obtaining the same instance. It cannot be used until its {{{start}}} method has been called.
1300 91 Adrian Georgescu
1301 91 Adrian Georgescu
==== methods ====
1302 91 Adrian Georgescu
1303 94 Adrian Georgescu
1304 91 Adrian Georgescu
1305 91 Adrian Georgescu
  The {{{__init__}}} method allows the {{{AccountManager}}} to be instantiated without passing any parameters. A reference to the {{{AccountManager}}} can be obtained anywhere before it is started.
1306 94 Adrian Georgescu
1307 91 Adrian Georgescu
1308 91 Adrian Georgescu
  This method will load all the existing accounts from the configuration. If the Engine is running, the accounts will also activate. This method can only be called after the [wiki:SipConfigurationAPI#ConfigurationManager ConfigurationManager] has been started. A '''SIPAccountManagerDidAddAccount''' will be sent for each account loaded. This method is called automatically by the SIPApplication when it initializes all the components of the middleware.
1309 94 Adrian Georgescu
1310 91 Adrian Georgescu
1311 91 Adrian Georgescu
  Calling this method will deactivate all accounts managed by the {{{AccountManager}}}. This method is called automatically by the SIPApplication when it stops.
1312 94 Adrian Georgescu
1313 91 Adrian Georgescu
 '''has_account'''(''self'', '''id''')::
1314 91 Adrian Georgescu
  This method returns {{{True}}} if an account which has the specifed SIP ID (must be a string) exists and {{{False}}} otherwise.
1315 94 Adrian Georgescu
1316 91 Adrian Georgescu
 '''get_account'''(''self'', '''id''')::
1317 91 Adrian Georgescu
  Returns the account (either an {{{Account}}} instance or the {{{BonjourAccount}}} instance) with the specified SIP ID. Will raise a {{{KeyError}}} if such an account does not exist.
1318 94 Adrian Georgescu
1319 91 Adrian Georgescu
1320 91 Adrian Georgescu
  Returns a list containing all the managed accounts.
1321 94 Adrian Georgescu
1322 91 Adrian Georgescu
1323 91 Adrian Georgescu
  Returns an iterator through all the managed accounts.
1324 94 Adrian Georgescu
1325 91 Adrian Georgescu
 '''find_account'''(''self'', '''contact_uri''')::
1326 91 Adrian Georgescu
  Returns an account with matches the specified {{{contact_uri}}} which must be a {{{sipsimple.core.SIPURI}}} instance. Only the accounts with the enabled flag set will be considered. Returns None if such an account does not exist.
1327 91 Adrian Georgescu
1328 91 Adrian Georgescu
==== notifications ====
1329 91 Adrian Georgescu
1330 94 Adrian Georgescu
1331 91 Adrian Georgescu
1332 91 Adrian Georgescu
  This notification is sent when a new account becomes available to the {{{AccountManager}}}. The notification is also sent when the accounts are loaded from the configuration.
1333 91 Adrian Georgescu
1334 91 Adrian Georgescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
1335 91 Adrian Georgescu
1336 91 Adrian Georgescu
  The account object which was added.
1337 94 Adrian Georgescu
1338 91 Adrian Georgescu
1339 91 Adrian Georgescu
  This notification is sent when an account is deleted using the {{{delete}}} method.
1340 91 Adrian Georgescu
1341 91 Adrian Georgescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
1342 91 Adrian Georgescu
1343 91 Adrian Georgescu
  The account object which was deleted.
1344 94 Adrian Georgescu
1345 91 Adrian Georgescu
1346 91 Adrian Georgescu
  This notification is sent when the default account changes.
1347 91 Adrian Georgescu
1348 91 Adrian Georgescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
1349 91 Adrian Georgescu
1350 91 Adrian Georgescu
   This is the account object which used to be the default account.
1351 91 Adrian Georgescu
1352 91 Adrian Georgescu
   This is the account object which is the new default account.
1353 91 Adrian Georgescu
1354 72 Luci Stanescu
=== Account ===
1355 72 Luci Stanescu
1356 64 Luci Stanescu
The {{{sipsimple.account.Account}}} objects represent the SIP accounts which are registered at SIP providers. It has a dual purpose: it acts as both a container for account-related settings and as a complex object which can be used to interact with various per-account functions, such as presence, registration etc. This page documents the latter case, while the former is explained in the [wiki:SipConfigurationAPI#Account Configuration API].
1357 64 Luci Stanescu
1358 72 Luci Stanescu
There is exactly one instance of {{{Account}}} per SIP account used and it is uniquely identifiable by its SIP ID, in the form ''user@domain''. It is a singleton, in the sense that instantiating {{{Account}}} using an already used SIP ID will return the same object. However, this is not the recommended way of accessing accounts, as this can lead to creation of new ones; the recommended way is by using the [wiki:SipMiddlewareApi#AccountManager AccountManager]. The next sections will use a lowercase, monospaced {{{account}}} to represent an instance of {{{Account}}}.
1359 64 Luci Stanescu
1360 64 Luci Stanescu
==== states ====
1361 64 Luci Stanescu
1362 64 Luci Stanescu
The {{{Account}}} objects have a setting flag called {{{enabled}}} which, if set to {{{False}}} will deactivate it: none of the internal functions will work in this case; in addition, the application using the middleware should not do anything with a disabled account. After changing it's value, the {{{save()}}} method needs to be called, as the flag is a setting and will not be used until this method is called:
1363 64 Luci Stanescu
1364 64 Luci Stanescu
account.enabled = True
1365 64 Luci Stanescu
1366 64 Luci Stanescu
1367 64 Luci Stanescu
1368 64 Luci Stanescu
The {{{Account}}} objects will activate automatically when they are loaded/created if the {{{enabled}}} flag is set to {{{True}}} and the {{{sipsimple.engine.Engine}}} is running; if it is not running, the accounts will activate after the engine starts.
1369 64 Luci Stanescu
1370 64 Luci Stanescu
In order to create a new account, just create a new instance of {{{Account}}} with an id which doesn't belong to any other account.
1371 64 Luci Stanescu
1372 64 Luci Stanescu
The other functions of {{{Account}}} which run automatically have other enabled flags as well. They will only be activated when both the global enabled flag is set and the function-specific one. These are:
1373 64 Luci Stanescu
1374 94 Adrian Georgescu
1375 64 Luci Stanescu
1376 64 Luci Stanescu
  This flag controls the automatic registration of the account. The notifications '''SIPAccountRegistrationDidSucceed''', '''SIPAccountRegistrationDidFail''' and '''SIPAccountRegistrationDidEnd''' are used to inform the status of this registration.
1377 94 Adrian Georgescu
1378 64 Luci Stanescu
1379 64 Luci Stanescu
  This flag controls the automatic subscription to buddies for the ''presence'' event and the publication of data in this event. (Not implemented yet)
1380 94 Adrian Georgescu
1381 1 Adrian Georgescu
1382 64 Luci Stanescu
  This flag controls the automatic subscription to buddies for the ''dialog-info'' event and the publication of data in this event. (Not implemented yet)
1383 94 Adrian Georgescu
1384 64 Luci Stanescu
1385 64 Luci Stanescu
  This flag controls the automatic subscription to the ''message-summary'' event in order to find out about voicemail messages. (Not implemented yet)
1386 64 Luci Stanescu
1387 72 Luci Stanescu
The {{{save()}}} method needs to be called after changing these flags in order for them to take effect. The methods available on {{{Account}}} objects are inherited from [wiki:SipConfigurationAPI#SettingsObject SettingsObject].
1388 64 Luci Stanescu
1389 64 Luci Stanescu
==== attributes ====
1390 64 Luci Stanescu
1391 64 Luci Stanescu
The following attributes can be used on an Account object and need to be considered read-only.
1392 64 Luci Stanescu
1393 94 Adrian Georgescu
1394 64 Luci Stanescu
1395 64 Luci Stanescu
  This attribute is of type {{{sipsimple.configuration.datatypes.SIPAddress}}} (a subclass of {{{str}}}) and contains the SIP id of the account. It can be used as a normal string in the form ''user@domain'', but it also allows access to the components via the attributes {{{username}}} and {{{domain}}}.
1396 64 Luci Stanescu
1397 64 Luci Stanescu # ''
1398 64 Luci Stanescu # 'alice'
1399 64 Luci Stanescu # ''
1400 64 Luci Stanescu
1401 94 Adrian Georgescu
1402 64 Luci Stanescu
1403 64 Luci Stanescu
  This attribute can be used to construct the Contact URI for SIP requests sent on behalf of this account. It's type is {{{sipsimple.account.ContactURI}}} which is a subclass of {{{sipsimple.configuration.datatypes.SIPAddress}}}. In addition to the attributes defined in {{{SIPAddress}}}, it can be indexed by a string representing a transport ({{{'udp'}}}, {{{'tcp'}}} or {{{'tls'}}}) which will return a {{{sipsimple.core.SIPURI}}} object with the appropriate port and transport parameter. The username part is a randomly generated 8 character string consisting of lowercase letters; the domain part is the IP address on which the {{{Engine}}} is listening (as specified by the SIPSimpleSettings.local_ip setting).
1404 1 Adrian Georgescu
1405 1 Adrian Georgescu # 'hnfkybrt@'
1406 64 Luci Stanescu # 'hnfkybrt'
1407 1 Adrian Georgescu # ''
1408 1 Adrian Georgescu['udp'] # <SIPURI "sip:hnfkybrt@">
1409 1 Adrian Georgescu['tls'] # <SIPURI "sip:hnfkybrt@;transport=tls">
1410 72 Luci Stanescu
1411 94 Adrian Georgescu
1412 1 Adrian Georgescu
1413 72 Luci Stanescu
  This attribute is of type {{{sipsimple.core.Credentials}}} which is built from the {{{id.username}}} attribute and the {{{password}}} setting of the Account. Whenever this setting is changed, this attribute is updated.
1414 64 Luci Stanescu
1415 72 Luci Stanescu
  account.credentials # <Credentials for 'alice'>
1416 72 Luci Stanescu
1417 94 Adrian Georgescu
1418 72 Luci Stanescu
1419 72 Luci Stanescu
  This attribute is of type {{{sipsimple.core.SIPURI}}} which can be used to form a {{{FromHeader}}} associated with this account. It contains the SIP ID of the account.
1420 72 Luci Stanescu
1421 1 Adrian Georgescu
  account.uri # <SIPURI "">
1422 72 Luci Stanescu
1423 1 Adrian Georgescu
1424 1 Adrian Georgescu
==== notifications ====
1425 1 Adrian Georgescu
1426 94 Adrian Georgescu
1427 1 Adrian Georgescu
1428 72 Luci Stanescu
  This notification is sent when the {{{save()}}} method is called on the account after some of the settings were changed. As the notification belongs to the {{{SettingsObject}}} class, it is exaplained in detail in [wiki:SipConfigurationAPI#SettingsObjectNotifications SettingsObject Notifications].
1429 94 Adrian Georgescu
1430 72 Luci Stanescu
1431 72 Luci Stanescu
  This notification is sent when the {{{Account}}} activates. This can happen when the {{{Account}}} is loaded if it's enabled flag is set and the Engine is running, and at any later time when the status of the Engine changes or the enabled flag is modified.
1432 1 Adrian Georgescu
1433 72 Luci Stanescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
1434 94 Adrian Georgescu
1435 72 Luci Stanescu
1436 72 Luci Stanescu
  This notification is sent when the {{{Account}}} deactivates. This can happend when the {{{Engine}}} is stopped or when the enabled flag of the account is set to {{{False}}}.
1437 72 Luci Stanescu
1438 72 Luci Stanescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
1439 94 Adrian Georgescu
1440 72 Luci Stanescu
1441 72 Luci Stanescu
  This notification is sent when the account is about to register for the first time.
1442 72 Luci Stanescu
1443 72 Luci Stanescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
1444 94 Adrian Georgescu
1445 72 Luci Stanescu
1446 72 Luci Stanescu
  This notification is sent when a registration is about to be refreshed.
1447 1 Adrian Georgescu
1448 1 Adrian Georgescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
1449 94 Adrian Georgescu
1450 72 Luci Stanescu
1451 72 Luci Stanescu
  This notification is sent when a REGISTER request sent for the account succeeds (it is also sent for each refresh of the registration). The data contained in this notification is:
1452 72 Luci Stanescu
1453 1 Adrian Georgescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
1454 1 Adrian Georgescu
1455 1 Adrian Georgescu
   The Contact header which was registered.
1456 1 Adrian Georgescu
1457 1 Adrian Georgescu
   A list containing all the contacts registered for this SIP account.
1458 1 Adrian Georgescu
1459 1 Adrian Georgescu
   The amount in seconds in which this registration will expire.
1460 1 Adrian Georgescu
1461 1 Adrian Georgescu
  The {{{sipsimple.util.Route}}} object which was used.
1462 94 Adrian Georgescu
1463 1 Adrian Georgescu
1464 1 Adrian Georgescu
  This notification is sent when a REGISTER request sent for the account fails. It can fail either because a negative response was returned or because PJSIP considered the request failed (e.g. on timeout). The data contained in this notification is:
1465 1 Adrian Georgescu
1466 1 Adrian Georgescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
1467 1 Adrian Georgescu
1468 1 Adrian Georgescu
   The reason for the failure of the REGISTER request.
1469 1 Adrian Georgescu
1470 1 Adrian Georgescu
   The amount in seconds as a {{{float}}} after which the registration will be tried again.
1471 94 Adrian Georgescu
1472 1 Adrian Georgescu
1473 1 Adrian Georgescu
  This notification is sent when a registration is ended (the account is unregistered). The data contained in this notification is:
1474 1 Adrian Georgescu
1475 1 Adrian Georgescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
1476 1 Adrian Georgescu
1477 1 Adrian Georgescu
   The {{{sipsimple.core.Registration}}} object which ended.
1478 94 Adrian Georgescu
1479 1 Adrian Georgescu
1480 1 Adrian Georgescu
  This notification is sent when a registration fails to end (the account is not unregistered). The data contained in this notification is:
1481 1 Adrian Georgescu
1482 1 Adrian Georgescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
1483 1 Adrian Georgescu
1484 1 Adrian Georgescu
  The SIP status code received.
1485 1 Adrian Georgescu
1486 1 Adrian Georgescu
  The SIP status reason received.
1487 1 Adrian Georgescu
1488 1 Adrian Georgescu
  The {{{sipsimple.core.Registration}}} object which ended.
1489 94 Adrian Georgescu
1490 1 Adrian Georgescu
1491 1 Adrian Georgescu
  This notification is sent whenever a response is received to a sent REGISTER request for this account. The data contained in this notification is:
1492 1 Adrian Georgescu
1493 1 Adrian Georgescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
1494 1 Adrian Georgescu
1495 1 Adrian Georgescu
  The SIP status code received.
1496 1 Adrian Georgescu
1497 1 Adrian Georgescu
  The SIP status reason received.
1498 1 Adrian Georgescu
1499 1 Adrian Georgescu
  The {{{sipsimple.core.Registration}}} object which was used.
1500 1 Adrian Georgescu
1501 1 Adrian Georgescu
  The {{{sipsimple.util.Route}}} object which was used.
1502 1 Adrian Georgescu
1503 1 Adrian Georgescu
=== BonjourAccount ===
1504 1 Adrian Georgescu
1505 1 Adrian Georgescu
The {{{sipsimple.account.BonjourAccount}}} represents the SIP account used for P2P mode; it does not interact with any server. The class is a singleton, as there can only be one such account on a system. Similar to the {{{Account}}}, it is used both as a complex object, which implements the functions for bonjour mode, as well as a container for the related settings.
1506 1 Adrian Georgescu
1507 1 Adrian Georgescu
==== states ====
1508 1 Adrian Georgescu
1509 112 Luci Stanescu
The {{{BonjourAccount}}} has an {{{enabled}}} flag which controls whether this account will be used or not. If it is set to {{{False}}}, none of the internal functions will be activated and, in addition, the account should not be used by the application. The bonjour account can only activated if the Engine is running; once it is started, if the enabled flag is set, the account will activate. When the {{{BonjourAccount}}} is activated, it will broadcast the contact address on the LAN and discover its neighbours sending notifications as this happens.
1510 1 Adrian Georgescu
1511 1 Adrian Georgescu
==== attributes ====
1512 1 Adrian Georgescu
1513 1 Adrian Georgescu
The following attributes can be used on a BonjourAccount object and need to be considered read-only.
1514 1 Adrian Georgescu
1515 94 Adrian Georgescu
1516 1 Adrian Georgescu
1517 1 Adrian Georgescu
  This attribute is of type {{{sipsimple.configuration.datatypes.SIPAddress}}} (a subclass of {{{str}}}) and contains the SIP id of the account, which is {{{'bonjour@local'}}}. It can be used as a normal string, but it also allows access to the components via the attributes {{{username}}} and {{{domain}}}.
1518 1 Adrian Georgescu
1519 1 Adrian Georgescu # 'bonjour@local'
1520 1 Adrian Georgescu # 'bonjour'
1521 1 Adrian Georgescu # 'local'
1522 1 Adrian Georgescu
1523 94 Adrian Georgescu
1524 1 Adrian Georgescu
1525 1 Adrian Georgescu
  This attribute can be used to construct the Contact URI for SIP requests sent on behalf of this account. It's type is {{{sipsimple.account.ContactURI}}} which is a subclass of {{{sipsimple.configuration.datatypes.SIPAddress}}}. In addition to the attributes defined in {{{SIPAddress}}}, it can be indexed by a string representing a transport ({{{'udp'}}}, {{{'tcp'}}} or {{{'tls'}}}) which will return a {{{sipsimple.core.SIPURI}}} object with the appropriate port and transport parameter. The username part is a randomly generated 8 character string consisting of lowercase letters; the domain part is the IP address on which the {{{Engine}}} is listening (as specified by the SIPSimpleSettings.local_ip setting).
1526 1 Adrian Georgescu
1527 1 Adrian Georgescu # 'lxzvgack@'
1528 1 Adrian Georgescu # 'lxzvgack'
1529 1 Adrian Georgescu # ''
1530 1 Adrian Georgescu['udp'] # <SIPURI "sip:lxzvgack@">
1531 1 Adrian Georgescu['tls'] # <SIPURI "sip:lxzvgack@;transport=tls">
1532 1 Adrian Georgescu
1533 94 Adrian Georgescu
1534 1 Adrian Georgescu
1535 1 Adrian Georgescu
  This attribute is of type {{{sipsimple.core.Credentials}}} object which is built from the {{{contact.username}}} attribute; the password is set to the empty string.
1536 1 Adrian Georgescu
1537 1 Adrian Georgescu
  bonjour_account.credentials # <Credentials for 'alice'>
1538 1 Adrian Georgescu
1539 94 Adrian Georgescu
1540 1 Adrian Georgescu
1541 111 Adrian Georgescu
  This attribute is of type {{{sipsimple.core.SIPURI}}} which can be used to form a {{{FromHeader}}} associated with this account. It contains the contact address of the bonjour account:
1542 1 Adrian Georgescu
1543 1 Adrian Georgescu
  bonjour_account.uri # <SIPURI "sip:lxzvgack@">
1544 1 Adrian Georgescu
1545 1 Adrian Georgescu
1546 1 Adrian Georgescu
==== notifications ====
1547 1 Adrian Georgescu
1548 112 Luci Stanescu
1549 112 Luci Stanescu
  This notification is sent when the Bonjour account successfully registers its contact address using mDNS.
1550 112 Luci Stanescu
1551 112 Luci Stanescu
  The contact address registered.
1552 112 Luci Stanescu
1553 112 Luci Stanescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
1554 112 Luci Stanescu
1555 112 Luci Stanescu
1556 112 Luci Stanescu
  This notification is sent when the Bonjour account fails to register its contact address using mDNS.
1557 112 Luci Stanescu
1558 112 Luci Stanescu
  The Bonjour error code for the failure reason.
1559 112 Luci Stanescu
1560 112 Luci Stanescu
  A human readable error message.
1561 1 Adrian Georgescu
1562 112 Luci Stanescu
1563 112 Luci Stanescu
  This notification is sent when the Bonjour account unregisters its contact address using mDNS.
1564 112 Luci Stanescu
1565 112 Luci Stanescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
1566 112 Luci Stanescu
1567 112 Luci Stanescu
1568 112 Luci Stanescu
  This notification is sent just before the Bonjour account starts the registering process.
1569 112 Luci Stanescu
1570 112 Luci Stanescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
1571 112 Luci Stanescu
1572 112 Luci Stanescu
1573 112 Luci Stanescu
  This notification is sent when the Bonjour account restarts the discovery process. The application should empty the list of Bonjour neighbours it acquired via the {{{BonjourAccountDidAddNeighbour}}}.
1574 112 Luci Stanescu
1575 112 Luci Stanescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
1576 112 Luci Stanescu
1577 112 Luci Stanescu
1578 112 Luci Stanescu
  This notification is sent when a new Bonjour neighbour is discovered.
1579 112 Luci Stanescu
1580 112 Luci Stanescu
  The name of the neighbour as it is published.
1581 112 Luci Stanescu
1582 112 Luci Stanescu
  The hostname of the machine from which the Bonjour neighbour registered its contact address.
1583 112 Luci Stanescu
1584 112 Luci Stanescu
  The contact URI of the Bonjour neighbour, as a {{{FrozenSIPURI}}} object.
1585 112 Luci Stanescu
1586 112 Luci Stanescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
1587 112 Luci Stanescu
1588 112 Luci Stanescu
1589 112 Luci Stanescu
  This notification is sent when a Bonjour neighbour unregisters.
1590 112 Luci Stanescu
1591 112 Luci Stanescu
  The contact URI of the Bonjour neighbour, as a {{{FrozenSIPURI}}} object.
1592 112 Luci Stanescu
1593 112 Luci Stanescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
1594 112 Luci Stanescu
1595 1 Adrian Georgescu
1596 1 Adrian Georgescu
  This notification is sent when the {{{save()}}} method is called on the account after some of the settings were changed. As the notification belongs to the {{{SettingsObject}}} class, it is exaplained in detail in [wiki:SipConfigurationAPI#SettingsObjectNotifications SettingsObject Notifications].
1597 112 Luci Stanescu
1598 112 Luci Stanescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
1599 94 Adrian Georgescu
1600 1 Adrian Georgescu
1601 1 Adrian Georgescu
  This notification is sent when the {{{BonjourAccount}}} activates. This can happen when the {{{BonjourAccount}}} is loaded if it's enabled flag is set and the Engine is running, and at any later time when the status of the Engine changes or the enabled flag is modified.
1602 1 Adrian Georgescu
1603 1 Adrian Georgescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
1604 94 Adrian Georgescu
1605 1 Adrian Georgescu
1606 1 Adrian Georgescu
  This notification is sent when the {{{BonjourAccount}}} deactivates. This can happend when the {{{Engine}}} is stopped or when the enabled flag of the account is set to {{{False}}}.
1607 1 Adrian Georgescu
1608 1 Adrian Georgescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
1609 1 Adrian Georgescu
1610 1 Adrian Georgescu
1611 87 Adrian Georgescu
== Audio ==
1612 87 Adrian Georgescu
1613 87 Adrian Georgescu
The high-level audio API hides the complexity of using the low-level PJMEDIA interface. This is implemented in the {{{}}} module and contains the following components:
1614 87 Adrian Georgescu
 * IAudioPort: an interface describing an object capable of producing and/or consuming audio data.
1615 87 Adrian Georgescu
 * AudioDevice: an object conforming to the IAudioPort interface which describes a physical audio device.
1616 87 Adrian Georgescu
 * AudioBridge: a collection of objects conforming to IAudioPort which connects all of them in a full mesh.
1617 87 Adrian Georgescu
 * WavePlayer: an object conforming to the IAudioPort interface which can playback the audio data from a {{{.wav}}} file.
1618 87 Adrian Georgescu
 * WaveRecorder: an object conforming to the IAudioPort interface which can record audio data to a {{{.wav}}} file.
1619 87 Adrian Georgescu
1620 87 Adrian Georgescu
=== IAudioPort ===
1621 87 Adrian Georgescu
1622 87 Adrian Georgescu
The IAudioPort interface describes an object capable of producing and/or consuming audio data. This can be a dynamic object, which changes its role during its lifetime and notifies such changes using a notification, which is part of the interface.
1623 87 Adrian Georgescu
1624 87 Adrian Georgescu
==== attributes ====
1625 87 Adrian Georgescu
1626 94 Adrian Georgescu
1627 87 Adrian Georgescu
1628 87 Adrian Georgescu
  The {{{AudioMixer}}} this audio object is connected to. Only audio objects connected to the same mixer will be able to send audio data from one to another.
1629 94 Adrian Georgescu
1630 87 Adrian Georgescu
1631 87 Adrian Georgescu
  An integer representing the slot (see [wiki:SipCoreApiDocumentation#AudioMixer AudioMixer]) which this object uses to consume audio data, or {{{None}}} if this object is not a consumer.
1632 94 Adrian Georgescu
1633 87 Adrian Georgescu
1634 87 Adrian Georgescu
  An integer representing the slot (see [wiki:SipCoreApiDocumentation#AudioMixer AudioMixer]) which this object uses to produce audio data, or {{{None}}} if this object is not a producer.
1635 87 Adrian Georgescu
1636 87 Adrian Georgescu
==== notifications ====
1637 87 Adrian Georgescu
1638 94 Adrian Georgescu
1639 87 Adrian Georgescu
1640 87 Adrian Georgescu
  This notification needs to be sent by implementations of this interface when the slots it has change, so as to let the {{{AudioBridges}}} it is part of know that reconnections need to be made.
1641 87 Adrian Georgescu
1642 87 Adrian Georgescu
  A bool indicating whether the consumer slot was changed.
1643 87 Adrian Georgescu
1644 87 Adrian Georgescu
  A bool indicating whether the producer slot was changed.
1645 87 Adrian Georgescu
1646 87 Adrian Georgescu
  The old slot for consuming audio data. Only required if consumer_slot_changed is {{{True}}}.
1647 87 Adrian Georgescu
1648 87 Adrian Georgescu
  The new slot for consuming audio data. Only required if consumer_slot_changed is {{{True}}}.
1649 87 Adrian Georgescu
1650 87 Adrian Georgescu
  The old slot for producing audio data. Only required if producer_slot_changed is {{{True}}}.
1651 87 Adrian Georgescu
1652 87 Adrian Georgescu
  The new slot for producing audio data. Only required if producer_slot_changed is {{{True}}}.
1653 87 Adrian Georgescu
1654 87 Adrian Georgescu
=== AudioDevice ===
1655 87 Adrian Georgescu
1656 87 Adrian Georgescu
The AudioDevice represents the physical audio device which is part of a {{{AudioMixer}}}, implementing the {{{IAudioPort}}} interface. As such, it can be uniquely identified by the mixer it represents.
1657 87 Adrian Georgescu
1658 87 Adrian Georgescu
==== methods ====
1659 87 Adrian Georgescu
1660 94 Adrian Georgescu
1661 87 Adrian Georgescu
 '''!__init!__'''(''self'', '''mixer''', '''input_muted'''={{{False}}}, '''output_muted'''={{{False}}}):
1662 87 Adrian Georgescu
  Instantiates a new AudioDevice which represents the physical device associated with the specified {{{AudioMixer}}}.
1663 87 Adrian Georgescu
1664 87 Adrian Georgescu
  The {{{AudioMixer}}} whose physical device this object represents.
1665 87 Adrian Georgescu
1666 87 Adrian Georgescu
  A boolean which indicates whether this object should act as a producer of audio data.
1667 87 Adrian Georgescu
1668 87 Adrian Georgescu
  A boolean which indicates whether this object should act as a consumer of audio data.
1669 87 Adrian Georgescu
1670 87 Adrian Georgescu
==== attributes ====
1671 87 Adrian Georgescu
1672 94 Adrian Georgescu
1673 87 Adrian Georgescu
1674 87 Adrian Georgescu
  A writable property which controls whether this object should act as a producer of audio data. An {{{AudioPortDidChange}}} slots notification is sent when this attribute is changed to force connections to be reconsidered within the {{{AudioBridges}}} this object is part of.
1675 94 Adrian Georgescu
1676 87 Adrian Georgescu
1677 87 Adrian Georgescu
  A writable property which controls whether this object should act as a consumer of audio data. An {{{AudioPortDidChange}}} slots notification is sent when this attribute is changed to force connections to be reconsidered within  the {{{AudioBridges}}} this object is part of.
1678 87 Adrian Georgescu
1679 87 Adrian Georgescu
=== AudioBridge ===
1680 87 Adrian Georgescu
1681 87 Adrian Georgescu
The {{{AudioBridge}}} is the basic component which is able to connect {{{IAudioPort}}} implementations. It acts as a container which connects as the producers to all the consumers which are part of it. An object which is both a producer and a consumer of audio data will not be connected to itself. Being an implementation of {{{IAudioPort}}} itself, an {{{AudioBridge}}} can be part of another {{{AudioBridge}}}. The {{{AudioBridge}}} does not keep strong references to the ports it contains and once the port's reference count reaches 0, it is automatically removed from the {{{AudioBridge}}}.
1682 87 Adrian Georgescu
> Note: although this is not enforced, there should never be any cycles when connecting {{{AudioBridges}}}.
1683 87 Adrian Georgescu
1684 87 Adrian Georgescu
==== methods ====
1685 87 Adrian Georgescu
1686 94 Adrian Georgescu
1687 87 Adrian Georgescu
 '''!__init!__'''(''self'', '''mixer''')::
1688 87 Adrian Georgescu
  Instantiate a new {{{AudioBridge}}} which uses the specified {{{AudioMixer}}} for mixing.
1689 94 Adrian Georgescu
1690 87 Adrian Georgescu
 '''add'''(''self'', '''port''')::
1691 87 Adrian Georgescu
  Add an implementation of {{{IAudioPort}}} to this AudioBridge. This will connect the new port to all the existing ports of the bridge. A port cannot be added more than once to an {{{AudioBridge}}}; thus, this object acts like a set.
1692 94 Adrian Georgescu
1693 87 Adrian Georgescu
 '''remove'''(''self'', '''port''')::
1694 87 Adrian Georgescu
  Remove a port from this {{{AudioBridge}}}. The port must have previously been added to the {{{AudioBridge}}}, otherwise a {{{ValueError}}} is raised.
1695 87 Adrian Georgescu
1696 87 Adrian Georgescu
=== WavePlayer ===
1697 87 Adrian Georgescu
1698 87 Adrian Georgescu
A {{{WavePlayer}}} is an implementation of {{{IAudioPort}}} which is capable of producing audio data read from a {{{.wav}}} file. This object is completely reusable, as it can be started and stopped any number of times.
1699 87 Adrian Georgescu
1700 87 Adrian Georgescu
==== methods ====
1701 87 Adrian Georgescu
1702 94 Adrian Georgescu
1703 87 Adrian Georgescu
 '''!__init!__'''(''self'', '''mixer''', '''filename''', '''volume'''={{{100}}}, '''loop_count'''={{{1}}}, '''pause_time'''={{{0}}}, '''initial_play'''={{{True}}})::
1704 87 Adrian Georgescu
  Instantiate a new {{{WavePlayer}}} which is capable of playing a {{{.wav}}} file repeatedly. All the parameters are available as attributes of the object, but should not be changed once the object has been started.
1705 87 Adrian Georgescu
1706 87 Adrian Georgescu
  The {{{AudioMixer}}} this object is connected to.
1707 87 Adrian Georgescu
1708 87 Adrian Georgescu
  The full path to the {{{.wav}}} file from which audio data is to be read.
1709 87 Adrian Georgescu
1710 87 Adrian Georgescu
  The volume at which the file should be played.
1711 87 Adrian Georgescu
1712 87 Adrian Georgescu
  The number of times the file should be played, or {{{0}}} for infinity.
1713 87 Adrian Georgescu
1714 87 Adrian Georgescu
  How many seconds to wait between successive plays of the file. 
1715 87 Adrian Georgescu
1716 87 Adrian Georgescu
  Whether or not the file to play once the {{{WavePlayer}}} is started, or to wait {{{pause_time}}} seconds before the first play.
1717 94 Adrian Georgescu
1718 87 Adrian Georgescu
1719 87 Adrian Georgescu
  Start playing the {{{.wav}}} file.
1720 94 Adrian Georgescu
1721 87 Adrian Georgescu
1722 110 Adrian Georgescu
  Stop playing the {{{.wav}}} file immediately.
1723 87 Adrian Georgescu
1724 87 Adrian Georgescu
==== attributes ====
1725 87 Adrian Georgescu
1726 94 Adrian Georgescu
1727 87 Adrian Georgescu
1728 87 Adrian Georgescu
  A boolean indicating whether or not this {{{WavePlayer}}} is currently playing.
1729 87 Adrian Georgescu
1730 87 Adrian Georgescu
==== notifications ====
1731 87 Adrian Georgescu
1732 94 Adrian Georgescu
1733 87 Adrian Georgescu
1734 87 Adrian Georgescu
  This notification is sent when the {{{WavePlayer}}} starts playing the file the first time after the {{{start()}}} method has been called.
1735 87 Adrian Georgescu
1736 87 Adrian Georgescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
1737 94 Adrian Georgescu
1738 87 Adrian Georgescu
1739 87 Adrian Georgescu
  This notification is sent when the {{{WavePlayer}}} is done playing either as a result of playing the number of times it was told to, or because the {{{stop()}}} method has been called.
1740 87 Adrian Georgescu
1741 87 Adrian Georgescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
1742 94 Adrian Georgescu
1743 87 Adrian Georgescu
1744 87 Adrian Georgescu
  This notification is sent when the {{{WavePlayer}}} is not capable of playing the {{{.wav}}} file.
1745 87 Adrian Georgescu
1746 87 Adrian Georgescu
  A {{{datetime.datetime}}} object indicating when the notification was sent.
1747 87 Adrian Georgescu
1748 87 Adrian Georgescu
  The exception raised by the {{{WaveFile}}} which identifies the cause for not being able to play the {{{.wav}}} file.
1749 87 Adrian Georgescu
1750 87 Adrian Georgescu
=== WaveRecorder ===
1751 87 Adrian Georgescu
1752 87 Adrian Georgescu
A {{{WaveRecorder}}} is an implementation of {{{IAudioPort}}} is is capable of consuming audio data and writing it to a {{{.wav}}} file. Just like {{{WavePlayer}}}, this object is reusable: once stopped it can be started again, but if the filename attribute is not changed, the previously written file will be overwritten.
1753 87 Adrian Georgescu
1754 87 Adrian Georgescu
==== methods ====
1755 87 Adrian Georgescu
1756 94 Adrian Georgescu
1757 87 Adrian Georgescu
 '''!__init!__'''(''self'', '''mixer''', '''filename''')::
1758 87 Adrian Georgescu
  Instantiate a new {{{WaveRecorder}}}.
1759 87 Adrian Georgescu
1760 87 Adrian Georgescu
  The {{{AudioMixer}}} this {{{WaveRecorder}}} is connected to.
1761 87 Adrian Georgescu
1762 87 Adrian Georgescu
  The full path to the {{{.wav}}} file where this object should write the audio data. The file must be writable. The directories up to the file will be created if possible when the {{{start()}}} method is called.
1763 94 Adrian Georgescu
1764 87 Adrian Georgescu
1765 87 Adrian Georgescu
  Start consuming audio data and writing it to the {{{.wav}}} file. If this object is not part of an {{{AudioBridge}}}, not audio data will be written.
1766 94 Adrian Georgescu
1767 87 Adrian Georgescu
1768 87 Adrian Georgescu
  Stop consuming audio data and close the {{{.wav}}} file.
1769 87 Adrian Georgescu
1770 87 Adrian Georgescu
==== attributes ====
1771 87 Adrian Georgescu
1772 94 Adrian Georgescu
1773 87 Adrian Georgescu
1774 87 Adrian Georgescu
  A boolean indicating whether or not this {{{WaveRecorder}}} is currently recording audio data.
1775 87 Adrian Georgescu
1776 73 Luci Stanescu
1777 86 Adrian Georgescu
== Conference ==
1778 73 Luci Stanescu
1779 73 Luci Stanescu
Conference support is implemented in the {{{sipsimple.conference}}} module. Currently, only audio conferencing is supported.
1780 73 Luci Stanescu
1781 73 Luci Stanescu
=== AudioConference ===
1782 73 Luci Stanescu
1783 73 Luci Stanescu
This class contains the basic implementation for audio conferencing. It acts as a container for {{{AudioStream}}} objects which it will connect in a full mesh, such that all participants can hear all other participants.
1784 73 Luci Stanescu
1785 73 Luci Stanescu
==== methods ====
1786 73 Luci Stanescu
1787 94 Adrian Georgescu
1788 73 Luci Stanescu
1789 73 Luci Stanescu
  Instantiates a new {{{AudioConference}}} which is ready to contain {{{AudioStream}}} objects.
1790 94 Adrian Georgescu
1791 73 Luci Stanescu
 '''add'''(''self'', '''stream''')::
1792 73 Luci Stanescu
  Add the specified {{{AudioStream}}} object to the conference.
1793 94 Adrian Georgescu
1794 73 Luci Stanescu
 '''remove'''(''self'', '''stream''')::
1795 73 Luci Stanescu
  Removes the specified {{{AudioStream}}} object from the conference. Raises a {{{ValueError}}} if the stream is not part of the conference.
1796 94 Adrian Georgescu
1797 73 Luci Stanescu
1798 73 Luci Stanescu
  Puts the conference "on hold". This means that the audio device will be disconnected from the conference: all the participants will be able to continue the conference, but the local party will no longer contribute any audio data and will not receive any audio data using the input and output devices respectively. This does not affect the hold state of the streams in any way.
1799 94 Adrian Georgescu
1800 73 Luci Stanescu
1801 73 Luci Stanescu
  Removes the conference "from hold". This means that the audio device will be reconnected to the conference: all the participants will start to hear the local party and the local party will start to hear all the participants. This does not affect the hold state of the streams in any way.
1802 73 Luci Stanescu
1803 73 Luci Stanescu
==== attributes ====
1804 73 Luci Stanescu
1805 94 Adrian Georgescu
1806 73 Luci Stanescu
1807 73 Luci Stanescu
  An {{{AudioBridge}}} which this conference uses to connect all audio streams. It can be used by the application to play a wav file using a {{{WavePlayer}}} to all the participants or record the whole conference using a {{{WaveRecorder}}}.
1808 94 Adrian Georgescu
1809 73 Luci Stanescu
1810 73 Luci Stanescu
  A boolean indicating whether or not the conference is "on hold".
1811 94 Adrian Georgescu
1812 1 Adrian Georgescu
1813 1 Adrian Georgescu
  The list of streams which are part of this conference. The application must not manipulate this list in any way.