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Adrian Georgescu, 07/14/2009 07:59 PM

= Project status =

<abbr title="Sip*, depth=1">TOC</abbr>

The software is in a beta stage where most of implemented features work, features and improvements are rolled out as they are developed. See the overview of the [/roadmap?show=all achieved milestones] for what has been implemented so far.

Current release

The current version 0.9.0 is available starting since 2009-04-15 as [ tar archive] and [ Debian package].

Current release 0.9.0 contains:

  • python-sipsimple 0.9.0
  • sipsimple-cli 0.9.0
  • python-msrplib 0.10.0
  • python-xcaplib 1.0.9
  • python-eventlet 0.8.10


  • File transfer scripts ([wiki:sip_im_session] and [wiki:sip_send_file]) and desktop sharing ([wiki:sip_desktop_sharing]) need to be converted to the new [wiki:SipMiddlewareApi middleware API], subject for a future release
  • sipclient Debian package has been split into two: python-sipsimple (the library itself) and sipsimple-cli (the command line tools)
Next release

Next release, first release candidate 1.0, is scheduled for October 1-st, 2009. It will feature the final version of the SIP Session API together with the final layer for supporting arbitrary media streams carried by RTP and MSRP protocols.

Trunk status

Below is a rough visual representation of the progress for each component.

Image(sipsimple-progress.png, nolink)

Roadmap * [source:TODO] - curent task list Progress * [ 2009Q2] * [ 2009Q1] * [ 2008Q4] * [ 2008Q3] * [ 2008Q2] * [ 2008Q1]

Updated by Adrian Georgescu over 15 years ago · 43 revisions