SipTesting » History » Version 130
Adrian Georgescu, 03/14/2010 01:03 PM
1 | 102 | Adrian Georgescu | = Testing Guide = |
2 | 7 | Adrian Georgescu | |
3 | 58 | Adrian Georgescu | [[TOC(WikiStart, Sip*, depth=2)]] |
4 | 13 | Adrian Georgescu | |
5 | 128 | Adrian Georgescu | To test SIP SIMPLE client SDK features, you can use the Command Line Tools provided by the '''sipclients''' package. |
6 | 1 | Adrian Georgescu | |
7 | == SIP Account == |
8 | 125 | Adrian Georgescu | |
9 | 126 | Adrian Georgescu | To use the Command Line Tools you need a SIP account. You can register a SIP account for free at |
10 | 8 | Adrian Georgescu | |
11 | 126 | Adrian Georgescu | All SIP SIMPLE client SDK features are supported by SIP2SIP service. |
12 | 61 | Adrian Georgescu | |
13 | 90 | Adrian Georgescu | == Configuration == |
14 | 70 | Adrian Georgescu | |
15 | 104 | Adrian Georgescu | Manage global and SIP account settings used by middleware and Command Line Tools using: |
16 | 68 | Adrian Georgescu | |
17 | 114 | Adrian Georgescu | * [wiki:sip_settings sip-settings] |
18 | 68 | Adrian Georgescu | |
19 | 119 | Adrian Georgescu | == Register == |
20 | 1 | Adrian Georgescu | |
21 | 119 | Adrian Georgescu | You can use this script to Register a SIP end-point with a SIP Registrar |
22 | |||
23 | 1 | Adrian Georgescu | * [wiki:sip_register sip-register] - REGISTER a SIP end-point with a SIP Registrar |
24 | 119 | Adrian Georgescu | |
25 | == Audio Sessions == |
26 | |||
27 | You can use these script to receive or initiate audio calls. |
28 | |||
29 | 1 | Adrian Georgescu | * [wiki:sip_audio_session sip-audio-session] - Setup a single SIP audio session using RTP media (VoIP) |
30 | 119 | Adrian Georgescu | * [wiki:sip_session sip-session] - Setup one or more SIP sessions with Audio (RTP), Instant Messaging and File Transfer (MSRP) |
31 | |||
32 | == Instant Messaging == |
33 | |||
34 | 120 | Adrian Georgescu | You can use these script to receive or initiate IM sessions or to send and receive Short Messages. |
35 | 119 | Adrian Georgescu | |
36 | 116 | Adrian Georgescu | * [wiki:sip_session sip-session] - Setup one or more SIP sessions with Audio (RTP), Instant Messaging and File Transfer (MSRP) |
37 | 113 | Adrian Georgescu | * [wiki:sip_message sip-message] - Send and receive short messages in paging mode using SIP MESSAGE method |
38 | 32 | Adrian Georgescu | |
39 | 21 | Adrian Georgescu | == Presence == |
40 | 12 | Adrian Georgescu | |
41 | 130 | Adrian Georgescu | You can use these scripts to Publish, Subscribe and handle incoming Notifies to and from a Presence Agent or managed policy documents on an XCAP server. |
42 | 71 | Adrian Georgescu | |
43 | 113 | Adrian Georgescu | * [wiki:sip_publish_presence sip-publish-presence] - PUBLISH presence to a Presence Agent |
44 | * [wiki:sip_subscribe_winfo sip-subscribe-winfo] - SUBSCRIBE to the watcher list for given SIP address on the Presence Agent |
45 | * [wiki:sip_subscribe_presence sip-subscribe-presence] - SUBSCRIBE to Presence Event for a given SIP address |
46 | * [wiki:sip_subscribe_rls sip-subscribe-rls] - SUBSCRIBE for Presence Event to a list managed by a Resource List Server |
47 | * [wiki:sip_subscribe_mwi sip-subscribe-mwi] - SUBSCRIBE for Message Waiting Indicator |
48 | * [wiki:xcap_directory xcap-directory] - Show the XCAP documents stored in the XCAP server for the given account |
49 | * [wiki:xcap_icon xcap-icon] - Stores and retrieves the icon for the given account |
50 | * [wiki:xcap_pres_rules xcap-pres-rules] - Manage the content of the pres-rules XCAP document |
51 | * [wiki:xcap_dialog_rules xcap-dialog-rules] - Manage the content of the dialog-rules XCAP document |
52 | * [wiki:xcap_rls_services xcap-rls-services] - Manage the content of a RLS services XCAP document |