


Sip session » History » Revision 7

Revision 6 (Adrian Georgescu, 03/30/2009 11:36 AM) → Revision 7/44 (Adrian Georgescu, 03/30/2009 11:37 AM)

== sip_session == 

 [[TOC(SipTesting*, sip_*, depth=2)]] 

 To use this script you must to have a valid [wiki:SipSettingsAPI configuration]. 

 === Description === 

 This script can be used to establish SIP sessions with more than one media type. One can add and remove RTP audio and MSRP chat to the same SIP session usine re-INVITE. session. The defaul behaviour is to establish outgoing session with both audio and chat media. 


 Usage: sip_session [options] [] 

 This script will either sit idle waiting for an incoming MSRP session, or 
 start a MSRP session with the specified target SIP address. The program will 
 close the session and quit when CTRL+D is pressed. 

   -h, --help              show this help message and exit 
   -a ACCOUNT_ID, --account-id=ACCOUNT_ID 
   -c [FILE], --config_file=[FILE] 
                         The path to a configuration file to use. This 
                         overrides the default location of the configuration 
   -S, --disable-sound     Disables initializing the sound card. 
   -s, --trace-sip         Dump the raw contents of incoming and outgoing SIP 
   -j, --trace-pjsip       Print PJSIP logging output. 
   --trace-engine          Print core's events. 
   -m, --trace-msrp        Log the raw contents of incoming and outgoing MSRP 
   --no-relay              Don't use the MSRP relay. 
   --msrp-tcp              Use TCP for MSRP connections. 

 === Example === 

 Using account 
 Press Ctrl-d to quit or Control-n to switch between active sessions 
 Waiting for incoming SIP session requests... 
 Registering "Adrian G." <> at 
 Registered SIP contact address: sip:hctoyfvx@ (expires in 600 seconds) 
 Incoming Audio request from "Adrian G." <>, do you accept? (y/n) y 
 Connecting SIP session to "Adrian G." <> 
 Session established, using "speex" codec at 32000Hz 
 Audio RTP endpoints <-> 
 Remote SIP User Agent is "sip2sip-0.9.0-pjsip-1.0.2-trunk-r2553" 
 Detected NAT type: Port Restricted 
 Audio to Adrian G. (  
