Xcap directory

Version 1 (Adrian Georgescu, 11/28/2009 11:58 am) → Version 2/3 (Adrian Georgescu, 01/24/2010 03:40 pm)

== xcap-directory xcap_directory ==

[[TOC(SipTesting*, sip_*, xcap*,depth=2)]]

> This script is available in ''sipclients'' package that must be installed separately from SIP SIMPLe client SDK package.

=== Description ===

adigeo@ag-blink:~$xcap-directory adigeo@ag-blink:~$xcap_directory -h
Usage: xcap-directory xcap_directory [options]

This example script will use the specified SIP account to get it's XCAP
directory. The program will quit when CTRL+D is pressed.

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a ACCOUNT_NAME, --account-name=ACCOUNT_NAME
The name of the account to use.
-s, --show-xml Show full XML document.

=== Example ===

adigeo@ag-blink:~$xcap-directory adigeo@ag-blink:~$xcap_directory
Retrieving xcap-directory from http://node03.dns-hosting.info:8443/xcap-root
Folder 'rls-services':
index etag: f286a0222a4778a4ae486f60094e6c7e
Folder 'resource-lists':
index.xml etag: bcef9e2a90ee8b22fea772854df4890f
resource-list.xml etag: 25d90afb768246fb2fdbebf2573c1bdc
buddies-resource-list.xml etag: 70aebe408b6bbdde19527577294672a3
Folder 'pres-rules':
index.xml etag: 7950f5999155e030df25e3a38b080944
Folder 'icon':
qn6LpTmKQAEtWiad2hJe.png etag: 7c8593e479f82c8c1798b71c45234bf3